Notice of non-liability:
PayPal, Inc. is providing the information in this document to you “AS-IS” with all faults. PayPal, Inc. makes no warranties of any kind (whether express,
implied or statutory) with respect to the information contained herein. PayPal, Inc. assumes no liability for damages (whether direct or indirect), caused
by errors or omissions, or resulting from the use of this document or the information contained in this document or resulting from the application or use
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10March 2008PayPal Certified Developer Program Study Guide
Online Payment Processing
Online payment processing simplifies the operation of an online store by providing a reliable,
easy, secure, and seamless experience for merchants and customers.
In this chapter, you will learn:
z Online payment processing basics
z How the payment processing network operates
z How payment processing works
z What to look for in an online payment processing solution
z PayPal’s payment processing solutions
Online Selling Basics
With the right payment processing services, online merchants can get paid quickly and easily
while protecting themselves against fraud. The most critical step in establishing an online store
is ensuring that you can accept customer payments for single or repeated transactions. Online
payment processing tools offer customers the convenience of paying by credit card, PayPal®,
or other electronic payment sources like debit cards, purchase cards, and eChecks.
Additionally, successful online merchants must make sure their stores are secure. Online fraud
rates are climbing, but smart merchants can protect themselves with security and fraud
prevention systems from a company they trust. According to CyberSource Corp., businesses
lost nearly $2.8 billion USD to online fraud in 2005, up from $2.6 billion USD in 2004.
PayPal’s Fraud Protection Services provide secure and reliable tools that offer peace of mind.
The Payment Processing Network
The payment processing network connects sellers, buyers, and banks to enable the secure and
reliable execution of online transactions. Sellers need an internet merchant account with an
acquiring bank that allows them to accept customer credit cards electronically. Customers
need a bank that issues credit cards and verifies the customer’s credit limit and available cash
balance for proposed purchases. The elements and participants include individuals,
institutions, and processes and services.
PayPal Certified Developer Program Study GuideMarch 200811
Online Payment Processing
How Online Payment Processing Works
z Merchant: Someone who sells goods or services.
z Customer: The holder of the payment instrument.
z Customer issuing bank: The institution providing the customer’s credit card.
z Acquiring bank: Provides internet merchant accounts required to enable online card
authorization and payment processing.
z Credit card associations: Financial institutions that provide credit card services in concert
with credit card associations such as Visa and MasterCard.
z Processor: A large data center that processes credit card transactions and settles funds for
merchants. A processor can be either a bank or a company dedicated to providing these
services. Ceridian is an example of a payment processor.
Processes and Services
z Authorizations: The process of verifying that customer credit cards are active and have
sufficient available credit limits.
z Settlements: Processing authorized transactions to settle funds into a merchant’s account.
z Payment processing service: A service that connects merchants, customers, and banks
involved in online transactions. A third party, such as PayPal with its secure payment
gateway, usually offers this service.
How Online Payment Processing Works
Online payment processing consists of two principal steps: authorization and settlement.
Authorization verifies that the card is active and the customer has sufficient credit to make the
transaction. Settlement is the process of charging the customer’s card account and transferring
money from the customer’s account to the merchant’s account.
Payment Processing Authorization
During authorization, a bank verifies that holders of a payment instrument, like a credit card,
have sufficient credit or funds to make a purchase. The payment authorization process engages
multiple institutions and services to verify that sufficient credit is available to complete the
transaction as follows:
1. Customer decides to purchase online and inputs credit card information.
12March 2008PayPal Certified Developer Program Study Guide
2. Merchant’s website receives customer information and sends it to payment processing
3. Processing service routes information to processor.
4. Processor routes information to bank that issued customer’s credit card.
5. Issuing bank sends authorization (or declination) to processor.
6. Processor routes transaction results to payment processing service.
7. Processing service sends results to merchant.
8. Merchant decides to accept or reject purchase. (Here, the merchant should take additional
precautions to ensure the credit card is not stolen and that the customer actually owns this
Payment Processing Settlement
Once the merchant has shipped the product or authorized the download of merchandise, the
merchant may request that the payment processing service settle the transaction. During
settlement, funds are transferred from the customer’s account to the merchant’s bank account.
Online Payment Processing
What to Look for in an Online Payment Processing Solution
1. Merchant informs the payment processing service to settle transactions.
2. Payment processing service sends transactions to processor.
3. Processor checks the information, and forwards settled transaction information to the card
association and card-issuing bank.
4. Transactions are settled to the card issuers and funds move between the acquiring bank and
issuing bank. Funds received for these transactions are sent to the merchant’s bank account.
5. Acquiring bank credits merchant’s bank account.
6. Issuing bank includes merchant’s charge on customer’s credit card account.
What to Look for in an Online Payment Processing Solution
Finding a reliable, secure, and flexible payment processing solution is critical. A payment
processing solution should be:
z Backed by an established, trustworthy company
z Comply with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard
z Provide comprehensive and standard antifraud features
z Store customer financial information with state-of-the-art encryption
z Supply password-protected account management
PayPal Certified Developer Program Study GuideMarch 200813
Online Payment Processing
PayPal’s Payment Processing Solutions
z Provide reliable and cost-effective acceptance and processing of a variety of payment types
z Authorize credit cards in real time
z Scale to thousands of transactions to meet peak demand
z Based on a fault-tolerant network of redundant servers to ensure uninterrupted operations
Easy to Use
z Provide easy, flexible integration with merchant’s website
z Scale rapidly and seamlessly as transaction volume increases
z Work with leading internet merchant account providers
z Provide easy-to-use tracking and reporting system
z Store transaction records securely
z Process offline transactions through a virtual terminal
z Provide recurring billing payment for services
z Offer upgrade options to accommodate future growth
PayPal’s Payment Processing Solutions
PayPal’s payment processing solutions are designed to meet the demanding and diverse needs
of a variety of online merchants. By providing affordable payment connections among
merchants, customers, and financial networks, PayPal’s solutions take advantage of the latest
technical resources to streamline transactions, while helping to prevent fraud. Products
including Payflow Link, Payflow Pro, Website Payments Standard, and Website Payments Pro
allow everyone from mom-and-pop online retail stores to enterprise-level businesses to
process transactions easily, reliably, and securely.
PayPal’s Fraud Protection Services and Recurring Billing Service for Payflow, along with
other customer service packages, include professional integration support. Most importantly,
Payflow offers one of the industry’s few payment processing services with immediate
connectivity to all major processors and most shopping carts. Note, however, that you do not
need a PayPal account to process credit cards on your website.
Once you have your own website, ask a few simple questions to determine which product is
right for you:
1. Do you need an all-in-one solution that includes an internet merchant account and
allows you to process credit cards online?
If you don’t have your own internet merchant or business bank account, PayPal can
provide a total solution with its Website Payments Standard and Website Payments Pro
– Website Payments Pro: Website Payments Pro is an all-in-one payment solution that
allows customers to shop and pay on your site. You can accept credit cards directly on
14March 2008PayPal Certified Developer Program Study Guide
Online Payment Processing
PayPal’s Payment Processing Solutions
your site and get the features of a merchant account and gateway through a single
provider at a lower cost. Website Payments Pro allows you to control your checkout from
start to finish.
For more information on Website Payments Pro, go to:
– Website Payments Standard: Website Payments Standard lets customers shop on your
website and pay on PayPal. It offers a pay-peruse model with no set-up or monthly fees.
Like Website Payments Pro, it includes shipping and tax calculators, reporting tools to
measure your business, and support for international currencies.
For more information on Website Payments Standard, go to:
2. Do you have your own internet merchant account or business bank account that
allows you to process credit cards online?
If you do, consider PayPal Payflow Gateway products. A gateway provides a secure
connection between your online store and your internet merchant account.
– Payflow Pro: Scalable and fully customizable, the Payflow Pro solution is
recommended for merchants who require peak site performance and direct control over
payment functionality on their site. Merchants using this service can enhance the
customer experience by allowing shoppers to complete the checkout process without
ever leaving your site.
For more information on Payflow Pro, go to:
– Payflow Link: This service is designed for merchants who require a simple solution to
selling on the web. In order to use this service, you need to add only a small piece of
HTML code that will link your customers to order forms hosted by PayPal. This simple
package allows you to process payments by credit cards, debit cards, and checks, online
and offline. It also works with most major shopping carts.
For more information on Payflow Link, go to:
3. Do you need a basic payment processing service?
Look first to a basic PayPal service for processing credit cards payments. These include:
– PayPal Email Payments: Email Payments lets you send customers email invoices that
they can pay on PayPal. This simple solution does not require you to have a shopping
cart or an internet merchant account.
For more information on PayPal Email Payments, go to:
– PayPal Virtual Terminal: Virtual Terminal provides your business with the same
functionality as a stand-alone credit card-processing terminal, but allows you to accept
credit card payments by phone, fax, and email. You can use Virtual Terminal on any
computer with an internet connection.
For more information on PayPal Virtual Terminal, go to:
PayPal Certified Developer Program Study GuideMarch 200815
Online Payment Processing
PayPal’s Payment Processing Solutions
– PayPal as an Additional Payment Option: This option allows merchants to put the
PayPal logo on their own website to accept PayPal as an alternative payment source, in
addition to credit cards such as MasterCard® or Visa®.
For more information on PayPal as an Additional Payment Option, go to:
phone, fax,
or mail
N OTE: This Study Guide and the PayPal Developer Certification cover the Website Payments
Pro solution with Express Checkout.
PayPal Certified Developer Program Study GuideMarch 200817
Online Payment Processing
Review Questions
Review Questions
Answers to review questions are in Appendix A, “Answers to Review Questions.”
1. Indicate if each statement is True (T) or False (F).
_____ The most critical step in establishing an online store is ensuring that you can accept
_____ According to Cybersource Corp., businesses lost nearly $2.8 billion USD to online
_____ The payment processing network connects buyers, sellers, and banks to enable the
_____ By providing affordable payment connections among merchants, customers, and
2. Match each participant in the payment processing network to the role they perform.
customer payments for single or repeated transactions.
fraud in 2005, down from $3.0 billion USD in 2004.
secure and reliable execution of online transactions.
financial networks, PayPal’s solutions take advantage of the latest technical
resources to streamline transactions, while helping to prevent fraud.
ResponseParticipantRole Performed
Merchant1. The holder of the payment instrument.
Customer2. A financial institution that provides credit card
services in concert with credit card associations such
as Visa and MasterCard.
Customer Issuing Bank3. Someone who sells goods or services.
Acquiring Bank4. A large data center that processes credit card
transactions and settles funds for merchants.
Credit Card Association5. An institution that provides merchant accounts
required to enable online card authorization and
payment processing.
Processor6. The institution providing the customer’s credit card.
18March 2008PayPal Certified Developer Program Study Guide
Online Payment Processing
Review Questions
3. The following steps describe the payment authorization process. Indicate the correct order
of the steps by placing the step number to the left of each description.
_____ Processor routes information to bank that issued customer’s credit card.
_____ Merchant’s website receives customer information and sends it to payment
processing service.
_____ Processing service sends results to merchant.
_____ Merchant decides to accept or reject purchase.
_____ Customer decides to purchase online and inputs credit card information.
_____ Processor routes transaction results to payment processing service.
_____ Processing service routes information to processor.
_____ Issuing bank sends authorization (or declination) to processor.
4. The following steps describe the payment processing settlement process. Indicate the
correct order of the steps by placing the step number to the left of each description.
_____ Acquiring bank credits merchant’s bank account.
_____ Merchant informs the payment processing service to settle transactions.
_____ Processor checks the information, and forwards settled transaction information to
the card association and card-issuing bank.
_____ Issuing bank includes merchant’s charge on customer’s credit card account.
_____ Transactions are settled to the card issuers and funds move between the acquiring
bank and issuing bank. Funds received for these transactions are sent to the
merchant’s bank account.
_____ Payment processing service sends transactions to processor.
5. Finding a reliable, secure, and flexible payment processing solution is critical. What
features should a payment processing solution offer? (Select all that apply.)
_____ Backed by an established, trustworthy company
_____ Comply with Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard
_____ Store customer financial information in plain sight
_____ Authorize credit cards in real time
_____ Based on a network that provides near real-time credit card transactions
_____ Scale rapidly and seamlessly as transaction volume increases
_____ Offer upgrade options to accommodate future growth
_____ Provide recurrent billing payment for service
PayPal Certified Developer Program Study GuideMarch 200819
Online Payment Processing
Review Questions
6. Match each PayPal solution to the service it offers.
ResponsePayPal ProductService Description
Website Payments Pro1. Lets you send customers email invoices that they
can pay on PayPal. This simple solution does not
require you to have a shopping cart or an internet
merchant account.
Website Payments Standard2. A gateway that provides a secure connection
between your online store and your internet
merchant account. Scalable and fully customizable,
this solution is recommended for merchants who
require peak site performance and direct control over
payment functionality on their site. Merchants using
this service can enhance the customer experience by
allowing shoppers to complete the checkout process
without ever leaving your site.
Payflow Pro3. Allows merchants to put the PayPal logo on their
own website to accept PayPal as an alternative
payment source, in addition to credit cards such as
MasterCard® or Visa®.
Payflow Link4. An all-in-one payment solution that allows
customers to shop and pay on your site. You can
accept credit cards directly on your site and get the
features of a merchant account and gateway through
a single provider at a lower cost.
PayPal Email Payments5. A gateway that provides a secure connection
between your online store and your internet
merchant account. This service is designed for
merchants who require a simple solution to selling
on the web. In order to use this service, you need to
add only a small piece of HTML code that will link
your customers to order forms hosted by PayPal.
PayPal Virtual Terminal6. Provides your business with the same functionality
as a stand-alone credit card-processing terminal, but
allows you to accept credit card payments by phone,
fax, and email.
PayPal as an Additional Payment
7. Lets customers shop on your website and pay on
PayPal. It offers a pay-peruse model with no set-up
or monthly fees. It includes shipping and tax
calculators, reporting tools to measure your
business, and support for international currencies.
20March 2008PayPal Certified Developer Program Study Guide
Online Payment Processing
Review Questions
7. Select the PayPal payment processing solutions that enable a customer to checkout on the
merchant’s website.
_____ Website Payments Pro
_____ Website Payments Standard
_____ Payflo Pro
_____ Payflow Link
_____ Email Payments
_____ Virtual Terminal
_____ PayPal as an Additional Payment Option
8. Select the PayPal payment processing solutions that require API or HTML technical skills
to develop payment processing applications.
_____ Website Payments Pro
_____ Website Payments Standard
_____ Payflo Pro
_____ Payflow Link
_____ Email Payments
_____ Virtual Terminal
_____ PayPal as an Additional Payment Option
PayPal Certified Developer Program Study GuideMarch 200821
Online Payment Processing
Review Questions
22March 2008PayPal Certified Developer Program Study Guide
Internet Security and Fraud
E-commerce has become an essential sales channel for businesses both domestically and
internationally. Unfortunately, e-commerce has also become an attractive revenue source for
criminals who perpetrate internet fraud. You need to be aware and informed so that you can
take steps to protect your business. Security for online payments is everyone’s responsibility.
In this chapter, you will learn about:
z Why every merchant should be concerned about internet fraud
z Liability for internet fraud
z Internet fraud: What it is and how it happens
z Who is at risk for online fraud
z How to reduce your exposure to fraud
z What banks and credit card associations are doing to prevent online credit card fraud
z What PayPal is doing to protect your business against fraud
z Providing disclosure to your customers and compliance with the Payment Card Industry
(PCI) standard
z PayPal® Fraud Protection Services
Why Every Business Should Be Concerned About Internet Fraud
Every merchant is at risk for fraud. When doing business online, you should be particularly
aware of fraud.
Offline merchants can see who they are doing business with, look at their customers’ credit
cards, and watch them sign the receipt. In the online world, however, customers never sign a
paper receipt, so authentication becomes a challenge. Moreover, in the online world, hackers
can break into your network without your knowledge and steal money, products, and sensitive
information. They can also steal customer identities and commit crimes against other
merchants, using your business as a launch pad for further crimes.
Internet fraud is also more difficult to detect than in the brick-and-mortar world. Criminals
who break into a physical store are much more visible than criminals who break in through the
web and erase their footprints. Additionally, in the online world, criminals have multiple
access points for break-ins, because the merchant store is networked internally and to other
Because of these vulnerabilities, total losses from online payment fraud have steadily
increased. According to CyberSource’s 2006 Online Fraud Report, an estimated $2.8 billion
USD was lost to online fraud in the U.S. and Canada in 2005. The Nilson Report, a payment
PayPal Certified Developer Program Study GuideMarch 200823
Internet Security and Fraud Prevention
Liability for Internet Fraud
trade publication, estimates the rate of credit card fraud to be 18 cents to 24 cents per $100
USD of online sales – three to four times higher than the overall fraud rate.
The threat of online fraud is so pervasive that the U.S. government now mandates security
requirements for businesses that handle financial information online. Today these regulations
apply mainly to the banking community, but as an internet merchant you access the financial
networks for each transaction made on your site. As a result, security at the point of sale is
becoming an increasing concern for both credit card associations and the government.
Credit card associations, for their part, hold merchants liable for fraudulent transactions
because the credit card isn’t physically present during online purchases. So merchants must
take additional steps against online fraud. Credit card associations can impose stiff penalties
for fraud – expenses on top of stolen goods and related shipping costs.
Moreover, American Express, Diners Club, Discover Card, JCB, MasterCard International and
Visa U.S.A. have adopted the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard developed
to protect account and transaction information of cardholders. The PCI standard requires
merchants to adhere to a set of information security requirements or risk substantial fines.
Security must therefore be a key concern.
Liability for Internet Fraud
In the offline world, you can take steps to safeguard your transactions by getting a signature
and authorization, thereby shifting the liability of the transaction to the card issuer. In the
online world, the liability for a fraudulent transaction always rests squarely with the merchant.
Online transactions are considered card-not-present transactions and are inherently riskier. The
financial consequences for a merchant who processes a fraudulent online transaction can be
z Inventory loss and shipping costs for physical goods that are fraudulently purchased and
then delivered
z Chargeback penalties assessed by the acquiring bank of $15-$30 USD per fraudulent
According to Gartner Group estimates, merchants reject an estimated 5% of all transactions
out of suspicion of fraud, while only 2% of transactions are actually fraudulent. The result is a
significant amount of lost sales (up to 3% of sales volume) in an attempt to reduce fraud risk.
In addition to losing product and paying chargeback penalties, your business also faces costs
due to fraud:
z Higher discount rates assessed as a result of processing fraudulent payments
z Labor cost for the merchant to investigate and resolve the chargeback
z Five- to six-figure card association fines or cancellation of a merchant’s account when card
fraud rates are consistently high
Implementing better tools and raising awareness can help you reduce lost revenue by turning
away fewer legitimate customers who seem suspicious. You can also resolve chargebacks
24March 2008PayPal Certified Developer Program Study Guide
Internet Security and Fraud Prevention
Internet Fraud: What It Is and How It Happens
more quickly, thus saving time and money. In some cases, online merchants have reduced their
chargeback rate from 7% to 2%.
Internet Fraud: What It Is and How It Happens
All internet payment fraud is based on stolen consumer or merchant identities. It also requires
access to payment networks to complete the fraud. The result is product theft, identity theft,
and cash theft.
z Product Theft: Occurs when a criminal uses stolen credit card information to purchase
goods and services.
z Identity Theft: Occurs when stolen credit card information is combined with readily
available social security numbers and address information to open new credit cards under
the victim’s name and address.
z Cash Theft: Occurs when criminals break into a virtual cash register by stealing merchant
account access information and impersonating you in order to issue credits or payments to
Fortunately, there are ways to protect against fraud. The most important thing you can do is
choose a reliable and secure payment solution that includes basic and advanced antifraud
features. Here are some of the most common fraud-related risks facing online merchants:
Consumer Identity Theft
Criminals steal consumer credit card information through a variety of methods, including
dumpster diving for paper receipts, hacking into e-commerce networks, or using handheld
“skimmers” to digitally scan numbers from credit cards of unsuspecting people at restaurants
or cash registers. Phishers, meanwhile, will send fraudulent emails to consumers warning, for
instance, of a problem with a credit card account in an attempt to trick the person to provide
personal information. Once they’ve obtained the credit card information, these criminals can
use it to steal products outright or open other accounts by impersonating the victim.
Merchant Identity Theft
Just as offline criminals can break into a cash register, online criminals can hack into the
accounts of web merchants and funnel money to themselves. These criminals might be
employees or visitors to a building who copy unprotected login information. They then can use
the information to hack into a back-end system to hijack a merchant’s payment gateway
account, which provides the secure connection between your online store and your internet
merchant account. Through this move, they can steal cash directly from the business by
issuing themselves credit cards and payments.
Accessing Payment Networks
Once criminals have stolen an identity, they may access a payment network to complete the
fraud. Most do this through two primary channels: a web merchant’s checkout page or a
payment gateway account. Although a checkout page provides convenience for both buyer and
seller, it can raise some security concerns. For example, some criminals use the page to test
PayPal Certified Developer Program Study GuideMarch 200825
Internet Security and Fraud Prevention
Who Is at Risk for Online Fraud
stolen credit cards. For the merchant, it is crucial to use products with built-in fraud protection
to prevent this sort of digital theft.
Chargebacks occur when a cardholder disputes a credit card purchase. During such disputes,
the card-issuing bank initiates a chargeback against the merchant, retrieving the funds for the
sale from the merchant’s bank account. The bank initiating the chargeback is not required to
notify the merchant or the merchant bank. Proving that the disputed transaction was legitimate
can cost merchants significant time and resources, so keeping chargebacks to a minimum is
essential. Chargebacks can hurt a merchant’s bottom line by lowering its credit rating,
diverting resources to resolve the dispute, and siphoning revenue from lost goods and shipping
costs. The most common type of chargeback occurs when the customer:
z Did not receive the item ordered
z Did not receive the item believed to be ordered
z Had his or her credit card stolen and used by the thief
z Stole merchandise or services through the fraudulent use of a chargeback
Who Is at Risk for Online Fraud
Fraud can happen to any merchant at any time, and a single fraud incident can be enough to
put a merchant out of business. That said, some merchants are at greater risk for certain types
of fraud than others. PayPal has put together the following quick reference to identify some of
the higher-than-average risk categories.
TABLE 2.1 High Fraud Risk Quick Reference
Merchant TypePotential Risk
Merchants with vulnerable security defensesCriminals take advantage of sophisticated spidering techniques to
identify merchants with network vulnerabilities, and can then
break into your network to steal account access information for
hijacking or merchant takeovers.
High-visibility merchantsFraud attempts are higher for merchants who advertise heavily or
are in the news because criminals know that merchants who
experience high transaction volumes have less time to defend
against fraud.
Products/Services SoldPotential Risk
High-ticket physical goods that are easily
These items, including luxury goods, computers, and other
electronic equipment, are most attractive to criminals.
Goods that can be downloaded from the
26March 2008PayPal Certified Developer Program Study Guide
The purchase of these goods doesn’t require physical address
information, making it easier for criminals to disguise a
fraudulent transaction.
Internet Security and Fraud Prevention
Reducing Exposure to Fraud
ABLE 2.1 High Fraud Risk Quick Reference
Customer BasePotential Risk
InternationalIt is difficult to validate the address or identity of foreign buyers,
and it is more difficult to investigate and prosecute fraudulent
activity from an overseas source.
Sales SeasonPotential Risk
Heavy proportion of fourth quarter salesCriminals know that you have limited time for fraud protection
when sales volumes are high. That’s why internet fraud triples in
the fourth quarter.
Special promotionsCriminals watch for special offers. They know that you have
limited time for fraud protection measures when sales volumes
are high.
Reducing Exposure to Fraud
It is possible to significantly reduce your exposure to fraud. There are essentially three levels
of exposure to fraud on the internet: the individual transactions, the payment gateway account,
and the merchant network. Protecting your business from fraud requires that you address each
of these levels in an integrated manner.
Transaction Level
Ensure that each transaction you accept and process is valid. You should also be careful not to
deny suspicious transactions that are actually valid.
Authenticate buyers when possible. This includes understanding who your repeat
customers are and keeping lists of repeat customers who have legitimately transacted on your
site. Make sure all customer information is encrypted and stored safely. Also, take advantage
of MasterCard® and Visa® buyer authentication programs to authenticate customers and
reduce your liability.
Screen orders for fraud patterns. There is a wealth of information associated with each
transaction that can help you understand the risk level. To effectively manage all the risk
information associated with a transaction, it is important to use a rules engine. A rules engine
automates the process of transaction screening so that you quickly fulfill orders for good
customers and proactively block risky orders. PayPal Fraud Protection Services allows you to
cost-effectively deploy a rules engine as well as benefit from PayPal’s continuously updated
lists of high-risk indicators.
Review suspicious transactions. Finally, review each transaction that is suspicious to make
sure you are doing business with a legitimate customer. Online merchants today reject 5% of
all transactions because they do not have the time or information to determine whether a
suspicious transaction is actually a good one. PayPal Fraud Protection Services allows you to
PayPal Certified Developer Program Study GuideMarch 200827
Internet Security and Fraud Prevention
What Banks and Card Associations Are Doing to Prevent Online Credit Card Fraud
automatically and continuously review only the suspicious orders, before you process them,
allowing time to make an informed decision.
Account Level
Make sure that only authorized users have access to your payment gateway account, and be
alert for suspicious account access patterns.
Lock down administrative access. With PayPal Fraud Protection Services, you can limit
access to high-risk administrative transactions, such as issuing credits. You should also change
your account password on a regular basis.
Monitor account level activity for suspicious patterns. Watch your account for signs of
unauthorized access, which could indicate merchant account takeover. Account Monitoring
from PayPal offers affordable, customized, live account monitoring staffed by experienced
fraud professionals. The service can help you catch account takeover before it does any
damage, whether the takeover is due to a hacker or fraudulent employee usage of your service.
Network Level
Ensure your network or “perimeter” is defended against unauthorized access.
Lock down network access. With PayPal Manager, you can ensure that only IP addresses
you select have access to your network.
Update all patches on servers and operating systems. Invest in regularly scheduled
security audits or port scans to identify network vulnerabilities. PayPal Fraud Protection
Services offers a free network scan from Qualys, included with every Basic or Advanced
PayPal Fraud Protection Service.
Monitor firewall activity. Enterprise e-commerce companies should also monitor their
network’s perimeter security on a 24-hour basis.
What Banks and Card Associations Are Doing to Prevent Online
Credit Card Fraud
Consumers shop online for convenience and speed, but historical authentication requirements
have often proved to be cumbersome, time-consuming, and ineffective.
New buyer authentication programs, such as MasterCard® SecureCode, and Verified by
Visa®, provide more streamlined and customer-friendly authentication through passwords.
These programs enable you to gain liability protection by prompting consumers to provide a
password with their card issuers at checkout, similar to providing a PIN number for ATM
transactions. Transactions in which consumers authenticate themselves to issuers effectively
shift liability from the merchant to the issuer. Merchants are not held liable for fraudulent
transactions processed using buyer authentication.
PayPal’s suite of Fraud Protection Services makes it easy for you to take advantage of this
powerful system. (Check with your internet merchant account provider directly to determine if
28March 2008PayPal Certified Developer Program Study Guide
Internet Security and Fraud Prevention
What PayPal Is Doing to Protect Your Business Against Fraud
they have deployed buyer authentication.) Through Fraud Protection Services, one seamless
integration gives you access to both Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode with your
PayPal gateway service.
What PayPal Is Doing to Protect Your Business Against Fraud
The security of your information, transactions, and money is the core of our business and our
top priority at PayPal. We help you protect against fraud, so you can grow your business and
minimize losses.
PayPal leverages the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, which provides crucial online
identity and security to help establish trust between parties involved in e-commerce
transactions. Customers can be assured that the website they’re communicating with is
genuine and that the information they send through web browsers stays private and
Moreover, using SSL with an encryption key length of 128 bits (the highest level
commercially available), PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in
transit from your computer to ours. Once your information reaches us, it resides on a server
that is heavily guarded both physically and electronically. Our servers sit behind a monitored
electronic firewall and are not connected directly to the internet, so your private information is
available only to authorized computers.
How to Reduce Chargebacks
Dealing effectively with customer issues is a great way to minimize risk and reduce
chargebacks. By communicating clearly and keeping good records, you can avoid many
potential problems today, which are much easier than trying to resolve them with a credit card
company tomorrow. PayPal has developed these helpful tips for avoiding customer complaints
that can lead to chargebacks:
z Provide realistic delivery time estimates and use tracking that shows proof that the items
were received
z Describe the sale item in as much detail as possible. Include clear images and
measurements so that customers have a good understanding of what they’re getting.
z Make sure you clearly disclose the total cost to customers up front: the price, taxes,
shipping costs, etc.
z Provide customers with a way to contact you should they have a problem. Often a simple
email exchange or phone call clears up a misunderstanding instantly.
z Respond promptly and courteously to customer inquiries.
PayPal Certified Developer Program Study GuideMarch 200829
Internet Security and Fraud Prevention
Disclosure and Compliance
Disclosure and Compliance
Disclosure Policy
Your disclosure policy tells your customers that you’re honest and dependable and that you
care about them and protecting their information. It shows your customers that you believe in
transparency and accountability. It provides a framework and standards for your business
policies, how you deal with your customer information, and how you communicate with your
Your disclosure policy typically includes five things: a business description, privacy policy,
shipping policy, return policy, and contact information. The more your customers know about
you, the more comfortable they’ll be giving you their business. So be honest, open, direct, and
precise. Here are more details about the five areas you should cover:
1. Business description. Write a clear description of what your company does, including
what products and services it provides. Post it in a prominent place on your website, often
the “About Us” section.
2. Privacy policy. Your privacy policy should clearly state how you treat and protect your
customers’ information. It’s essential that your policy is easy to find on your website,
usually linked from your homepage. Typical elements of a privacy policy include:
– What personally identifiable customer information you collect
– How the information is used
– With whom you share and do not share this information
– What choices are available to your customers regarding collection, use, and distribution
of the information
– What choices are available to your customers regarding communications from you –
email, direct mail, etc.
– The kind of security procedures in place to protect the loss, misuse, or alteration of
information under your control
– How your customers can correct any inaccuracies in the information
3. Shipping policy. You’ve made the sale. Your customers are anxious to get their purchases.
So keep that excitement and positive momentum going with a shipping policy that’s simple
and straightforward:
– Spell out your shipping terms in detail, disclosing if costs are determined by weight or
the amount of the purchase
– Indicate the classes of shipping you offer - ground, express, overnight, etc.
– Indicate if you ship to APO, FPO, and international addresses
– Tell your customers in what timeframe they can expect their purchase
– Show your customers how they can track their shipment. (Your shippers should be able
to provide most of this information for you.)
30March 2008PayPal Certified Developer Program Study Guide
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