Congratulations on yore" excellent choice and sound invest-
ment in home comfort!
Your new heat pump represents both the latest in engineer
ing development and the cuhnination of many years of
experience fl'om one of the most reputable manufacturers of
comfort systems.
Your new unit is among the most reliable home comfort prod
ucts available today. To assure its dependability, spend just a
few minutes with this booklet now. Learn about the opera-
tion of your heat pmnp and the small amount of mainte-
nance it takes to keep it operating at its peak efficiency.
With minhnal care, your heat pump will provide you and your
family with satisfying home comfort -- both now and for years
to corne.
To better protect your investment and to eliminate unneces-
sary service calls, familiarize yore'self with the following facts:
• Your heat pmnp will remove humidity fl'om your home dur
ing the cooling season. After a few minutes of operation,
you should be able to see water" trickle from the conden-
sate drain. Check this occasionally to be sure the drain sys-
tem is not clogged. Of course, do not expect to see much
drainage if you live in a very dry climate.
The operation of your heat pump system is controlled by the
indoor thermostat. You simply adjust the thermostat and it
maintains the indoor" temperature at the level you select. Most
thermostats for" heat pmnp systems include temperature con-
trol selector, FAN switch, and SYSTEM switch. EMER-
GENCY HEAT control is usually provided with the SYSTEM
The temperature control selector is a dial or button(s) that al-
lows you to establish the temperature that you wish to main-
tain for your personal comfort. Some thermostats possess two
temperature control selectors: one fox"setting the tempera-
ture desired during the cooling cycle, and one to set the heat
ing operation temperature. Typical settings are 78 degrees
Fahrenheit for cooling and 68 degrees for heating.
The FAN switch offers two options fox" controlling the
blower: AUTO and ON. When set to AUTO, the blower will
run during the time the heat pump is operating. When the
EAN switch is set at the ON position, the blower will run
• Your treat pump system should never be operated without
a clean air flter properly installed. Plan to inspect the fil-
ter periodically. A clogged air filter will increase operating
costs and shorten the life of the unit.
• Supply-air and return-air registers should not be blocked.
Drapes, ftxrniture, and toys are some of the items corn
monly found obstructing grilles. Restricted airflow lessens
the unit's efficiency and life span.
• Outdoor units must have unrestricted airflow. Do not cover
the trait, lean anything against it, or stand upon it. Do not
allow grass clippings, leaves, or other debris to accumu
late arotmd or on top of the unit. Maintain a 12-in. mini-
mum clearance between the outdoor unit and tall grass,
vines, shrubs, et cetera.
• Your multipurpose indoor thermostat is the control center
fox"your heat pump system. You should familiarize your-
self with its proper operation. Attempting to control the
system by other means -- for instance, switching the elec-
trical supply power ON and OFF may cause damage to
the unit.
• Thermostat '_jiggling" causes rapid-cycling, which is poten-
tially damaging to the compressor. Do not move the tem-
perature selector on the thermostat fox"any reason for at
least 5 minutes after the compressor has shut off.
• You may find that you can maintain greater personal com-
fort by running the fan continuously. "Air pockets" can form
due to the structure of the building, placement of regis
ters, et cetera. These air pockets may be too cool or warm
fox"your liking. Continuous fax] operation minimizes any
temperature differences. Also, systems equipped with elec-
tronic air cleaners and/or humidifiers offer the added ben-
efits of having the air continuously cleaned year-round, and
humidified during the winter season.
Typically, the SYSTEM switch on your thermostat offers the
following selections: COOL, OFF, and HEAT. Your thermo
star may also have another selection, AUTO. The heat pmnp
will not operate when the SYSTEM switch is set at the OFF
position. With the SYSTEM switch set at COOL, your heat
pump will operate in its cooling mode when the indoor tern-
perature rises above the level that you wish to maintain. With
the SYSTEM switch set at the HEAT position, your heat pump
will provide warmth whenever the indoor temperature falls
below the level that you have selected.
The AUTO selection found on some thermostats provides for
automatic changeover between cooling and heating cycles. With
the SYSTEM switch set in the AUTO position, the cooling
mode is activated when the indoor temperature rises above
the thermostat cooling temperature setting, or the heating
mode will be activated when the indoor temperature drops
below the thermostat setting for" the heating cycle.
Depending on your winter heating needs, your home comfort
system may include supplementary electric resistance heat.
If it does, your system will turn on electric resistance heat
only as necessary to meet your heating needs during defl'ost
cycles or when outdoor temperatures are low. In the event of
a heat pmnp malfimction, you can use the EMERGENCY HEAT
setting on your thermostat to manually select electric resis
tance heat. Heat pump heating is deactivated when EMER
GENCY HEAT is selected. Because electric resistance heat
consumes more electricity than the heat pump's normal heat-
ing mode, selecting EMERGENCY HEAT will result in higher
electricity costs. If it becomes necessary to use EMER-
GENCY HEAT to provide heat, call your dealer fox"service as
soon as it is practical.
See your thermostat owner's manual for" additional