Paxton Hands free keyfob for Net2 User Manual

Ins-30099 Hands free keyfob for Net2
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Compatible with hands free readers
The term 'Hands free access control' means the token
that identies a user is read from within a pocket or
handbag - No hands required. This is useful for gates and barriers, loading doors and where disabled or elderly people require access.
Hands free keyfobs, in conjunction with a hands free interface, achieve this using unique Net2Air wireless technology. They also work in passive mode with all other Paxton proximity readers.
The keyfobs are enrolled onto the Net2 system using the standard desktop reader.
Width Height Length
System Specication
Carrier frequency
Operating temperature - Battery limits
Typical Battery Life Battery Type
Read range with hands free token
P38 850 mm P50 1100mm P75 1500 mm P200 2500 mm
P200E metal mount Long range reader
28 mm
12 mm 49 mm
125 kHz
2.4 GHz
0 °C 55 °C
3 years
2000 mm
5000 mm
The token's battery life is approximately 3 years
The keyfob has been designed with features to maximise battery life. This includes the prevention of repeated access requests to the same door whilst the keyfob remains in range. However, heavy use or keeping the keyfob
in the reader eld can still reduce battery life to 12 months or less.
Battery replacement
Remove the small retaining screw. Insert a at head screw driver into the groove in the corner below the screw
position (see diagram) and gently twist to prise the case open.
Replace the battery, clip the cover closed and secure with the retaining screw.
DE Paxton Access Ltd erklärt, daß diese Anlage den grundlegenden Anforderungen undanderen relevanten Bestimmungen der Direktive 1999/5/EC entspricht. Die Anlage ist zurVerwendung in allen EG- und EFTA-Mitgliedsstaaten bestimmt.
DK Paxton Access Ltd erklærer, at dette udstyr er i overensstemmelse med vigtige krav ogandre relevante provisioner i Direktiv 1999/5/EC. Udstyret er beregnet til brug i alle EU- ogEFTA-medlemslande.
EN Paxton Access Ltd hereby declares that this product is in conformity with all the essential requirements of the Directive 1999/5/EC. This equipment is intended for use in all the EU and EFTA countries and all other countries worldwide.
ES Paxton Access Ltd declara que este equipo cumple con los requisitos esenciales y otrasdisposiciones pertinentes de la Directiva 1999/5/EC. El equipo está destinado para su uso entoda la UE y estados miembros de EFTA.
FI Paxton Access Ltd takaa, että tämä laite on 1999/5/EC-direktiivin olennaistenvaatimusten ja muiden lausekkeiden mukainen. Laite on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi kaikissa EUjaEFTA-jäsenmaissa.
FR Paxton Access Ltd déclare que cet équipement répond aux exigences essentielles etautres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/EC. Cet équipement est prévu pourl utilisation dans tous les états membres de l UE et de l AELE.
GR Η Paxton Access Ltd προβαίνει στην ανακοίνωση ότι αυτά τα µ ηχανή µ ατα έχουν τιςβασικές απαιτού µ ενες προδιαγραφές και υπόκεινται στις υπόλοιπες σχετικές διατάξεις τηςΟδηγητικής 1999/5/EC. Προορίζονται δε για χρήση σε όλες τις χώρες - µ έλη της ΕΕ και τηςEFTA (Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης Προώθησης Ε µ πορικών Συναλλαγών ).
IC Paxton Access Ltd lýsir hér með yr að þetta tæki uppfyllir grunnkröfur og tengd ákvæðiESB tilskipunar nr. 1999/5/EC. Tækið er ætlað til notkunar á Evrópska efnahagssvæðinu og íEFTA löndunum.
IT La Paxton Access Ltd certica che la presente apparecchiatura è conforme ai requisiti dilegge stabiliti nella direttiva 1999/5/EC. Il suo utilizzo dovrà
avvenire in tutti i Paesi membri UEed EFTA.
NL Paxton Access Ltd verklaart, dat deze uitrusting in overeenstemming is met deessentiële vereisten en andere relevante bepalingen van Richtlijn 1999/5/EC. De uitrusting isbedoeld voor gebruik in alle EU en EFTA lidstaten.
NO Paxton Access Ltd erklærer herved at dette utstyret oppfyller de vesentligste krav ogrelevante bestemmelser i direktiv 1999/5/EF om radio- og teleterminalutstyr. Utstyret erberegnet på bruk i alle medlemsland i EU og EFTA.
PT A Paxton Access Ltd declara que este equipamento está de acordo com os requisitosbásicos e outras provisões relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/EC. Este equipamento destina-se ao uso em todos os estados-membros da União Europeia e da EFTA.
SE: Paxton Access Ltd förklarar att denna utrustning överensstämmer med de väsentliga krav och regler som nns i direktivet 1999/5/EG.
Utrustningen är avsedd att användas i alla medlemsstater i EU och EFTA.
Notices of Conformity: