Paxton Easyprox nano starter kit User Manual

Paxton Access
Ins-30116 Easyprox nano starter kit
Technical Support
01273 811011
Technical help is available: Monday - Friday from 07:00 - 19:00 (GMT)
Saturday from 09:00 - 13:00 (GMT)
Bench test guide
What's in the box?
Net2Air USB dongle
Net2 demonstration cards and keyfobs
Part Number
Easyprox nano
USB desktop reader
Please go to the following link to download your copy of Net2 Lite software. < >
The current specication for compatible PC hardware, network and operating systems is
available on our website at the following link:
Page 1
sseccA notxaP
Net2 Logon
User name:
OK Cancel
Log onto Page
Net2 Access
Identify the parts.
1 - Front lock assembly 2 - Handle
P axton Access
T his ba tt er y pack is t o b e r eplac ed with P ax t on A cc ess
par t numb er 746-003 only .
3 - Net2Air dongle 4 - User tokens 5 - Battery pack 6 - Desktop reader (underneath main packaging)
Setting up the PC
1. Plug the dongle into a spare USB port.
2. Plug the desktop reader into a spare USB port.
3. Download the software using the link provided.
4. Run the Net2 application - The Net2 Server 'S' icon will display in the System tray.
5. Log in to the application - Password = net2
6. Present a token to the Desktop reader.
7. The 'Add user' page will open. - The token number is displayed in the 'Token number' box.
8. Add a user name and select 'All hours-all doors' as the access level.
9. Click 'Add user' and 'Close'. The user record will display.
Use this same token through the remaining sections of this guide.
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Powering up the Easyprox
1. Remove the plastic access plate at the rear of the unit by removing the top standoff screws.
2. Push the battery pack lead onto the white power plug.
3. Fit the battery pack into the unit and replace and secure the access plate. - The unit will beep twice.
4. LED Indication - Move your hand over the reader and
the Red LED will ash. This function is used to turn on
the proximity reader to read a token.
5. Slide on the handle and x with the grub screw.
- Moving the handle will now also ash the Red LED.
Battery terminals are located on the base to power the unit should the internal battery pack fail during service.
The handle is free to move and does not engage with the lock spindle until access has been granted by presenting a valid user card.
Enrolling the Easyprox
1. With the Net2 software running, click on the Doors icon to display the Doors screen.
2. Present the user card previously enrolled with the desktop reader to Easyprox.
3. The unit will beep and the LED will ash Blue to show Net2Air communications are taking place.
4. Watch the doors screen. The Easyprox will appear as a new door. Any updates for the lock will now be transmitted. - Wait for this to complete.
5. If this fails to happen, move the Easyprox closer to the dongle. If you still have problems, please
contact Technical Support.
Software TourQ- Click on the following sections in the tree view.
Doors Q- This lists all the access control units on Net2 with their type and serial number. Q Double click on the entry and it will show the settings for this door.
Events Q- Present the token to the Easyprox. The LED will briey ash Green and the handle Q will engage for 3 seconds during which time the unit will beep. The LED will ash Blue Q during communication with the PC and an entry will appear in the Events Log.
Users Q- Select the user. Click the Tokens tab and you will see the token you have assigned. Q Click the Events tab. You will see the Events logged so far for this user.
QNet2 software is common across all Paxton control units (Easyprox, Plus, Classic & Nano) and Qthe screens will self congure to display the relevant data.
1. Update transmissions.
QThe Easyprox is a standalone unit. It checks the PC every hour for updates but is otherwise Qasleep unless woken up to process a user card for access control. This means that changes made at Qthe PC are not immediately received by the lock between these hourly update cycles. Updates (except Qwhen the lock is held open by a timezone) can be forced by using the handle to wake up the unit.
QDisplay the Doors screen and double click the entry. Set the door open time to 10 seconds and apply.
QIf you now touch the handle, the LED will ash Blue as the lock is updated. Presenting a token will now Qunlock the unit for 10 seconds. Note that if you do not manually call for the update, it would be sent to Qthe door immediately following the next access control token read or at its hourly update.
QRestore the door open time to 3 seconds using the above procedure.
2. Net2 Server Conguration Utility.
QThis utility is used to view the Net2Air bridge units that are being used by the Net2 software. To view Qthis information, run the utility program and select Net2Air bridge tab.
QYou will see the Net2Air dongle currently in use. This is the screen that you would use to set up QNet2Air USB and Net2Air Ethernet bridge units for a larger installation.
3. Software settings - Set up a Door Name.
QDisplay the Doors screen and double click the entry. QEnter the name of the door in the 'Door Name' box and click Apply. If you now click on the Events tab, Qyou will see that the 'Where' column now shows the new name against each entry.
4. Lock assembly - LED indications and Alarms.
QHolding the unit in one hand, present the user token and once the LED has ashed Green and the lock Qhas 'clicked' to engage the handle, lower the handle and hold it down.
QThe unit will attempt to relock after 3 seconds but with the handle held down will fail to do so. The LED Qwill ash Red while it tries to operate the lock. After 10 seconds, the local alarm will sound and it will Qpost 'Easyprox cannot lock' in the Events log. Releasing the handle will stop the alarm and lock the Qdoor. A door relock event will be sent to the PC the next time Easyprox communicates with the server.
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The following pages contain the full instruction issued with the Easyprox nano.
It includes the following procedures:
- Mounting Easyprox on a door.
- Commissioning.
- Software conguration.
- LED and alarm indications.
- Detailed server operation.
- Battery replacement.
- Flat battery recovery.
The installation requires Net2Air bridge units to achieve the wireless range
necessary for reliable communication. The specication table relates to these
bridge devices.
The Net2Air dongle provided with this kit should not be used for this purpose.
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