Product Brief
Transparently bridge Ethernet traffic
Avoid complicated IP routing
the managed tools to ensure
time application services
Enterprise WAN Access Solutions
Product Model
Product Model
Product ModelProduct Model
Product Name
Product Name
Product NameProduct Name
The Model 2888 Multi-Megabit Inverse Mux is a managed Ethernet bridge
with two (2) Gigabit Ethernet ports and either two (2) or four (4) T1/E1
ports. The Inverse Mux transports jumbo Ethernet frames over bonded T1/E1
circuits using Multi-link PPP, creating up to an 8 Mbps transparent Ethernet
connection. Complete with Layer 2/3 filtering, Layer 2/3 traffic shaping and
Active Layer 2/3 QoS, the Model 2888 enhances an enterprise’s ability to
address the Wide Area Network (WAN) bandwidth requirements of most
Ethernet applications.
The Model 2888 Multi-Megabit Inverse Mux is designed to bridge the Ethernet/IP bandwidth gap between a single
T1/E1 and a T3/E3. Bandwidth hungry applications such as database/Intranet, VoIP and surveillance video over IP that
need to be transported over the WAN will benefit from a resilient multi-circuit solution.
IpLink™ Model 2888
Multi-Megabit Inverse Mux
Transparent Ethernet Extender over Bonded T1/E1 Circuits
For enterprise IT Managers needing to bridge the
bandwidth gap between a single T1/E1 and a T3/E3,
the IpLink™ Multi-Megabit Inverse Mux transparently
transports Ethernet over bonded T1/E1 circuits.
Unlike solutions from Cisco and others, which are
difficult to configure, the Multi-Megabit Inverse Mux
makes it easy to transparently pass ALL Ethernet
frames over the WAN while applying ACTIVE Layer
2/3 QoS, traffic shaping and filtering.
a single T1/E1 and a T3/E3
Ethernet Bridging
and pass any application traffic
network up-time & application
availability to different traffic flows
interfacing that is affordable to and
right-sized for the application’s need
configurations needed to create
with bandwidth on demand
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Product Brief
Apply active layer 2/3 QoS
As enterprise IT managers leverage the convergence of voice, video and data over Ethernet, the need to transport
Ethernet over the WAN at speeds greater than a single T1/E1 increases. Avoid switching to an expensive T3/E3 circuit,
transitioning to an unproven Ethernet based WAN service or spending endless hours configuring IP routing redundancy.
Use the Model 2888 to bond multiple T1/E1 circuits and increase point-to-point Ethernet bandwidth without
overcomplicating configurations or sacrificing resiliency.
Need faster
Complex Router
Prioritizing some
applications over
A single T1/E1 is not
fast enough any more
Configuring IP load
balancing is complex
need dedicated
bandwidth and higher
introduce cost, risk,
complexity and are
not available
Increases risk router
is misconfigured
voice and video
applications will be
reliableT1/E1 circuits and
bond them together for
maximum bandwidth
Ethernet traffic over the
and guarantee applications
the bandwidth they need
The IpLink™ Model 2888 Multi-Megabit Inverse Mux increases point-to-point Ethernet/IP bandwidth over standard
T1/E1 circuits, reducing configuration complexity, and providing active QoS for real-time application requirements.
Q. If all my traffic
Q. If all my traffic is IP why should I use Ethernet bridging?
Q. If all my traffic Q. If all my traffic
A. The other alternative, configuring a router for load-balancing can be a difficult task. First of all, a router can load
is IP why should I use Ethernet bridging?
is IP why should I use Ethernet bridging?is IP why should I use Ethernet bridging?
balance outbound traffic only. To get bidirectional load balancing requires complex configuration at both ends.
Secondly, both routers must be configured to assign the same administrative distance and cost to a destination. Lastly,
load balancing at the IP packet layer creates a situation where packets can reach the destination out of order, creating a
problem for streaming media such as video. By using Ethernet bridging and relying on ML-PPP, the configuration is
simplified and the out of order packet problem eliminated.
Q. What happens if one of my T1/E1 fails, does my entire link go down?
Q. What happens if one of my T1/E1 fails, does my entire link go down?
Q. What happens if one of my T1/E1 fails, does my entire link go down?Q. What happens if one of my T1/E1 fails, does my entire link go down?
A. No, with ML-PPP, if a T1/E1 goes down, the Ethernet traffic will continue to flow across the active links. When the
failed link comes back up, full bandwidth is automatically restored without manual intervention.
Q. Does the Inverse Mux use ATM
Q. Does the Inverse Mux use ATM to multiplex the T1/E1 circuits?
Q. Does the Inverse Mux use ATM Q. Does the Inverse Mux use ATM
A. No. The Inverse Mux uses Multi-Link PPP (ML-PPP) which is 18% more efficient than ATM when using 256 byte
to multiplex the T1/E1 circuits?
to multiplex the T1/E1 circuits?to multiplex the T1/E1 circuits?
packets. Efficiency increases further with packet sizes of over 1,000 bytes which are typically used by streaming video.
Q. Does the IpLink
Does the IpLink™™™™ Inverse Mux support VLANs
Q. Q.
Does the IpLinkDoes the IpLink
A. Yes. The Inverse Mux can be configured to apply QoS based on VLAN tags as well as tag untagged VLAN traffic. It
Inverse Mux support VLANs????
Inverse Mux support VLANsInverse Mux support VLANs
can likewise transparently pass VLAN, Cisco ISL and MAC-in-MAC (PBB) frames as well as MPLS tagged traffic.
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