Pax Technology PX5 Installation Manual

P terminals that include a default communication module come standard with one Ethernet port and RS232, USB, and PUSB network capabilities. However, if the default communication module is replaced with an optional communication module, your choice of these additional network capabilities are available:
Commu nicat ion Mod ule
Commu nicat ion Mod ule
Power C onnec tions
Power C onnec tions
Pro duct De scrip tion
Pro duct De scrip tion
• A second Et herne t port
• Power o ver Eth ernet
• An Ether net hub
• Wi-Fi a nd Blue tooth L E
• Wi-Fi a nd Cell ular GS M
The commu nic ation mo dule i s locat ed on the u nders ide of the ter minal .
Commu nicat ion modul e
Power down and remove all power from the terminal before removing or installing a communication module. A communication module must be installed before power can be applied to the terminal.
Working Environment: Temperature -10°C50°C (14°F122°F) R.H.: 10%93% (non-condensing) Storage Environment: Temperature -20°C60°C (-4°F140°F) R.H.: 5%95% (non-condensing)
Stylu s pen
Touch scr een and Conta ctles s reade r area
Magne tic strip e reade r
Priva cy shie ld
Keypa d
Smart c ard reade r
Cable r etent ion cover p late
Commu nicat ion ports - l ocate d under c over pl ate
Speak ers
MAC add ress la bel
Regul atory l abel
Commu nicat ion modul e
Commu nicat ion por ts are la beled a nd colo r-cod ed:
White R ed Yellow B lack Green Blue
Part nu mber/ seria l numbe r label
Power can be supplied via the power port or a single data cable that carries power. This power can be provided via a “powered cable” where the connected POS terminal provides the power
(i.e. PUSB or Power over Ethernet) or by connecting a P power supply directly to the data cable (i.e. RS232 or USB).
1) Power Port Insert the power connector into the green POWER port. Turn the power connector, locking the tab behind the short plastic wall. Dress the cable through the retention clips. A separate data cable is also required.
2) POS Cable Insert the cable connector into the appropriate port on the terminal. Dress the cable through the retention clips opposite the port. Connect power supply to cable as required. The cash register could also supply power to terminal.
3) Power over Ethernet (PoE) Power is available over the red LAN1 port when the optional PoE communication module is installed. Cable Retention Cover Plate After power and data cables are connected and dressed through retention clips, install the cable retention cover plate and secure with captive screw.
Sty lus Hol der and P en
Sty lus Hol der and P en
1) Mountin g Locatio ns
2)Styl us Port
Retenti on Clips
1) Align stylus holder over metal screw openings at left side or top of terminal. Insert tabs into indentations along edge. Attach with captive screws.
2) Insert connector end of stylus pen into stylus port on left side of terminal.
3) Use enclosed plastic card to press stylus cord into retention clips on left side of terminal.
Priv acy Shi eld
Priv acy Shi eld
Insert tabs and snap shield firmly in place to left and right of keypad. Not designed to be removable. Removing the shield breaks the retention tabs and the ability to remotely track the status of the shield is lost.
1Priv acy Shi eld
Decor ative P lug
Decorative Plug – If a privacy shield is not
installed, a non-removable decorative plug may be installed in its place. This plug does not provide any PIN entry privacy.
CAUTION: If the privacy shield is not installed,
you must use PCI-approved alternative methods to secure the PIN pad.
Plug s
Plug s
1) Stylus Holder Plug If required, to prevent stylus pen from being inserted vertically into stylus holder, firmly insert plug into opening in holder, aligning with curve of stylus holder.
2) Smart Card Reader Plug If required, insert smart card reader plug into smart card receptacle slot. To remove, if required, gently pry out the plug using a small screwdriver in the slit along top of plug.
3) Ethernet Plug An Ethernet plug is included in case you want to block an inactive LAN port. Align plug so that it matches the shape of the port and gently push into opening. To remove, if required, gently pry off using a small screwdriver in the slit along the top of the plug.
Note: LAN2 port is enabled only when Ethernet hub or PoE and Ethernet hub communication module is installed.
1) Stylus Holder Plug
2) Smart Card Reader Plug
3) Etherne t Plug
Mounti ng
Stan d Instal latio n
Stan d Instal latio n
Route Cables
If required, the P terminal may be mounted to a stand. Instructions may vary depending on stand specifications.
Carefully route the required cables up through the stand pipe and out the top. Connect the cables to the
P terminal ports.
Insert the three mounting slots on the underside of the terminal into the three metal prongs on the stand base.
Slide the terminal firmly into position, locking the terminal in place on the stand. Secure with fastening screw or locking device as required.
Rese t Button a nd Audi o Jack
Rese t Button a nd Audi o Jack
Reset Button
Audio Ja ck
If required, restart the terminal by pressing in and holding the reset button for 2-3 seconds
If required, a visually disabled person can connect a headphone to the terminal for audio prompting using the
3.5mm output audio jack.
Cabl e Lock
Cabl e Lock
If required, insert customer-provided cable lock into K-Slot®. Loop cable around permanent object to secure in place.
Stylus P ort
Avail able Ac cesso ries
Clea ning th e Devic e
Clea ning th e Devic e
Do not use industrial strength or abrasive cleaner as it may damage or scratch the screen. Do not immerse device in water (or liquid.) Do not spray water or cleaner into the MSR slot, Smart Card Reader or ports. To clean screen, apply distilled water or mild glass cleaner onto a soft, lint-free cloth and gently wipe terminal screen. To clean terminal, apply distilled water or plastic-safe cleaner onto a soft, lint-free cloth and gently wipe terminal.
Avail able Ac cesso ries
RS232 Cable
Requires Power Supply
USB Cable
Requires Power Supply
Power Supply
Requires Power Cord
Power Cord
Requires Power Supply
Stylus Pen
Stylus Holder Plug
Decorative Privacy
Shield Plug
Privacy Shield
This doc ument i s provi ded to yo u for inf ormat ional p urpos es only. All f eature s and spe cific ation s are subj ect to ch ange withou t notic e. PAX's na me and PAX's l ogo are re giste red tradema rks of PAX Tec hnolo gy Inc. A ll righ ts reser ved.
PAX Technol ogy Inc .
4901 Be lfort R oad, Su ite 130 Jacks onvil le, FL 322 56, USA T: 877-8 59-00 99 W: E: sale s@pax .us
P/N:2 00312 00000 0224
FCC Regulations:
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Incr ease th e separ ation b etwee n the equ ipmen t and recei ver.
-Conn ect the e quipm ent int o an outl et on a cir cuit
differ ent fro m that to w hich th e recei ver is co nnect ed.
-Cons ult the d ealer o r an expe rienc ed radi o/TV techn ician f or help .
Cauti on: Cha nges or m odifi catio ns not ex press ly appro ved by th e party r espon sible f or comp lianc e could void th e user' s autho rity to o perat e the equ ipmen t.
RF Exp osure I nform ation
This de vice me ets the g overn ment' s requi remen ts for expos ure to ra dio wav es.Th is devi ce is des igned a nd manuf actur ed not to e xceed t he emis sion li mits fo r expos ure to ra dio fre quenc y (RF) en ergy se t by the Feder al Comm unica tions C ommis sion of t he U.S. Gover nment .
This de vice co mplie s with FC C radia tion ex posur e limit s set for th for an u ncont rolle d envir onmen t. In ord er to avoid t he poss ibili ty of exc eedin g the FCC r adio frequ ency ex posur e limit s, huma n proxi mity to t he anten na shal l not be le ss than 2 0cm (8 in ches) d uring norma l opera tion.
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