16S ribosomal RNA (18S) gene
For general laboratory and research use only

Species within the Bacteroides genus are Gram-negative, obligate anaerobic bacteria and
are a predominant species in the mammalian gastrointestinal flora. Bacteroides are
involved in a number of metabolic activities in the colon, including fermentation of
carbohydrates and bio transformation of bile acids and other steroids. Bacteroides occupy
a significant portion of the normal flora but are responsible for around 80% of anaerobic
clinical infections.
In conjunction with E. coli, Bacteroides species are known to cause abdominal infections
with B. fragilis being the species exhibiting most pathogenicity. Initial infection is via
infiltration of the peritoneal cavity by the natural flora following any disruption of the
intestinal wall which can occur as a result of gastrointestinal surgery, perforated ulcers or
inflammatory bowel disease. E. coli infection facilitates Bacteroides replication by causing
tissue damage and reducing the oxygen-reduction potential of these tissues. In the chronic
stage of the infection, abscesses form and expand leading to intestinal obstruction, blood
vessel erosion and fistula formation. Bacteroides secrete pathogenic factors which reduce
the ability of host polymorphonuclear leukocytes to remove the bacteria by phagocytosis
by degrading complement proteins involved in chemotaxis.
As a direct result of intestinal Bacteroides infections clinical symptoms including diarrhoea,
oedema, haemorrhage and necrosis of the bowel wall may be seen. Alternatively, infection
may localise in the head and neck resulting in sinusitis and gingivitis, pneumonia, brain
abscess, meningitis.
Introduction to Bacteroides

Our kit for bacteroides has been designed for the specific and exclusive in vitro
quantification of all bacteroides species. The 16S ribosomal gene, is the ideal target to
achieve a broad based detection profile for all species within this genus. The primers and
probe sequences in this kit have 100% homology with a broad range of clinically relevant
reference sequences based on a comprehensive bioinformatics analysis.
If you require further information, or have a specific question about the detection profile of
this kit then please send an e.mail to help@pcrmax.com and our bioinformatics team will
answer your question.

Kit Contents
• Bacteroides_spp specific primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN)
FAM labelled
• Bacteroides_spp positive control template (for Standard curve RED)
• Internal extraction control primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN)
VIC labelled as standard
• Internal extraction control DNA (150 reactions BLUE)
• Endogenous control primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN)
FAM labelled
• RNAse/DNAse free water (WHITE)
for resuspension of primer/probe mixes and internal extraction control DNA
• Template preparation buffer (YELLOW)
for resuspension of positive control template and standard curve preparation
Reagents and equipment to be supplied by the user
Real-Time PCR Instrument
DNA extraction kit
This kit designed to work well with all processes that yield high quality DNA with minimal
PCR inhibitors.
Lyophilised 2x qPCR Mastermix
This kit is designed to be compatible with all commercially available Mastermixes that run
with standard cycling conditions.
Pipettors and Tips
Vortex and centrifuge
Thin walled 1.5 ml PCR reaction tubes