Parameterizing the reader with a parameter card
© PCS Systemtechnik GmbH 3
Table of contents
1 Parameterizing INTUS 3xxx, 5x00, 400, 600 ............................................. 4
1.1 Prerequisites ............................................................................................ 4
1.2 Parameter card ........................................................................................ 5
1.3 Preparation .............................................................................................. 6
1.4 Parameterizing the INTUS 400 / 600 ...................................................... 7
1.5 Parameterizing the internal reader of INTUS 3xxx / 5x00 ..................... 7
1.6 Completing the parameterization ............................................................ 9
1.7 Controlling the parameterization ............................................................ 9
2 Parameterizing the INTUS 6200 / 6800 / 600FP and ADMITTO reader .. 10
2.1 Parameter card ...................................................................................... 10
2.2 Preparation ............................................................................................ 10
2.3 Parameterizing the INTUS 6200 / 6800 / ADMITTO reader ............... 11
2.4 Parameterizing the INTUS 600FP ........................................................ 14
2.5 Completing the parameterization .......................................................... 15
Important notes for parameterizing
• Before starting the parameterizing you have to de-energize and
subsequent to energize the reader.
• Never use the parameter card not until the reader is visible in
operation (LED is on or flashes, terminal is operable, PC is booted).
• The parameter card has to be read first after energizing the reader.
This reading can be repeated.
• Not every reader can be parameterized with a parameter card. Please
control it at the status page, see section 1.1.