PBZ CropCare ATV-MX160 Owner's Manual

Owner's Manual
13’ Manual Fold Boom
Model ATV-MX160
Manufactured PBZ LLC
A Paul B Zimmerman Inc. Company
Form: ATV-MX160OM
Revision A Rev. Date 01/17
Table Of Contents
Before You Begin ....................................................................................3
Safety Precautions.................................................................................4
Before Operation ........................................................................4
During Operation .......................................................................4
Following Operation .................................................................4
Towing the Sprayer ....................................................................4
Assembly Instructions .........................................................................5
Operating Instructions ........................................................................7
Operation ......................................................................................7
Calibrating the Sprayer........................................................................7
Calculating the Speed ...............................................................7
Determining Nozzle Size/Using Calibration Chart .........8
Maintenance Instructions ..................................................................8
Winterizing Your Sprayer .........................................................8
Routine Maintenance ................................................................9
Breakdowns & Parts Lists ....................................................................9
TeeJet® Nozzle Body Breakdown & Parts List ....................9
ATV-MX160Breakdown ..........................................................10
ATV-MX160 Parts List .............................................................10
CropCare® Limited Warranty ........................................................... 11
Odering Parts ....................................................................................... 11
Before You Begin
Please read and understand this manual and its instructions and warnings completely before operating.
• Be aware of all safety guidelines, warnings, and cautions including those of the tractor manufacturer.
• Read and understand the chemical manufacturer’s labels, warnings, and instructions.
• Know and fulll all state pesticide applicator license requirements.
• Familiarize yourself and other operators with the sprayer’s components and how all parts are operated.
Safety Precautions
Before Operation
• Be aware of the location of all the safety and warning
decals. Always replace any decals that are illegible or are missing.
• Carefully study and understand this owner’s manual.
• Give the boom a visual inspection for any worn parts,
loose bolts, or other visible problems, and make any necessary repairs. See the maintenance section (page 9).
During Operation
• To avoid injury from chemical hazards, wear the proper
protective clothing. Each chemical manufacturer’s clothing requirements are listed under the “Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) section in the chemical’s instructions
• Always be aware of bystanders, particularly children!
Always look before moving the sprayer or engaging the pump. Bystanders should never be allowed near the sprayer during operation.
• All maintenance should be performed with the sprayer
unhooked from the tractor and clean of any harmful chemicals.
• Make sure the area is clear of any people or obstructions
before using the sprayer.
• Be aware of dangerous terrain such as holes, slopes,
drop-os, banks, rocks, and hidden hazards. Operate the tractor and sprayer up and down slopes, not across.
• Allow for sprayer boom length when making turns.
• Remember that accidents can even happen to seasoned
operators. Always take your time and follow all safety instructions.
Following Operation
• Completely rinse the entire boom and all of its
components of all chemical residue after every use.
Towing the Sprayer
• When transporting the sprayer, the sprayer’s boom
must be in the fully folded position.
• Dispose of rinsate in accordance with chemical
application guidelines.
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