Welcome to your MilestonePod Quick Start
Prepare your Pod:
1. Insert the battery with the “+” side up
2. Replace the battery cap
3. Slide the holder under the laces of either shoe,
¾ of the way down toward your toe, as shown.
4. Twist the Pod clockwise onto the holder until
you hear a CLICK
Dashboard Run Detail
Prepare the Free MilstonePod App:
1. Download the MilestonePod App
2. Turn on Bluetooth
3. Register using email (or Facebook)
4. On the Dashboard menu, choose “Add a Pod”
5. Find your Pod on the list, matching the last two
digits on the bottom of your box (also on the
sticker on your Pod’s battery cap): D0:11:11:A0:11:31
6. Enter your shoe information
Run or Walk: Just head out the door!
No buttons to push
No need to recharge
No need to run with your phone
Works the same indoor or out
Wirelessly “tap to sync” afterwards
“Tap to calibrate” distance, if needed, after your
first run. This will push an updated algorithm to
the Pod based on your personal gait.
We are here to help: support@milestonepod.com milestonepod.com