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6April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
About This Guide
This document describes advanced features of Express Checkout integration.
Intended Audience
This document is for merchants and developers implementin g Exp ress Checko ut wh o wan t to
learn about its extra features, which can enhance their integrations with PayPal.
Where to Go for More Information
Express Checkout Integration Guide
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide
SOAP API Developer Reference
Merchant Setup and Administration Guide
Documentation Feedback
Help us improve this guide by sending feedback to:
Express Checkout Advanced Features GuideApril 20127
Documentation Feedback
8April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
Customizing Express Checkout
You can specify options in Express Checkout API requests that change the appearance,
behavior, and flow of the checkout process.
PayPal Review Page Order Details
When a buyer logs in to PayPal to check out, you can present the buyer with detailed
information about each item being purchased. PayPal order details are available with API
version 53.0 or later.
NOTE: The DoExpressCheckoutPayment request includes the same order details as
SetExpressCheckout. PayPal recommends that you submit the same parameters in
both API calls.
The following diagram shows all of the details that you can include:
Express Checkout Advanced Features GuideApril 20129
Customizing Express Checkout
PayPal Review Page Order Details
(1) – Item name. The item name can identify this item to distinguish it from other line items in
the order.
(2) – Item number. Each item can be further identified by an item number. If the item is an
eBay auction item, it is recommended that you provide the eBay item number in this field.
(3) – Item description. This field identifies which of several items the buyer is purchasing. For
example, you may be offering an item in different sizes. Knowing the size helps the buyer
decide whether the one they selected was appropriate. If the item is an eBay auction item, it is
recommended that you provide the phrase “eBay item” in this field.
(4) – Item unit price. This field specifies exactly how much one unit of the item costs. It can be
a positive or negative value but not zero.
(5) – Item unit quantity. This field identifies the number of units the buyer is ordering.
PayPal calculates the value in the Amount (6) column as the product of line-item unit price
and line-item unit quantity.
You can also show other detailed information about the order:
(7) – Item total and tax, which are the total of all items in the order and the tax, respectively.
(8) – Shipping and handling, which is the sum of the shipping and handling amounts.
NOTE: You must determine actual shipping and handling amounts.
10April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
(9) – Shipping discount. If the buyer is receiving a discount on shipping, the value appears as a
credit in this field.
(10) – Insurance. This field shows the insurance fee when there is insurance on shipping.
(11) – Total. This is the total of the order, including shipping, handling, tax, and other price
adjustment-related items.
NOTE: The Enter gift certificate, reward, or discount link enables the buyer to redeem
certificates, rewards, or discounts that PayPal issues. The link does not enable the
buyer to redeem incentives that you issue.
Special Instructions to Merchant
You can allow the buyer to send you special instructions about an order. This feature is
especially helpful to buyers who want to customize merchandise. A buyer also might want to
tell you to ship their order at a later date because they are out of the country.
NOTE: Users of this feature should be sure to read the instructions the buyer sends.
This feature appears as the link on the Review your information page. When the buyer clicks
Add, a Note to seller text box opens in which the buyer can enter special instructions to the
merchant and click Save. The instructions are returned in the responses to
GetExpressCheckoutDetails and DoExpressC heckoutPayment.
Customizing Express Checkout
PayPal Review Page Order Details
Integrating Order Details into the Express Checkout Flow
To integrate order details into the checkout flow, pass any of the following Express Checkout
parameters to SetExpressCheckout.
The DESC (NVP) and OrderDescription
(SOAP) fields still exist for backwards
compatibility. However, L_DESCn and
Description enable you to provide a more
precise description for each different item
purchased, such as hiking boots or
cooking utensils rather than one general
purpose description such as camping supplies.
Express Checkout Advanced Features GuideApril 201211
Customizing Express Checkout
PayPal Review Page Order Details
NVP FieldSOAP FieldDescription and Comments
L_PAYMENTREQUEST_n_AMTmAmountItem unit price. PayPal calculates the product
of the item unit price and item unit quantity
(below) in the Amount column of the cart
review area. The item unit price can be a
positive or a negative value, but not 0. You
may provide a negative value to reflect a
discount on an order, for example.
ITEMAMTItemTotalSum of costs of all items in this order.
TAXAMTTaxTotalSum of tax for all items in this order.
SHIPPINGAMT ShippingTotalT otal shipping cost for this order (8). PayPal
n_QTYmQuantityItem unit quantity.
calculates the sum of the shipping cost and the
handling cost.
Although you may change the value later, try
to pass in a shipping amount that is
reasonably accurate.
n_HANDLINGAMTHandlingTotalTotal handling cost for this order.
n_SHIPDISCAMTShippingDiscountShipping discount for this order. You specify
this value as a negative number.
n_INSURANCEAM TInsuranceTotalTotal shipping insurance cost for this order.
n_AMTOrderTotalT otal of order, including shipping, handling,
tax, and any other billing adjustments such as
a credit due.
If you pass the generic order description parameter (PAYMENTREQUEST_n_DESC) along with
any two of the following line-item parameters, the order description value does not display.
"Providing Gift Options" on page 13
"Following Instant Update API Best Practices" on page 83
"Setting Up the Callback" on page 84
Providing Gift Options
You can provide the buyer with gift options on PayPal. To use this feature, you must
implement line-item details.
NOTE: Gift options are available with API Version 61.0 or later.
You can enable any of the following gift options:
Gift message – This feature displays a text box in which the buyer can enter a gift message.
Gift receipt – This feature provides a checkbox for the buyer to check if they would like a
gift receipt included.
Express Checkout Advanced Features GuideApril 201213
Customizing Express Checkout
Providing Gift Options
Gift wrap – This feature provides a checkbox for the buyer to check if they would like to
have the gift wrapped. The gift wrap feature can include a label describing the gift
wrapping, for example, “Decorator box and bow.” Optionally, you can provide the amount
to be charged to the buyer for gift wrapping.
The following SetExpressCheckout request example sets these options:
The following figure shows how the gift options appear to the buyer.
NOTE: You can also configure this option from your profile. For details, see the Merchant
Setup and Administration Guide.
14April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
Customizing Express Checkout
Obtaining Buyer Consent to Receive Promotional Email
Related information:
"PayPal Review Page Order Details" on page 9
Obtaining Buyer Consent to Receive Promotional Email
You can obtain the buyer ’s consent to receive email promotions on PayPal pages. PayPal
returns the email address in the response to GetExpressCheckoutDetails and
NOTE: Obtaining buyer consent to receive promotional email is available with API Version
61.0 or later.
To obtain the buyer’s email address, set the BUYEREMAILOPTINENABLE field to 1 in the call
to SetExpressCheckout.
The following figure shows how this appears to the buyer in the cart review area.
Express Checkout Advanced Features GuideApril 201215
Customizing Express Checkout
Overriding Your Customer Service Number
NOTE: You can also configure this feature in your profile. For details, see the Merchant Setup
and Administration Guide.
Overriding Your Customer Service Number
You can display your Customer Service number to the buyer on Express Checkout pages by
configuring it in your profile. You can override this number by specifying another number in
the SetExpressCheckout request.
NOTE: This feature is available with API Version 61.0 or later.
Displaying your Customer Service number to the buyer enables you to quickly answer the
buyer’s questions through a telephone call. To override the Customer Service number
configured in your profile with a different number on Express Checkout pages, set the
CUSTOMERSERVICENUMBER field in the call to SetExpres sCheckout.
The following request example sets this field:
16April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
NOTE: For details on configuring the Customer Service number on the PayPal Profile page,
see the
Merchant Setup and Administration Guide.
Adding a Survey Question
Customizing Express Checkout
Adding a Survey Question
You can add one survey question to the PayPal pages. PayPal returns the choice that the buyer
selected in the response to GetExpressCheckoutDetails and
NOTE: This feature is available with API Version 61.0 or later.
The survey question displays in the format of a text string on the PayPal Review your
information page. The buyer responds by selecting from choices in a drop-down menu.
To enable the display of the survey question and choices, set the SURVEYENABLE field to 1 in
the call to SetExpressCheckout.
Set the SURVEYENABLE field to 1 in the call to SetExpressCheckout.
Set SURVEYQUESTION to the string containing your question.
Provide at least two L_SURVEYCHOICEn options from which the buyer can select one.
The following request example sets these fields:
Request Parameters
&METHOD=S etExpressCheckout
&SURVEYQU ESTION="How did you h ear about us?"
&L_SURVEY CHOICE0="friend"
&L_SURVEY CHOICE1="newspaper ad"
Express Checkout Advanced Features GuideApril 201217
The survey question appears to the buyer in the cart review area.
NOTE: You can also configure this feature in your profile. For details, see the Merchant Setup
and Administration Guide.
PayPal Page Style
You can change the overall appearance of the PayPal pages by defining a custom page style or
by customizing individual page style characteristics.
You define a custom page style in your profile and pass the resulting page style name when
you call SetExpressCheckout. Typically you customize individual page style
characteristics in your profile as well. However, you can also call SetExpressCheckout and
pass in individual page characteristics dynamically.
Custom Page Style
When your buyer logs in to PayPal to check out, you can make the PayPal pages the buyer sees
appear to have a similar look and feel to those on your website. You can customize any of
these page characteristics and save the results as a Page Style Name. You can define up to
three unique Page Style Names, in which you can specify the following characteristics:
Header image
Header border color
Header background color
Page background color
For instructions on how to customize page styles and create Page Style Names, see the
Merchant Setup and Administration Guide.
To set a custom page style in a call to SetExpressCheckout:
1. Include the optional PAGESTYLE parameter in the call to SetExpressCheckout.
2. Set PAGESTYLE to the Page Style Name you defined in your account.
The following example sets PAGESTYLE to the Page Style Name:
18April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
Typically, you create a custom page style for the PayPal pages using the custom payment
pages in your Account Profile. In cases where you do not want to use the Account Profile
option, you can specify these individual page style characteristics using variables in your
program code:
Customizing Express Checkout
PayPal Page Style
Logo image — a URL to an image of your logo.
Cart review area border color — your principal identifying color. PayPal blends your color
to white in a gradient fill that borders the cart review area.
To define your logo image:
1. Create a logo image up to 90 pixels wide by 60 pixels high and save it in a valid graphics
format, such as .gif, .jpg, or .png.
2. Store the URL to the image on a secure (https) server so your buyer’s web browser does not
display a message that the payment contains insecure items.
3. Assign the URL to the LOGOIMG parameter in the call to SetExpressCheckout.
To di splay the border in your principal identifying color, set the CARTBORDERCOLOR
parameter to the 6-digit hexadecimal value of that color in the call to SetExpressCheckout .
The following example sets a custom header image and adds a border color.
The figure below shows the cart review area with a custom logo and border color around it that
were set in the call to SetExpressCheckout.
Changing the Locale
You can change the locale of PayPal pages to match the language on your website.
T o change the language displayed on the PayPal pages, set the LOCALECODE parameter to one
of the following allowable values in the SetExpressCheckout call:
AU – Australia
AT – Austria
BE – Belgium
20April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
BR – Brazil
CA – Canada
CH – Switzerland
CN – China
DE – Germany
ES – Spain
GB – United Kingdom
FR – France
IT – Italy
NL – Netherlands
PL – Poland
PT – Portugal
RU – Russia
US – United States
Customizing Express Checkout
Changing the Locale
The following 5-character codes are also supported for languages in specific countries:
– da_DK – Danish (for Denmark only)
– he_IL – Hebrew (all)
– id_ID – Indonesian (for Indonesia only)
– jp_JP – Japanese (for Japan only)
– no_NO – Norwegian (for Norway only)
– pt_BR – Brazilian Portuguese (for Portugal and Brazil only)
– ru_RU – Russian (for Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine only)
– sv_SE – Swedish (for Sweden only)
– th_TH – Thai (for Thailand only)
– tr_TR – Turkish (for Turkey only)
– zh_CN – Simplified Chinese (for China only)
– zh_HK – Traditional Chinese (for Hong Kong only)
– zh_TW – Traditional Chinese (for Taiwan only)
The following example sets LOCALCODE to ES (Spain).
The following figure shows the Log in to PayPal page when the is set to ES:
The following figure shows the PayPal Choose a way to pay page when the LOCALECODE is
set to ES:
Handling Shipping Addresses
You can specify several shipping address options that affect the PayPal pages.
In your SetExpressCheckout request, you can specify the following options:
Require a confirmed address.
Do not display the shipping address on the review page.
Display an alternative address on the review page.
22April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
Confirmed Address
A confirmed address is a shipping address that PayPal has established as belonging to the
PayPal account holder. To be protected by PayPal’s Seller Protection Policy, you must require
the shipping address to be a confirmed address.
NOTE: Because many buyers prefer to ship to a non-confirmed address (they may, for
example, be shipping a gift to someone), PayPal does not recommend requiring a
confirmed address unless you are selling high-risk merchandise. If you prefer that
confirmed addresses be used, then do not set ADDROVERRIDE.
To require a confirmed address for the shipping address, ensure that the shipping address
matches the address on record with PayPal. You can do this through your account profile, as
described in the
call to SetExpressCheckout, as follows:
1. Include the optional REQCONFIRMSHIPPING parameter in the call to
Customizing Express Checkout
Handling Shipping Addresses
Merchant Setup and Administration Guide. Alternately, you can set a flag in the
The following example shows how to require the shipping address to be a confirmed address.
NOTE: The value of REQCONFIRMSHIPPING overrides the setting in your Merchant Account
Request Parameters
&METHOD=S etExpressCheckout
You can suppress the display of the buyer’s shipping address on the PayPal pages. You might
want to do this in these cases:
You are selling a product or service that does not require shipping.
Express Checkout Advanced Features GuideApril 201223
Customizing Express Checkout
Handling Shipping Addresses
You prefer to handle addresses completely on your own and do not want to let buyers
choose from their PayPal address book.
T o suppress the display of the buyer’s shipping address, set the NOSHIPPING parameter to 1 in
the call to SetExpressCheckout. No shipping address displays on Express Checkout pages.
The following example suppresses the shipping address.
Request Parameters
&METHOD=S etExpressCheckout
The PayPal Review your information page does not display a shipping address when
NOSHIPPING is set to 1.
Shipping Address Override
You can override the buyer’s shipping address stored on PayPal. You would want to do this i f,
for example, your website registration already requested the buyer’s shipping address.
Overriding the shipping address stored on PayPal replaces it with one you specify in the call to
SetExpressCheckout. The buyer cannot edit the overridden address.
NOTE: If you prefer to override addresses, PayPal recommends that you do not require
confirmed addresses, as described in Confirmed Address.
To override the shipping address:
1. Set the ADDROVERRIDE parameter to 1 in the call to SetExpressCheckout.
2. Set the following shipping address parameters in the call to SetExpressCheckout to the
address values you want to use for the new address.
24April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
Customizing Express Checkout
Automatically Filling Out Shipping and Contact Information
The PayPal Review your information page shows the shipping address parameter values you
specified in the SetExpressCheckout request.
Automatically Filling Out Shipping and Contact Information
PayPal can automatically fill out form fields for the buyer based on the buyer’s shipping
contact information passed in the call to SetExpressCheckout.
When you pass the buyer’s shipping address, telephone number and email address in the call
to SetExpressCheckout, PayPal automatically fills out this information in the debit or
credit card form fields on the PayPal Choose a way to pay page.
After the call to SetExpressCheckout, the buyer is redirected to the PayPal. On the Choose a way to pay page, buyers having a PayPal account can log in with their email address and
password. Buyers who do not have an account can use their debit or credit card to pay and will
have their shipping and contact information filled out.
See the following SetExpressCheckout example:
Express Checkout Advanced Features GuideApril 201225
Customizing Express Checkout
Automatically Filling Out Shipping and Contact Information
Request Parameters
&METHOD=S etExpressCheckout
The figure below shows the Pay with debit or credit card section expanded with the buyer
shipping and contact fields filled out.
26April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
Customizing Express Checkout
Automatically Filling Out Shipping and Contact Information
Express Checkout Advanced Features GuideApril 201227
Customizing Express Checkout
Buyer Pays on PayPal
Buyer Pays on PayPal
With Express Checkout, you can shorten your checkout flow to let buyers complete their
purchases on PayPal. Then, you can skip your order confirmation page.
Generally, buyers select payment methods as the last step before they complete their
purchases. If you collect no additional information after buyers return from PayPal, you can
skip the confirm-order page on your website. If you collect additional information that does
not affect the payment, PayPal recommends that you collect it after buyers complete their
The useraction URL parameter in your redirect to PayPal determines whether buyers
complete their purchases on PayPal or on your website. If you set useraction to commit,
PayPal sets the button text to Pay Now on the PayPal Review your informaton page. This
text lets buyers know that they complete their purchases if they click the button.
After PayPal redirects buyers to your site, call GetExpressCheckoutDetails and
DoExpressCheckoutPayment to have PayPal complete the payment successfully. Call
DoExpressCheckoutPayment without waiting for buyer interaction. Use information in the
GetExpressCheckoutDetails response to fill out your order confirmation page.
Express Checkout Redirect to Let Buyers Pay on PayPal
The following sample code shows the redirect to let buyers pay on PayPal:
28April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
Express Checkout on Mobile
Express Checkout on mobile devices runs in mobile browsers with pages optimized for
smaller mobile screens and mobile keyboards. If you have an Express Checkout
implementation, you can take advantage of the mobile checkout experience with only minimal
programming changes.
About the Express Checkout Experience on Mobile Devices
On mobile devices, Express Checkout provides payment pages tailored for faster checkout and
for smaller mobile screens and keyboards. You can either set up the experience so that the
buyer pays on your site or on PayPal
Buyer Pays on Your Site
Buyer Pays on PayPal
Buyer Pays on Your Site
The Express Checkout experience on mobile devices begins on your mobile website when a
buyer is ready to pay you.
With Express Checkout on mobile devices, the buyer:
1. Clicks Checkout with PayPal on your mobile website or from your app.
2. Enters login credentials on the mobile PayPal login page, and then clicks Log in.
3. Reviews payment de tails on the mobile PayPal review page, and then clicks Continue.
Express Checkout Advanced Features GuideApril 201229
Express Checkout on Mobile Devices
Mobile Platforms Supported by Express Checkout
4. Confirms the order and pays on your mobile website or app.
5. Views order confirmation on your mobile site or app.
NOTE: To pay wi th debit or credit cards, buyers click the “pay by card” at the bottom of the
login page to enter their billing information; this flow is called PayPal account
optional checkout.
Buyer Pays on PayPal
You can shorten the Express Checkout experience on mobile devices by letting buyers pay on
When buyers pay on PayPal, the buyer:
1. Clicks Checkout with PayPal on your mobile website or from your app.
2. Enters login credentials on the mobile PayPal login page, and then clicks Log in.
3. Reviews payment details on the mobile PayPal review page, and then presses Pay Now.
4. Views order confirmation on your mobile site or app.
Related information:
"Enabling PayPal Account Optional Checkout on Mobile Devices" on page 34
Mobile Platforms Supported by Express Checkout
Express Checkout supports the mobile checkout experience on specific mobile devices and
their embedded mobile browsers only.
30April 2012Express Checkout Advanced Features Guide
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