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The Invoicing User’s Guide describes how to create and send invoices in your PayPal account.
Intended Audience
This guide is for merchants and secondary users who log in to PayPal accounts to create and
send invoices.
Revision History
The following table lists the revisions made to the Invoicing User’s Guide.
TABLE 1.1 Revision History for This Guide
Date PublishedDescription
September 2010New guide.
Where to Go for More Information
For information on the administrative tasks you can perform from your PayPal account, see
the Merchant Setup and Administra tion Guide
page linked to the Library tab in Developer Central.
Documentation Feedback
Help us improve this guide by sending feedback to:
. The guide is located on the Documentation
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 20107
Documentation Feedback
8September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
About Invoicing
PayPal Invoicing lets you create and send professional invoices through email. You can save
invoice information for re-use, reducing the amount of time it takes to create invoices.
Read the following topics to learn more about PayPal Invoicing:
“What is Invoicing?” on page 9
“What’s the Difference Between Request Money and Invoicing?” on page 9
“Invoicing End-to-End” on page 10
“What Does Your Customer See?” on page 11
“Accessing PayPal Invoicing” on page 13
What is Invoicing?
PayPal Invoicing provides a way to create and send invoices to your customers. Invoicing lets
you save item details, tax rates, and recipients so you can use them for future invoices. You
can customize how your business information appears on the invoices, making them more
PayPal provides a default invoice template for you to use or you can create your own
customized templates. Using customized templates saves time by storing details about your
items, prices, and standard tax rates.
Using Invoicing, you send invoices by email and get paid through PayPal. Your invoice
recipients can view and pay through their PayPal accounts. Recipients without PayPal
accounts can pay you in several other ways.
Invoicing does not replace the Request Money feature. You can still use Request Money for
those items that don’t need an invoice. You access both the Invoicing and Request Money
features from the Request Money tab in your PayPal account.
What’s the Difference Between Request Money and Invoicing?
Use Request Money to request payment for goods or services where tracking item detail is
not required, or when sending payment requests to multiple recipients. You must enter the total
amount to be paid because Request Money does not calculate tax or add shipping amounts for
you. When your recipients look at details of the money request, they see your name and email
address, the amount and date requested, a subject line, and any notes you entered. When you
view a payment request in History, you see the request information an d paymen t information
when the request is paid.
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 20109
About Invoicing
Invoicing End-to-End
Use Invoicing to request payments for goods or service when you want to provide item
details, have the tax and discount amounts automatically calculated, and you want to track and
manage your invoices and payments. When your recipients review an invoice, they see your
customized contact information, payment terms, line item details including unit prices and
taxes, shipping and discount information, and invoice totals. When you view the invoice in
Manage Invoices, you see the same details your recipient sees, invoice status information, and
payment information when the invoice is paid.
Invoicing End-to-End
Invoicing has two participants: you and your customer. You create, send, and manage invoices.
Your customer, the invoice recipient, receives the invoice and makes a payment.
The following illustrates the invoice flow for both you and your customer.
1. You create the invoice.
When you create an invoice, you identify the invoice recipient, set the payment terms, enter
item details, enter shipping or discount amounts, and enter notes to the recipient, if
necessary. When you send the invoice, an email is sent to the invoice recipient.
See “Creating Invoices” on page 15 for instructions.
10September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
About Invoicing
What Does Your Customer See?
2. Your customer receives an email that contains a link to the invoice.
Customers can use the email link to view invoices. PayPal account holders can view
invoices through their PayPal accounts.
3. Your customer opens the invoice and reviews it.
You customer can start the payment process by clicking Pay.
4. Your customer determines the payment method.
Your customer can pay in one of two ways:
– Using a PayPal account.
– By credit or debit card, check, or bank transfer.
5. Your customer reviews the payment.
After reviewing the payment information, your customer approves the payment.
6. You manage invoices and payments.
You can check an invoice’s status and determine whether to send a reminder about
payment, cancel the invoice, or print the invoice to mail to the recipient.
When you receive a PayPal payment, PayPal updates the invoice status and provides a link
to the Transaction Details for the payment. The money is added to your account.
If your customer pays by another method, you can manually record the payment for the
See “Managing Invoice Payments” on page 63 and “Managing Your Invoices” on page 35
for more information.
See “What Does Your Customer See?” on page 11 for more information about your customer’s
payment experience.
What Does Your Customer See?
When you send invoices, email notifications are sent to your customers (invoice recipients).
Invoice emails contain a summary of the invoice information and requests payment. Email
messages also contain a link and a URL that open in the invoice.
The following illustration shows the steps your customers take to pay invoices.
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 201011
About Invoicing
What Does Your Customer See?
1. Your customer opens an invoice
Invoice recipients can open their invoices in the following ways:
– Click the Pay Invoice button in the email.
– Copy the invoice URL in the email message and paste it in a web browser.
– Open their PayPal accounts and open the invoice from their Account Overview or
History page.
2. Your customer reviews the invoice and clicks Pay.
The Review your invoice page displays the invoice details including payment terms, item
details, and the invoice totals. Before starting the payment process, your customer can print
a copy of the invoice.
3. Your customer selects the payment method.
Customers who want to use their PayPal accounts to pay the invoice must first log in (if
they are not already) and select the payment method from their account.
Customers who do not use a PayPal account to pay the invoice can enter debit or credit
card information for online payment.
Recipients who pay by offline methods should contact you for payment instructions.
12September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
4. Your customer reviews and approves the payment.
The Review your payment page displays a summary of the payment inform ation. Your
customers click Pay Now to finalize payments.
5. Your customer receives verification of the completed payment.
A final page displays the transaction ID for the payment and an order summary email is
sent to your customer.
PayPal account holders can see invoice and payment details through their Account
Overview or History pages.
Accessing PayPal Invoicing
You access PayPal Invoicing by clicking the Request Money tab in your PayPal account.
Request Money displays the Request Money subtab and three invoicing subtabs.
NOTE: The Request Money feature is not an invoicing component and is not included in this
About Invoicing
Accessing PayPal Invoicing
Use the following subtabs to access invoicing components:
Manage Invoices: Opens the Manage Invoices page.
Use this page to review your invoices, search for invoices, and perform invoice actions.
See “Managing Your Invoices” on page 35 for information about this page and how to use
Create Invoice: Opens the Create a new invoice page.
Use this page to create an invoice or save an invoice as a template. Also, you can save
information to your Invoice Settings, such as customer contact information, to use again
See “Creating Invoices” on page 15 to learn how to create invoices.
Invoice Settings: Opens the Enter your contact information page with an Invoice
Settings navigation box on the left.
Invoice Settings lets you save your invoice contact information and logo, your payment
logo, tax information, items to invoice, invoice templates, and customer contact
information. Use the Invoice Settings navigation box to open one of these pages. For
example, click Address book to open the Address book page.
See the following sections to learn about Invoice Settings.
– “Customizing Your Invoice Information” on page 69
– “Working with Invoice Templates” on page 83
– “Working with the Address Book” on page 103
– “Working with Saved Items” on page 119
– “Managing Your Tax Information” on page 127
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 201013
About Invoicing
Accessing PayPal Invoicing
14September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
Creating Invoices
Create invoices for goods and services through the Request Money tab.
“The Invoicing Process” on page 15
“Creating Invoices and Entering Details” on page 17
“Previewing Invoices” on page 28
“Saving Invoices” on page 30
“Sending Invoices” on page 31
“Printing Invoices” on page 32
The Invoicing Process
The invoicing process begins with creating an invoice and ends with managing the invoices.
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 201015
Creating Invoices
The Invoicing Process
1. Create an invoice.
You create an invoice for goods and services by clicking Create Invoice from Request
When you first open the Create a new invoice page, it automatically selects the default
invoice template for your account. In the beginning, it is a PayPal-defined template. You
can create your own templates and customize some of the invoice entries, such as the
payment terms shipping cost. The template also identifies the currency to use for your
invoices. See
“Working with Invoice Templates” on page 83 for instructions.
The Create a new invoice page displays the primary contact information from your
Account Profile. You can change the information displayed by selecting an alternate
address or email stored in your profile. You can customize your contact information by
specifying what information to display, adding a web site URL or fax nu mber, and
including a logo. See
NOTE: Customizing contact information in invoicing does not affect the information in
“Customizing Your Invoice Information” on page 69 for instructions.
your Account Profile. To edit your address, phone number, or email, go to your
Profile Summary page.
2. Enter invoice details.
You identify the invoice recipient (your customer) by email address. You can also enter
optional billing and shipping addresses for the invoice recipient. You can store this
information in your address book to use in future invoices. See
“W orking with the Address
Book” on page 103 for instructions.
You add one or more items to invoice by entering item names or your product IDs. For each
item, you enter a date, a quantity , and a unit price. If an item is subject to tax, you can select
the rate. You can store item information for reuse by clicking a link on the invoice or by
adding items through the Invoice Settings page. You can also store tax information in the
Invoice Settings page. See
“W orkin g with Saved Items” on page 119 and “Managing Your
Tax Information” on page 127 for instructions.
As you complete each item, the invoice amounts are automatically calculated. You can
apply a discount to the invoice, add a shipping/handling fee, and add a tax rate for the
shipping fee. Other things you can include in the invoice are a terms and conditions
description and a note to the recipient. You can include a memo that does not appear on the
invoice and can be used as an advanced search criteria in Manage Invoices.
When you have entered invoice information, you can preview how it will appear to the
recipient, save it for a later time, save it as a template, or close it.
See “Creating Invoices and Entering Details” on page 17 for instructions.
3. Preview the invoice (optional).
You can use the Preview invoice page to see how the invoice will appear to your customer .
From Preview invoice, you can send the invoice, print it, or edit it.
See “Previewing Invoices” on page 28 and “Printing Invoices” on page 32 for instructions.
16September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
4. Send the invoice to your customer.
After you enter and review the invoice, click Send. PayPal sends an email notification to
your customer about the invoice.
See “Sending Invoices” on page 31 for instructions.
5. Manage your invoices.
After sending an invoice, you can check the status of your invoices, send reminders to your
customers, manage invoice payments, and research invoices in the Manage Invoices page.
You can also review invoices in your History page.
See “Managing Your Invoices” on page 35 for instructions.
What’s in an Invoice?
Invoices contain the following information:
Your contact information: Your name, email address, street address, phone number,
Invoice information: Invoice number, invoice date, payment terms, and due date.
Item and invoice details: Name, date, quantity, unit price and tax for each item, discount,
shipping amounts, terms and conditions, and notes to the recipient.
Memo: Text to track with the invoice.
When you create an invoice, the Create a new invoice page accesses information from your
Account Profile and Invoice Settings to pre-fill some of the fields. As you enter invoice
information, additional Invoice Settings are available to help speed up invoice entry. For
example, if you save tax rate information in Invoice Settings, you can select a saved rate to
use in the invoice.
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
You can create an invoice right away using the PayPal Default Template. You can add your
own templates later or save your current invoice to use as a template.
As you create an invoice, you can choose to save some of the information in your Invoice Settings to reuse at a later time. This information includes some of your contact information,
your logo, recipient contact information, invoice line items, and tax amounts.
You use the Create a new invoice page to enter invoice information. The following
illustration shows the Create a new invoice page as it appears the first time you open it.
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 201017
Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
18September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
The numbers in this illustration correspond with the instruction steps in this chapter:
“1. Accessing the Create a New Invoice Page” on page 19
“2. Entering Your Contact Information” on page 19
“3. Entering Recipient Information” on page 20
“4. Entering Invoice Information” on page 23
“5. Entering Item Information” on page 24
“6. Entering a Discount, Shipping Fee, and Invoice Notes” on page 26
“7. Finalizing an Invoice” on page 27
1. Accessing the Create a New Invoice Page
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click the Request Money tab.
3. Click Create an Invoice.
Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
The Create a new invoice page opens. The default template is selected automatically. If
you have not added your own templates yet, the PayPal Default Template is selected.
4. To use a different template, select one from Select a template.
See “Working with Invoice Templates” on page 83 for more information.
2. Entering Your Contact Information
1. Edit Your contact information.
The displayed contact information is stored in your Account Profile information. If your
address, phone number, or email are incorrect, you must correct them in your Profile page.
You can add more contact information or control whether your phone numbers or email
address appear in the invoice by customizing your contact information. See
Your Invoice Information” on page 69 for instructions.
2. Add or change the logo for the invoice.
Add logoClick to add a logo to the template.
This setting appears when the template does not have a logo.
Change logoClick to use a different logo.
This setting appears when the template already contains a logo.
Remove logoClick to delete the logo.
This setting appears when the template already contains a logo.
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 201019
Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
See “Including a Logo in Your Invoices” on page 74 for detailed instructions.
3. Entering Recipient Information
1. Enter the Recipient’s email address. (Required)
As you type the email address, you will see a list of your address book contacts that match
the characters you enter, starting with the third character . The search process looks through
the address book for matches in email addresses, names, and business names and shows all
matches in the list.
If your recipient is in the list, select it. If not, continue entering the address until you have
entered the correct recipient email address.
- Or Click Address book to search for a recipient in your address book and return it to the
invoice. See
2. Click Add billing and shipping information. (Optional)
The Recipient information page opens. If you selected a recipient from the address book,
the billing and shipping information fields display the recipient’s saved information.
“Searching for a Contact” on page 115 for instructions.
20September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
3. Enter Billing information.
First nameEnter the recipient’s first or given name.
Last nameEnter the recipient’s last or family name.
Business nameEnter the name of recipient’s business.
CountrySelect the country for the billing address.
Address line 1
Address line 2
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 201021
Enter up to 2 lines of the contact’s billing address.
Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
Zip codeEnter the zip or postal code.
City/StateEnter the city name for the billing address in the first field.
Select a state code from the drop down list in the second field.
Additional informationEnter any information you want to appear on the invoice. For example, use
this field to track the contact’s account number.
Update recipient’s billing
information in my address book
Select this option to save the billing information to your address book.
4. Click Enter a different address to add Shipping information.
First nameEnter the recipient’s first or given name.
Last nameEnter the recipient’s last or family name.
Business nameEnter the name of recipient’s business.
CountrySelect the country for the shipping address.
Address line 1
Address line 2
Zip codeEnter the zip or postal code.
City/StateEnter the city name for the shipping address in the first field.
Update recipient’s shipping
information in address book
Enter up to 2 lines of the contact’s shipping address.
Select a state code from the drop down list in the second field.
Select this option to save the shipping information to your address book.
22September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
5. Click Save.
The Create a new invoice page displays the recipient’s billing and shipping information.
4. Entering Invoice Information
Review the Invoice Information section and make any necessary changes.
1. Change the Invoice number to use a different numbering system than the default.
Invoice numbering automatically starts with 0001 and increments by 1 for each subsequent
invoice. You can use the default numbering sy stem or use one of your own.
2. Change the Invoice date to use a different date.
The Invoice date is automatically set to today’ s date. Enter the date of the invoice or select
one from the calendar control.
You can use an invoice date that is after the current date. However, when you click Send,
the invoice is sent right away regardless of the date you entered.
3. Change the Payment terms.
Select the number of days before payment is due. This field is automatically set to Due on
receipt. For example, to specify that full payment is due in 30 days, select Net 30.
NOTE: When you select a different term, the invoice Due date might change to match the
option you selected.
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 201023
Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
4. Change the Due date only if you selected Due on date specified in Payment terms.
The Due date is automatically set to match the Payment terms. For example, if you select
Net 30, the due date changes to a date that is 30 days after the Invoice date.
NOTE: If you enter a date in Due date, Payment terms will automatically change to Due
on date specified.
5. Entering Item Information
Your invoice must contain at least on e item before you can send it.
If you started with the PayPal Default Template, you must add item information.
If you started with a template that contains item information, review the included items and
make any necessary changes. You can add more items, if necessary.
Complete the following information for each item.
1. Enter the Item name/ID.
If you have saved items, you can select one from the list that appears when you click in the
24September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
2. Enter the Date for the item.
When you tab or click in the date field, a Calendar opens. Select the date from the
Calendar or type the date in the field.
3. Enter the number of items in Quantity.
4. Enter a Unit price.
If you selected a saved item, the stored unit price displays.
5. Select the Tax for this item.
– If you selected a saved item with an assigned tax rate, the Tax displays. To change it,
select a tax from the list.
– If the item does not have a tax, select No tax.
– If the correct tax rate is not listed, select Add tax. See “Adding Tax Information in an
Invoice or Template” on page 128 for instructions.
Taxes are not displayed at the item level. The taxes applied to the invoice displays above
the invoice total.
6. Enter an item Description. (Optional)
7. Click Save item to add it to your Invoice Settings.
When you save an item, Save item changes to Item saved. The item will appear in the
Saved items page of your Invoice Settings. See
for more information.
8. Review the item Amount.
The Amount is calculated by multiplying Quantity times Unit price. Amount does not
include any specified tax for the item at this level. Taxes are totalled for the invoice and
display above the invoice total.
9. To remove an item from the invoice, click Delete row.
10.Click the Plus button to add more blank rows to the item section.
“Working with Saved Items” on page 119
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 201025
Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
NOTE: Each time you add an item to the invoice, an empty item row is added to the end of
the list. The Plus button is another way to add rows to the invoice.
6. Entering a Discount, Shipping Fee, and Invoice Notes
You can specify additional information that applies to the entire invoice. This information
includes discounts, shipping and handling costs, and invoice notes.
1. Enter a Discount amount and select the type of discount.
Discount applies to the entire invoice and appears in the invoice totals section.
NOTE: If you want the discount to appear in the invoice items list, enter it as an invoice
item with a negative amount.
2. Enter a Shipping/handling amount.
3. If your shipping or handling fee is subject to tax, select a tax rate from Tax on shipping.
If the correct tax rate is not listed, add a new tax. See “Adding Tax Information in an
Invoice or Template” on page 128 for instructions.
4. Enter Terms and conditions text, up to 1,000 characters. This text appears in the invoice.
5. Enter Note to recipient text, up to 1,000 characters. This text appears in the invoice.
26September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices and Entering Details
6. Enter Memo text, up to 150 characters. This text does not appear in the invoice.
7. Finalizing an Invoice
When you have entered invoice information, you can perform several tasks using the buttons
at the bottom of the page.
Send the invoice. See “Sending Invoices” on page 31.
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 201027
Creating Invoices
Previewing Invoices
Preview the invoice to see it from your recipient’s point of view. See “Previewing
Invoices” on page 28.
Save invoice as a draft to complete or use as a template at a later time. See “Saving
Invoices” on page 30.
Save as Template to use the current invoice again. See “Saving an Invoice as a Template”
on page 87.
Close the invoice.
When you close an invoice, a dialog box opens and gives you the option of saving your
changes. Click Don’t Save to discard your changes.
Previewing Invoices
You can preview how an invoice will look to your customer before sending it. The Preview
invoice page displays the invoice information you have entered. You can preview the invoice
just before sending it or any time you want to see how the invoice looks.
28September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
Creating Invoices
Previewing Invoices
After reviewing the invoice, you can send, edit, or print it from the Preview invoice page.
Invoicing User’s GuideSeptember 201029
Creating Invoices
Saving Invoices
Previewing an Invoice
1. Open the Create a new invoice page and enter invoice information.
See “Creating Invoices and Entering Details” on page 17 for detailed instructions.
2. Click Preview at the bottom of the Create a New Invoice page.
The Preview page opens. The Preview box displays your contact information, invoice
dates, payment terms, and the invoice information you entered.
3. Review the invoice and determine whether it is ready to send.
4. Perform one of the following actions:
– Click Send to send the invoice to the customer.
– Click Edit to go back to the Create a new invoice page.
– Click Print to make a hard-copy of the invoice.
See “Sending Invoices” on page 31 for more information.
See “Creating Invoices and Entering Details” on page 17 for more information.
See “Printing Invoices” on page 32 for instructions.
Saving Invoices
There might be occasions when you want to save an invoice without sending it. For example,
if you need to clarify an order, you can enter the invoice information you have and save it as a
draft. When you know how to handle the order, you can open the saved invoice and complete
When you save an invoice as a draft, a time stamp appears below the button indicating the date
and time your invoice was saved. You can access saved invoices in the Manage Invoices
page. See
You can also save an invoice as a template. See “Saving an Invoice as a Template” on page 87
for instructions.
Saving an Invoice as a Draft
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click the Request Money tab and then click Create Invoice.
The Create a new invoice page opens.
3. Enter information for the invoice.
See “Creating Invoices and Entering Details” on page 17 for instructions.
“Managing Your Invoices” on page 35 for information about this page.
30September 2010Invoicing User’s Guide
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