Ins-30034 OEM Magstripe 1000 compact system
Security-sensitive doors
Wet environments
Mounted on metal surface
Compatible with any Track 2 ISO magstripe card
(push to make)
Exit button
12V DC power
Electric release
12V DC release current rating must be less than 1A.

Master Card - must be swiped when the system is rst switched on
Master Card
1. At installation, present this
card to the reader to validate
the tokens in this pack.
2. To re-validate a user token,
present this enrolment card
to the reader followed by the
user token.
Master Card
1. To enrol a user card, write the iser’s name on
a paper card, swipe it through the reader, then
swipe the user card through the reader
2. To set the door open time, swipe this card, the
reader will beep, wait for the required period,
swipe the card again, the bleeping will stop.
1 2 3 4
Master Card
1. At installation, present this
card to the reader to validate
the tokens in this pack.
2. To re-validate a user token,
present this enrolment card
to the reader followed by the
user token.
Master Card
1. At installation, present this
card to the reader to validate
the tokens in this pack.
2. To re-validate a user token,
present this enrolment card
to the reader followed by the
user token.
Swipe this card to bar:
Write name:
John Smith
Swipe this card to bar:
Write name:
John Smith
1 2 3 4
John Smith
1. Take the master card from the new pack of paper shadow cards.
2. Swipe the master card through the reader.
3. The reader beeps and the LED's light up as the master card is acknowledged.
4. The pack is now ready for adding cards.
Issuing tokens
1. Write the name of the user on a shadow card.
2. Swipe the shadow card through the reader.
3. Swipe the chosen user card through the reader - it is now enrolled.
4. Store the shadow card in a safe place.
Bar a user
1 2 3 4
User Card
1. When a card is lost or stolen it is important to bar the card from your system to avoid unauthorized access.
2. To bar a card or token take it's corresponding shadow card from the card pack.
3. Present the shadow card to the reader. This will remove the lost card or token from your system.
4. A barred card can re-validated by presenting the enrolment card followed by the user card to the reader.
5. Alternatively a different user card can be swiped which will then pair that user card with the paper shadow card.
John Smith
Swipe this card to bar:
Write name:
John Smith