PCS INTUS 600, INTUS 5*00, INTUS 400, INTUS 6200, INTUS 600FP User Manual

Parameterizing the reader with a parameter card
2 G3000-021.01
Revision 04/2014
Order number G3000-021.01
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Parameterizing the reader with a parameter card
© PCS Systemtechnik GmbH 3
Table of contents
1 Parameterizing INTUS 3xxx, 5x00, 400, 600 ............................................. 4
1.1 Prerequisites ............................................................................................ 4
1.2 Parameter card ........................................................................................ 5
1.3 Preparation .............................................................................................. 6
1.4 Parameterizing the INTUS 400 / 600 ...................................................... 7
1.5 Parameterizing the internal reader of INTUS 3xxx / 5x00 ..................... 7
1.6 Completing the parameterization ............................................................ 9
1.7 Controlling the parameterization ............................................................ 9
2 Parameterizing the INTUS 6200 / 6800 / 600FP and ADMITTO reader .. 10
2.1 Parameter card ...................................................................................... 10
2.2 Preparation ............................................................................................ 10
2.3 Parameterizing the INTUS 6200 / 6800 / ADMITTO reader ............... 11
2.4 Parameterizing the INTUS 600FP ........................................................ 14
2.5 Completing the parameterization .......................................................... 15
Important notes for parameterizing
Before starting the parameterizing you have to de-energize and
subsequent to energize the reader.
Never use the parameter card not until the reader is visible in
operation (LED is on or flashes, terminal is operable, PC is booted).
The parameter card has to be read first after energizing the reader. This reading can be repeated.
Not every reader can be parameterized with a parameter card. Please control it at the status page, see section 1.1.
Parameterizing the reader with a parameter card
4 G3000-021.01
1 Parameterizing INTUS 3xxx, 5x00, 400, 600
You have to operate the parameterization at each terminal and each access reader.
You should have knowledge operating the INTUS RemoteSetup and the local TCL Setup.
Note regarding INTUS 600FP: Please see the chapter 2, to parameterize an INTUS 600FP reader.
1.1 Prerequisites
Hardware “Firmware version“ TCL from V6.04
Dependent on the user card parameterizing an internal and external reader (LBus) is permitted from „Firmware Version“:
Standard card from V3.04;
• Multi tag card from V3.05 Legic reader,
Multi tag card from V3.06 Mifare DESFire reader;
Pegasys with Mifare DESFire EV1 cards from V3.07
Parameterizing the reader with a parameter card
© PCS Systemtechnik GmbH 5
1.2 Parameter card
You have to parameterize the installed RFID reader with the assigned parameter card only.
The card required depends on the installed reader type:
• VND00-xxx.yy, Mifare Desfire reader
• VNA00-xxx.yy¸ Legic Advant reader
• VNH00-xxx.yy, Hitag reader
Please note: If another number is displayed instead of the default 0000, it is the number of a reader parameterization.
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