PDA Pro-Range Instructions • Approved Doc. No. DCP0003168 Rev 3 • Page 2
Important notes
These instructions are general and cannot be consider ed to cover every aspect of
audio -fre quen cy inducti on loop system desig n and install atio n.
We recommend you read BS7594 (The Code of Practice for Audio-Frequency Induction
Loop Systems) and EN60118-4 (Magnetic field strength in audio frequency induction loop
systems for hearing aid purposes), copies of which are available from the British Standards
Institute, Customer Services Department, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9000. Web: www.bsi-global.com. It should be noted that all of the
above documents can be subject to update or revision at any time and we recommend you
check the status of them with the British Standards Institute before designi ng or insta lling
the system.
Other National standards of design, installat ion and commissioni ng should be refe renced
whe re pert inent .
No responsibility can be accepte d by the manufact urer or distributo rs of this equipment for
any misinterpre tati on of an instr uction or gui dance note or for the complian ce of the
system as a whole.
This induction loop amplifier MUST be installed and maintained by a suitably skilled and
technically competent person.
This document must not be left accessible to the user.
Equipm ent guarantee
This equipment is not guaranteed unless the system is installed and commissioned in
accord ance with National standard s by an approved and competent person or orga nisation.
This product has been man ufactured in confor mance with the req uirem ents of
all applicable EU directives.
Compressor: Gives dynamically variabl e compres sion rati o from 1 :1 (no compression ) to 17: 1 when both
compressio n LEDs are lit. In normal use, with th e first co mpression LED lit for part of the ti me, the
compresso r has a “soft knee” charact eristic and provides a small degree of compre ssion for signals which
only just light the first LED but a la rge degree of compressio n for louder peaks.
Attack time: Appro x. 10mS. Re lease time: Approx. 2.2S
Metal Compensat ion: True 3dB /octa ve design counte ract s frequenc y dependen t absorpti on by metal in
the proxim ity of the inst alla tion over a bandwidth of appro ximately 100Hz – 10 KHz.
Power on LED: Gre en
Loop curre nt: A five LED bar graph type meter is pro vided to allow monitorin g of loop current output and
assis t in setti ng up the amplif ier. This is provi ded by monitorin g true output current rather than from a line
level derived signal. The ca libratio n is as follows:
PDA200/2: 1st led = 75mA 2 nd led = 375mA 3rd led = 1.5A 4th led = 3.75A 5th led = 6A
PDA500/2: 1st led = 112mA 2nd led = 562mA 3rd led = 2.25A 4th led = 5.6A 5th led = 9A
PDA1000/2: 1st led = 150mA 2nd led = 750mA 3rd led = 3A 4th led = 7.5A 5th led = 12A
Accuracy - +-10%
Compression : A two LED display is provided for indication of signal c ompression. The first LED shows the
beginning of compression whilst the sec ond indicates very high compression levels have been reache d.
On/Off switch incorpora ted into IEC mains inlet.
Four way piano key style DIP switch selects Phantom power for mic 1 & 2 XLR inputs and switc hes XLR input
1 between Line and Microp hone setting s. The fourth of t he 4-in-line switch is n ot connected .
Level control s for XLR 1 (Line/Mic switchable), XLR 2 (Mic) and Outreach .
These can be used individually or a ny of them together, in whic h case they act as a three input mixer.
Drive control: Sets level of a mpli fier outpu t current suppl ied by the amp lifie r. Ana logou s to the volum e
contro l on a standard voltage output amplifi er but NOT designe d to b e adjusted once set to the correct
value for any give n install atio n.
Metal compens ation cont rol. When fully anti-clo ckwis e has no effect on the signal. When turned clockw ise
imparts a rising 3dB/octave characteristic to the frequ ency response of the amp. This tends to c ounterac t the
effect of m etal in proximity to the loop. Where there is some distanc e between the loop and a ny metal, or
the quantit y of metal is s mall, an inter media te setting of the cont rol should be f ound which provid es a
satis facto ry tonal balanc e.
The PDA1000/2 and PDA500/2 have therm ostati cally controlled cooling fans, which are activated when the
ampli fier ’s internal heatsink temper ature reaches approxi mate ly 56oC. It is therefo re normal for the fans to
be heard switchi ng on an d off i n everyday use.
The P DA200/2 model does not r equire a c ooling fan, as it d oes n ot ge nerate as much heat as t he la rger models.
In all ca ses the a mplifiers should be operated in a cool environment, away from sources of heat and should
never be covered with any object that coul d impede the flow of cooling air.
All models: Length – 380mm; Depth – 220mm; Height – 80mm
Weight: P DA200/2 – 3.74Kg, PDA5 00/2 – 3.46Kg; PDA100 0/2 – 4.54Kg
PDA Pro-Range Instructions • Approved Doc. No. DCP0003168 Rev 3 • Page 15