PCT Engineered Machine Set Up System User Manual

One Source for IT and Automation Solutions
Machine Set Up System
Product identification numbers are used to select a recipe of interest using a drop down selection screen. Operators then recall the recipe operating parameters using a single touch button. A combination of scripts and stored procedure calls query the database and present the suggested recipe parameters to the operator. The operator has the option to use the parameters as recalled or may modify these variables prior to running the system. Modification of existing and creation of new recipes is handled through a password protected screen.
An automatic report is generated during operation to conform to ISO requirements to verify operating parameters during runtime. The PCT system compares the actual operating parameters to the desired and highlights out of spec numbers in the report. This reduces the time required to compare 80 parameters for conformance.
The automated machine setup system utilizes standard scripting tools found in all the major SCADA software packages. The SQL database queries were handled using rules and stored procedure calls. A well architected database schema allowed PCT to make significant changes to the system during deployment without delays or cost increases. By utilizing these industry standard tools, the entire machine setup system can be transported to any major SCADA package.
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