All hand-held high voltage test equipment should be operated by
responsible, trained and authorised personnel.
The unit must be earthed to both the item under test and to ground.
The Detector output can be up to 35,000 volts. Should the
operator accidentally make contact with the test electrode, they
may experience a mild shock or zap, and in order to avoid this
possibility, the wearing of rubber gloves is recommended.
Furthermore, the operator should enjoy good health and not suffer from
a cardiac condition. If the operator has a pacemaker, then they should
not use this equipment.
This equipment should only be used for the purpose for which it was
designed, ie: checking the porosity, or electrical breakdown, of dielectric
or insulating materials.
It is also recommended that testing should be carried out well clear of
personnel not involved in the testing procedure, or in such a position
whereby the surprise of receiving an electric shock could cause a
related accident, if for example, tests being carried out close to moving or
rotating machinery, or in such an unstable position that the operator could
fall and injure themselves.
It is recommended that the operator should have an assistant, to
ensure that unauthorised personnel are kept well clear of the testing
area, and generally assist when necessary with the testing procedure.
It is also recommended that the Detector not be operated within close
proximity of sensitive electronic apparatus, such as computer equipment.
Do not use the test equipment in any combustible or flammable
atmosphere, as a test voltage can cause an arc or spark to be
generated and an explosion could result.
Always consult the plant or safety officer before carrying out a test
When testing tank internals, be certain the tank does not contain
solvents remaining from the painting procedure.