The information contained in this document is not designed or intended for use as
critical components in human life-support systems, equipment used in hazardous
environments, or nuclear control systems. Patton Electronics Company disclaims any
express or implied warranty of fitness for such uses.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Patton Electronics assumes no liability for errors that may appear in this document.
Any software described in this document is furnished under license and may be used
or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
6 System Clocking............................................................................................................................................ 41
9 IP Filtering.................................................................................................................................................... 71
10 RIP Version 2................................................................................................................................................ 79
12 System ........................................................................................................................................................... 93
13 System Log .................................................................................................................................................. 111
A Updating the operating software ................................................................................................................ 155
Summary Table of Contents
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide
Table of Contents
About this guide .....................................................................................................................................................3
Conventions used in this document........................................................................................................................ 4
Product information box .......................................................................................................................................14
Operating status variables ......................................................................................................................................14
Export current Flash configuration ........................................................................................................................18
Import Flash Configuration From File ..................................................................................................................20
Alarm System Overview window ...........................................................................................................................22
Alarms management windows ...............................................................................................................................24
DS0 Mapping Overview main window..................................................................................................................30
DACS Display Type parameter .............................................................................................................................31
Defining a DS0 map using the Long Form............................................................................................................32
Defining DS0 mappings using the command line interface (CLI) .........................................................................36
Saving a DS0 mapping definition..........................................................................................................................37
Defined Mappings table (static connections) .........................................................................................................38
DS0 Connection ID (DAX Connection ID) window............................................................................................39
6 System Clocking............................................................................................................................................ 41
System Clocking Overview window.......................................................................................................................42
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide
Ethernet main window ..........................................................................................................................................48
IP main window ....................................................................................................................................................56
IP parameters and statistics....................................................................................................................................57
Modify IP Configuration window .........................................................................................................................59
IP Addressing Information window.......................................................................................................................61
IP Routing Information window ...........................................................................................................................62
Address Translation Information window..............................................................................................................68
9 IP Filtering.................................................................................................................................................... 71
Defining a filter .....................................................................................................................................................72
An example of using a filter ...................................................................................................................................76
Deleting a filter......................................................................................................................................................78
10 RIP Version 2................................................................................................................................................ 79
RIP Version 2 Overview main window..................................................................................................................80
RIP Version 2 (Status)...........................................................................................................................................83
RIP Version 2 (Configuration) window.................................................................................................................83
12 System ........................................................................................................................................................... 93
System Status Overview window ...........................................................................................................................96
Ethernet Status table..............................................................................................................................................99
System Status Details window .............................................................................................................................101
System Message Block Statistics window .............................................................................................................103
System Parameters window..................................................................................................................................104
System Parameters Configuration window...........................................................................................................107
13 System Log .................................................................................................................................................. 111
SYSTEM LOG main window .............................................................................................................................112
SYSTEM LOG (configuration) window..............................................................................................................117
System Log—Volatile Memory window ..............................................................................................................120
System Log—Non-Volatile Memory window......................................................................................................120
Near End Line Statistics—Current......................................................................................................................126
Near End Line Statistics—History.......................................................................................................................127
Near End Line Statistics—Totals.........................................................................................................................128
SDH/E1 test parameters......................................................................................................................................130
SDH Configuration link .....................................................................................................................................143
End User License Agreement...............................................................................................................................152
A Updating the operating software ................................................................................................................ 155
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide
About this guide
This guide describes configuring a Patton Electronics Matrix Switch (6511RC). This section describes
the following:
• Who should use this guide (see “Audience”)
• How this document is organized (see “Structure”)
• Typographical conventions and terms used in this guide (see “Conventions used in this document” on
page 4)
This guide is intended for the following users:
• System administrators
• Operators
This guide contains the following chapters:
• Chapter 1 (on page 7) on describes using the Administration Page window
• Chapter 2 (on page 11) describes using the Home window
• Chapter 3 (on page 17) describes using the Import/Export window
• Chapter 4 (on page 21) describes using the Alarms window
• Chapter 5 (on page 29) describes using the DS0 Mapping window
• Chapter 6 (on page 41) describes using the Clocking window
• Chapter 7 (on page 47) describes using the Ethernet window
• Chapter 8 (on page 53) describes using the IP window
• Chapter 9 (on page 71) describes using the Filter IP window
• Chapter 10 (on page 79) describes using the RIP Version 2 window
• Chapter 11 (on page 87) describes using the SNMP window
• Chapter 12 (on page 93) describes using the System window
• Chapter 13 (on page 111) describes using the System Log window
• Chapter 14 (on page 123) describes using the E1 Link window
About this guide
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide
• Chapter 15 (on page 133) describes using the SDH window
• Chapter 16 (on page 149) describes the contents of the About window
• Chapter 17 (on page 151) describes the contents of the License window
The following are used in this guide to help you become aware of potential problems:
A note presents additional information or interesting sidelights.
The alert symbol and IMPORTANT heading calls attention to
important information.
Conventions used in this document
This section describes the typographical conventions and terms used in this guide.
General conventions
The procedures described in this guide use the text conventions listed in table 1.
Table 1. Text conventions
Garamond blue type
Italicized Garamond type
Garamond bold type Indicates the names of command buttons that execute an action.
< >Angle brackets indicate function and keyboard keys, such as <SHIFT>,
Are you ready?All system messages and prompts appear in the Courier font as the
% dir *.*
Indicates a cross-reference hyperlink that points to a figure, graphic,
table, or section heading. Clicking on the hyperlink jumps you to the reference. When you finish reviewing the reference, click on the Go to
Previous View button in the Adobe
return to your starting point.
Indicates the names of items.
<CTRL>, <C>, and so on.
system would display them.
Bold Courier font indicates where the operator must type a response
or command
Reader toolbar to
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide
Mouse conventions
Table 2 lists conventions this guide uses to describe mouse actions.
Table 2. Mouse conventions
Left mouse button
Right mouse buttonThis button refers the secondary or rightmost mouse button (unless you
PointThis word means to move the mouse in such a way that the tip of the
ClickMeans to quickly press and release the left or right mouse button (as
DragThis word means to point the arrow and then hold down the left or right
This button refers to the primary or leftmost mouse button (unless you
have changed the default configuration).
have changed the default configuration)
pointing arrow on the screen ends up resting at the desired location.
instructed in the procedure). Make sure you do not move the mouse
pointer while clicking a mouse button. Double-click means to press and
release the same mouse button two times quickly
mouse button (as instructed in the procedure) as you move the mouse to
a new location. When you have moved the mouse pointer to the
desired location, you can release the mouse button.
About this guide
About this guide
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide
You may manage the Model 6511RC Matrix Switch by using its internal HTTP/HTML Web Management
windows. However, to access the HTTP/HTML windows, you must first define:
• The 6511RC system’s LAN IP method to obtain address
• LAN IP address
• LAN IP subnet mask for the 6511RC
If you have not defined the above parameters, refer to the procedures in the Getting Started Guide that came
with your 6511RC
Logging into the HTTP/HTML Web Management windows
To log into the HTTP/HTML Web Management windows, you must enter the 4-octet Internet Protocol (IP)
address (for example, http://your.server.ip.address ) as the Universal Resource Locator (URL) into a World-Wide
Web (WWW) browser. After you enter the IP address, the 6511RC will ask for your user name and password
as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1. 6511RC login window
Your 6511RC will accept the following default administrative username: superuser
Your 6511RC will accept the following default administrative passwords:
• superuser —this password carries full permission to change and view any parameters in the 6511RC
• monitor —this password allows full viewing of any non-password oriented variables.
For security reasons, we recommend that you change these passwords
immediately after initial configuration.
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide
1 • Introduction
HTTP/HTML and SNMP Object Format
In this document, we shall describe the variables found on each of the internal HTTP/HTML windows. This
description will include brief definitions of the Patton Enterprise MIB or SNMP MIB II object identifiers
wherever applicable. The format of the variables will resemble figure 2.
Figure 2. HTTP/HTML and SNMP object format
Saving HTTP/HTML Object Changes
Sometimes you will need to save changes that you have made in the HTTP/HTML windows. Do the following to make changes to read/write variables:
1. Select the appropriate Modify screen.
2. Make changes to the desired parameter.
3. Click on the Submit button.
4. Return to the HOME screen.
5. Click on the Record Current Configuration button.
NoteMake sure you follow steps 1 through 5 when modifying the
HTTP/HTML windows. Otherwise, your changes will be lost when
the 6511RC is power-cycled.
Product information box .......................................................................................................................................14
Operating status variables ......................................................................................................................................14
Slot ID (cPCISlotID) ......................................................................................................................................15
% CPU Idle (boxIdleTime) ............................................................................................................................15
Running Since Last Boot (sysUpTime) ...........................................................................................................15
Current Box State (alarmBoxState) .................................................................................................................15
Total System Alarms (alarmTotal) ..................................................................................................................15
Record Current Configuration (storeConfig(1)) .............................................................................................15
Hard Reset (hardReset(2)) ..............................................................................................................................16
Set Factory Default Configuration (forceDefaultConfig(3)) ............................................................................16
The 6511RC Web Management HOME window is the first management window that you see after logging
into the 6511RC (see figure 3).
Figure 3. HOME window
The HOME window consists of sections that enable you to:
• View general product information about the 6511RC, such as the current software version (see section
“Product information box” on page 14)
• View a summary of the system’s operating status that includes the following information:
– Number of egress ports on the rear blade
– Shelf address
– Slot ID
– Percent of idle CPU time
– Amount of time since the last time the system software was restarted (also referred to as booting)
– Current 6511RC (front blade/rear blade) alarm status, which displays the highest-level alarm currently
detected in the 6511RC—listed as Major, Minor, or Clear (for none)
– Total alarms active in the 6511RC
See section “Operating status variables” on page 14 for more information.
• Initiate the following immediate actions:
– Save any changes you have made to the 6511RC’s system configuration
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide 2 • Home
– Perform a hard reset (cold restart) of the system without power-cycling the 6511RC.
– Set factory default configuation. Reset all the 6511RC’s configurable parameters to their factory-
default values.
See section “Operator Actions” on page 15 for more information.
The HOME window is divided into two panes: the Configuration Menu pane and the configuration/information pane (see figure 4). The Configuration Menu contains the links to the various 6511RC subsystem windows, while the configuration/information pane is where you can view status and other information, or make
changes to the system configuration. Unlike the Configuration Menu pane, which looks the same no matter
which subsystem window you may move to, the configuration/information pane contents will change as you
move from one subsystem window to another.
NoteClicking on the HOME link in the Configuration Menu pane returns you to
Figure 5. Product information section of HOME window
Software Release Timestamp
Product information box
The product information box (see figure 5) displays the following:
• Product name: Matrix Switch
• Software release identifier: The current software version running on the 6511RC. The identifier is in the
form X.Y.Z(n) where:
– X denotes a major release involving an extensive system revision.
– Y indicates a revision within Release X adding one or more new features.
– Z denotes a revision within Release X.Y correcting problems that were found in the previous release.
– n (optional) is a lowercase alpha character. The value b for beta may indicate software made available to
certain parties for before the official formal release to the general public, often for early access trials or
field testing.
• Software release timestamp: The date and time the software version was created.
Operating status variables
The system variables that describe the operating status of the 6511RC are shown in figure 6 and described in
the following sections.
Figure 6. Status menu
Shelf Address (cPCIShelfAddr)
Indicates the address of the ForeFront chassis in which the 6511RC resides. The address is set via DIP switches
located on the ForeFront chassis midplane. Using various On/Off combinations up to 33 (0–32) binary shelf
addresses can be defined. See ForeFront chassis User Guide for more information
14Product information box
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide 2 • Home
Slot ID (cPCISlotID)
Indicates the ForeFront chassis slot number occupied by the 6511RC. On the ForeFront chassis models 6276
and 6476, slot numbering sequence starts from the bottom with slot number 1. Numbering sequence for the
ForeFront model 6676 starts from the left of the chassis with slot number 3.
% CPU Idle (boxIdleTime)
Indicates the percent of system CPU capacity currently available to the Model 6511RC.
Running Since Last Boot (sysUpTime)
The time (in hundredths of a second) since the 6511RC was last power-cycled.
Current Box State (alarmBoxState)
The highest level alarm currently active in the 6511RC system—listed as Critical (red), Major (orange), Minor
(yellow), or Clear (green)—no alarms present.
Total System Alarms (alarmTotal)
Total number of alarms currently active in the system.
Operator Actions
In superuser mode you can initiate several operator actions (see figure 7) which will cause the 6511RC to operate according to the descriptions in the following sections.
Figure 7. Operator Actions buttons
Record Current Configuration (storeConfig(1))
Clicking the button labeled Record Current Configuration causes the 6511RC to save the current configuration in permanent Flash memory. In other words, configuration changes made in the subsystem web windows
become permanent when you click Record Current Configuration and the current configuration of the
6511RC will be saved when the 6511RC is powered down.
Configuration changes in the 6511RC are made by clicking a button labeled Submit Query on any of the subsystem window. When you click Submit Query, the 6511RC stores the parameter values in volatile DRAM
(dynamic RAM) only. Since the Submit Query changes take immediate effect, the administrator can test different configuration parameters without needing to change the Flash configuration each time.
NoteThe most important step after completing the configuration is to save it in
permanent memory by clicking on Record Current Configuration.
The Hard Reset button causes the 6511RC to perform a cold restart. When you click Hard Reset, the
6511RC requests confirmation before executing the command, after which, the 6511RC will disconnect all
current sessions, re-initialize the interfaces, and re-load configuration parameters from Flash memory.
Set Factory Default Configuration (forceDefaultConfig(3))
The Set Factory Default Configuration button deletes the current configuration from Flash memory and loads
the factory default parameters into Flash. The factory default settings will not take effect in the 6511RC until it has
been re-booted, for example by doing a Hard Reset.
NoteSet Factory Default Configuration will delete the 6511RC’s Ethernet IP
address, reset the password to the default administrative passwords (see section “Logging into the HTTP/HTML Web Management windows” on
page 8), and any other site specific-settings made for your particular installation. In order to use the HTTP/HTML Management windows you will
have to re-enter the 6511RC’s Ethernet IP address and netmask using the
6511RC’s front panel control port. Refer to the Getting Started guide for
information on configuring the IP address.
Export current Flash configuration ........................................................................................................................18
Import Flash Configuration From File ..................................................................................................................20
The import/export function enables you to make a backup (or exported) copy of your 6511RC’s configuration
parameters. By exporting the configurations, the saved files can quickly be loaded, or imported, into a replacement 6511RC—greatly speeding up the installation process should a 6511RC need replacing.
NoteAll actions for import/export require superuser access privileges.
To import or export a configuration, click on Import/Export under the Configuration Menu to display the
IMPORT/EXPORT main window (see figure 8).
Figure 8. IMPORT/EXPORT main window
Export current Flash configuration
NoteThe exported configuration file is a text-format file. Do not try, however to
edit the operating characteristics contained in the file.
NoteThe parameters that will be exported are the power-up settings as they are
stored in Flash memory and maynot be the current operating parameters. To
ensure that you export the most current parameters, go to HOME, then click
on the Record Current Configuration button under Operator Actions.
Model 6511RC Matrix Switch Administrators’ Reference Guide 3 • Import/Export
To export the Flash configuration, click on the Export Flash link on the IMPORT/EXPORT main window. The
6511RC will display text configuration information resembling that shown in figure 9.
Figure 9. Typical 6511RC flash memory configuration data
To save the displayed data as a text file, select the Save option on your browser (see figure 10). For example,
under Netscape, select File > Save As. A dialog box will display enabling you to save the contents of the export
parameters to a text file. Select the location where you want the file stored, type a file name, and click Save.
Figure 10. Saving the 6511RC flash memory configuration data as a text file
To import a configuration file into the 6511RC, type the complete path and filename for the configuration file
you wish to load or click on the Browse…
button (see figure 8 on page 18).
Upon successfully importing the file, the 6511RC will display Configuration Load Complete, indicating that the
new operating parameters have been loaded into Flash memory.
Click on HOME under the Configuration Menu, then click on the Hard Reset button under Operator Actions.
button to select the desired file, then click on the Submit Query
20Import Flash Configuration From File
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