PBI/Gordon S12 SEQUENCER Operating Instructions Manual

1300 Midway Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2G8
(905) 670-5888 F
T 260 Nor Tel. (413) 568-9571 Fax (413) 568-9613 www.rbiwaterheaters.com
th Elm Street, Westfield, MA 01085
ax (905) 670-5782
SS1122 SSeeqquueenncceerr -- 11 -- OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
Figure 1: S12 Sequencer Front Panel
The SS1122 SSeeqquueenncceerris a single zone, modulation or staging boiler controller. It provides complete control for a typical single zone 3 way valve, domestic hot water OR heating system, including system circulators and combustion air dampers in one single, compact package. State of the art electronic hardware and control techniques allow for accurate, fully automatic system control while saving on operating costs.
1300 Midway Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2G8
(905) 670-5888 F
T 260 Nor Tel. (413) 568-9571 Fax (413) 568-9613 www.rbiwaterheaters.com
th Elm Street, Westfield, MA 01085
ax (905) 670-5782
SS1122 SSeeqquueenncceerr -- 22 -- OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
For heating zone applications, the SS1122 SSeeqquueenncceerr acts as an indoor / outdoor reset controller. It senses the OOuuttddoooorr temperature and calculates the TTaarrggeett indoor temperature from a reset schedule. The SS1122 then modulates the valve or turns boiler stages on and off, as necessary, to ensure that the IInnddoooorr temperature reaches the
TTaarrggeett temperature. The IInnddoooorr temperature sensor is installed in the return water
line for staging applications, or the supply water line for modulating valve applications. The OOuuttddoooorr temperature sensor is located on a north wall, away from any influence of the sun or any other heat source.
For domestic hot water applications, the SS1122 acts as a constant temperature controller. The TTaarrggeett indoor temperature remains constant, set to the desired domestic hot water tank temperature. Boiler stages are then turned on and off, as necessary, to ensure that the IInnddoooorr temperature reaches the TTaarrggeett temperature. The
IInnddoooorr temperature sensor is installed in the domestic hot water tank and the OOuuttddoooorr
temperature sensor is not used.
PPaanneell DDiissppllaayy::
The Panel Display screen of the SS1122 consists of 5 characters. The rightmost character is the DDiissppllaayy MMooddee. It is used to describe the current value displayed. All temperatures and PPaarraammeetteerrss (control settings) can be displayed using the following operating modes:
1. UUnnaatttteennddeedd ((ccyycclliiccaall ddiissppllaayy)) mmooddee: When left unattended for a period of 1 minute, the screen reverts to a cyclical display mode showing the following:
PPaarraammeetteerr DDiissppllaayyeedd SSaammppllee SSccrreeeenn
PPrreessssiinngg tthhee AAddjjuusstt
bbuuttttoonnss ......
Outdoor temperature
- i5 0
Changes the Target
temperature value.
Indoor temperature
i64 I
Changes the Target
temperature value.
Target temperature
i70 =
Changes the Target
temperature value.
Table 1: Unattended display mode screens.
1300 Midway Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2G8
(905) 670-5888 F
T 260 Nor Tel. (413) 568-9571 Fax (413) 568-9613 www.rbiwaterheaters.com
th Elm Street, Westfield, MA 01085
ax (905) 670-5782
SS1122 SSeeqquueenncceerr -- 33 -- OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
PPaanneell DDiissppllaayy:: (cont’d)
1. UUnnaatttteennddeedd ((ccyycclliiccaall ddiissppllaayy)) mmooddee (cont’d):
If any of the Adjust buttons are pressed while any of the above temperatures are displayed, the Panel Display immediately reverts to show the Target temperature. As the button is pressed again, the left character of the display shows the letter “c” (eg. c. I70 = ), indicating that further pressing of the Adjust button will “change” the current Target temperature. As the button is pressed again, the Target temperature is changed up or down, depending on the Adjust button pressed. WWhheenn tthhee cchhaannggee iiss ccoommpplleettee,, tthhee DDiissppllaayy MMooddee bbuuttttoonn mmuusstt bbee pprreesssseedd,, jjuusstt lliikkee aann eenntteerrkkeeyy,, ffoorr tthhee nneeww vvaalluuee ttoo bbee aacccceepptteedd aass tthhee nneeww TTaarrggeett tteemmppeerraattuurree.. As soon as the Display Mode button is pushed, the leading “c” disappears (eg. I60 = ) and the Target temperature takes on the new displayed value. At this point, the Display Panel reverts to the Manual display mode described below.
Certain overriding conditions will also affect the left-most character of the Target temperature display as shown below. For further information, refer to the Parameter Definitions section of this manual.
OOvveerrrriiddiinngg CCoonnddiittiioonn SSaammppllee SSccrreeeenn
Normal Operation: Target temperature not overridden.
I60 =
Target temperature in “change” mode.
c. I63 =
Outdoor Cutoff Temperature: All boilers are off / valve closed.
o. 73 =
High Temperature Limit: Target temperature will not exceed this value.
H. 200 =
Low Temperature Limit: Target temperature will not go below this value.
L. I05 =
Table 2: Target temperature display variations.
1300 Midway Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2G8
(905) 670-5888 F
T 260 Nor Tel. (413) 568-9571 Fax (413) 568-9613 www.rbiwaterheaters.com
th Elm Street, Westfield, MA 01085
ax (905) 670-5782
SS1122 SSeeqquueenncceerr -- 44 -- OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
PPaanneell DDiissppllaayy:: (cont’d)
2. MMaannuuaall ddiissppllaayy mmooddee: By sequentially depressing the DDiissppllaayy MMooddee button, the following can be displayed in a cyclic fashion:
PPaarraammeetteerr DDiissppllaayyeedd SSaammppllee SSccrreeeenn
PPrreessssiinngg tthhee AAddjjuusstt
bbuuttttoonnss ......
Outdoor temperature
- i5 0
Has no effect.
Indoor temperature
i64 I
Has no effect.
Target temperature
i70 =
Changes the Target
temperature value.
Remaining Hours until Lead Boiler change
h. 40 r
Has no effect.
One of the control Parameter screens (see list below)
d. I00 P
Displays previous or next
Table 3: Manual display mode screens.
Pressing the Adjust buttons while the Target temperature is displayed, changes the Target temperature value as described in the Unattended (cyclical display) mode above.
3. PPaarraammeetteerr ddiissppllaayy // eeddiitt mmooddee: Pressing the Adjust buttons1 while the Parameter screen is displayed, places the Panel Display in Parameter display mode. In this mode, the first (left most) 2 characters of the screen describe the parameter being displayed. The Adjust buttons are used to view the various different Parameters. As the Up Adjust button is pressed, the next Parameter (down the table) is displayed; as the Down Adjust button is pressed, the previous Parameter (up the table) is displayed. Note that this display is not cyclical, ie. when the first Parameter is displayed, pressing the Down Adjust button will not have any effect. A summary of all Parameters follows.
{Note: If the S12 is equipped with the KEY option, then the S12 KEY needs to be inserted (refer to Fig.
2) in order for the Adjust buttons to function. Without the KEY, the Display Mode button can still be used to view the control’s operating temperatures, however, no control setting changes are allowed}.
1300 Midway Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2G8
(905) 670-5888 F
T 260 Nor Tel. (413) 568-9571 Fax (413) 568-9613 www.rbiwaterheaters.com
th Elm Street, Westfield, MA 01085
ax (905) 670-5782
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