PC Chips A929 User Manual

A929 CPU instal lat ion Guide
This machine has been test ed a nd fou nd to co mply with the st a n da r ds s et fort h by the Q u a l i t y C ontr ol. All part s of the mach in e h ad undergone 2 4-hour reliability t e s t. This guide e xpla i n s how t o s etup the C PU and have y o ur machine r eady for use.
Please follow th e steps below on how to install the CPU. The manufacturer will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, specia l, incidental or consequential damag es arisin g fr o m an y d efec t and improp er installation of the CPU.
CPU Installation Procedure:
Before you begin, gently place t h e ma c hin e up si de down. Loosen the three screws to op en the CPU compartment:
Orient the CP U s o t hat pin 1 on the chip corresponds to pin 1 (pinhole missing) on the CP U socket . Insert the processor into the socket.
Then, lock the CPU socket. The figure shows the direction for locking the CPU socket.
SStteepp 44:
For the opposite side, repeat the procedures indicated on
SStteepp 2
figure and
SStteepp 66:
Put the heatsink over the CPU and tighten all four screws on eac h side. Then place back the CPU compartment and secure with three screws. This completes the installation for the CPU.
SStteepp 22:
Following figure
, push t he lock clip o f the CPU s oc ke t to r elea s e it. Use the screwdriver to unlock the opposite side as shown in figure . Insert the screwdriver head to the gap and gently shift the s cr ew to a 30-degree angle as shown in figure .
*** T he 4 screws are specially designed for the heat sink, do not u se force or over- tighten the screws a s this may distress or damaged it.
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