16S rRNA-23S rRNA intergenic
For general laboratory and research use only

Bifidobacterium longum is a non-pathogenic, probiotic Gram-positive, branched rod
shaped bacteria of the Bifidobacteriaceae family. This species is naturally found in the
gastrointestinal tract of humans, most animals and insects. A circular chromosome with a
genome size of around 2.4Mbp encodes around 2000 genes.
B.longum is transferred to infants in breast milk and is also found in fermented dairy
products such as yoghurt. Certain bacteria are also now added to products as probiotics in
order to maintain their level in the body. Once within the gastrointestinal tract B.longum
produces lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid which help to maintain intestinal
flora in a healthy balance by increasing acidity preventing harmful bacteria from colonising.
In addition to this, B.longum has also been shown to have an involvement in immune
stimulation and cancer prevention via its lactic acid production.
The presence of B.longum in the intestine is thought to aid digestion while preventing
diarrhea and constipation as well as reducing cholesterol. This bacterium has also been
implicated in minimising allergies and inflammation.
Introduction to Bifidobacterium longum

Our kit for Bifidobacterium longum has been designed for the specific and exclusive in
vitro quantification of this species and does not detect other members of this genus. The
primers and probe sequences in this kit have 100% homology with a broad range of
clinically relevant reference sequences based on a comprehensive bioinformatics
The PCR Max qPCR Kit for Bifidobacterium longum (B.longum) genomes is designed for
the in vitro quantification of B.longum genomes. The kit is designed to have the broadest
detection profile possible whilst remaining specific to the B.longum genome.
The primers and probe sequences in this kit have 100% homology with a broad range of
B.longum sequences based on a comprehensive bioinformatics analysis.
If you require further information, or have a specific question about the detection profile of
this kit then please send an e.mail to help@pcrmax.com and our bioinformatics team will
answer your question.

Kit Contents
• B.longum specific primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN)
FAM labelled
• B.longum positive control template (for Standard curve RED)
• Internal extraction control primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN)
VIC labelled as standard
• Internal extraction control DNA (150 reactions BLUE)
• Endogenous control primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN)
FAM labelled
• RNAse/DNAse free water (WHITE)
for resuspension of primer/probe mixes and internal extraction control DNA
• Template preparation buffer (YELLOW)
for resuspension of positive control template and standard curve preparation
Reagents and equipment to be supplied by the user
Real-Time PCR Instrument
DNA extraction kit
This kit designed to work well with all processes that yield high quality DNA with minimal
PCR inhibitors.
Lyophilised 2x qPCR Mastermix
This kit is designed to be compatible with all commercially available Mastermixes that run
with standard cycling conditions.
Pipettors and Tips
Vortex and centrifuge
Thin walled 1.5 ml PCR reaction tubes