PCRmax Strongylus vulgaris Instruction Manual

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Strongylus vulgaris
PCRmax Ltd qPCR test
For general laboratory and research use only
Strongylus Vulgaris is a common horse parasite belonging to the phylum Nematoda. It is commonly know as the blood worm and generally infect the mesenteric arteries and large intestines of horses and donkeys. These worms are cylindrical, dark red in colour, with male adults approximately 2.5 to 4 cm in length, while females range from 4 to 6 cm. There are five larval stages before adulthood is reached. The buccal capsule, which adults use to feed, is relatively large and heavily sclerotized. The anterior region is dorsally curved, giving the appearance characteristic of hookworms.
Eggs are found in its host faeces, where they hatch and the juveniles feed on the faeces through the third larval stage. At this point, they crawl onto vegetation the equines feed on, where they are ingested by the host. Once in the small intestine, the third-stage juvenile penetrates through the intestinal wall and moults into its fourth larval stage. The larvae then penetrate the surrounding arteries and make their way to the mesenteric arteries, where they develop into the fifth larval stage, immature adults. The immature adults make their way back to the intestines, where they encapsulate themselves and develop into adults. The adults hatch from the capsules and mate, producing eggs which are passed out in the faeces. The later larvae and adults feeding habits on blood and tissue cause major disruption to the gastrointestinal organs.
The associated blood loss may lead to anaemia. Weakness, emaciation, and diarrhoea are also common. S. vulgaris is important because of the damage it does to the cranial mesenteric artery and its branches. As a result of the interference with the flow of blood to the intestine and thromboembolism, any of several conditions may follow, including colic, gangrenous enteritis, or intestinal stasis, torsion or intussusception, and possibly rupture.
Introduction to Strongylus vulgaris
The PCR Max qPCR Kit for Strongylus vulgaris (S.vulgaris) genomes is designed for the in vitro quantification of S.vulgaris genomes. The kit is designed to have the broadest detection profile possible whilst remaining specific to the S.vulgaris genome.
The primers and probe sequences in this kit have 100% homology with a broad range of S.vulgaris sequences based on a comprehensive bioinformatics analysis.
If you require further information, or have a specific question about the detection profile of this kit then please send an e.mail to help@pcrmax.com and our bioinformatics team will answer your question.
Kit Contents
• S.vulgaris specific primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN)
FAM labelled
• S.vulgaris positive control template (for Standard curve RED)
• Internal extraction control primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN)
VIC labelled as standard
• Internal extraction control DNA (150 reactions BLUE)
• Endogenous control primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN)
FAM labelled
• RNAse/DNAse free water (WHITE)
for resuspension of primer/probe mixes and internal extraction control DNA
• Template preparation buffer (YELLOW)
for resuspension of positive control template and standard curve preparation
Reagents and equipment to be supplied by the user
Real-Time PCR Instrument
DNA extraction kit
This kit designed to work well with all processes that yield high quality DNA with minimal PCR inhibitors.
Lyophilised 2x qPCR Mastermix
This kit is designed to be compatible with all commercially available Mastermixes that run with standard cycling conditions.
Pipettors and Tips
Vortex and centrifuge
Thin walled 1.5 ml PCR reaction tubes
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