Patriot Flash Products
Patriot USB Flash Series
50 Word Description
The Patriot Xporter XT Boost USB Flash drive is many things in one:
Fast: Read speeds exceeding 200x (30MB/s).
Spacious: Available from 2GB* up to 32GB*.
Durable: The rubberized housing offers protection from shock (drops) and
water damage.
Compatible with Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, Windows XP®, Windows
2000®, Windows® ME, Linux 2.4 and later, Mac® OS9, X and later.
100 Word Description
The Patriot Xporter XT Boost USB Flash drive is many things in one: Fast.
Spacious. Durable. Compatible!
Fast: Read speeds exceeding 200x (30MB/s) providing blistering fast access
to your data.
Spacious: Available in a range of capacities from 2GB* up to 32GB*.
Durable: The rubberized housing offers protection from shock (drops) and
water damage. We’ve heard of users who have made the mistake of
putting the drive through the laundry – and it survived (data intact) to live
another day!
Compatible with Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, Windows XP®, Windows
2000®, Windows® ME, Linux 2.4 and later, Mac® OS9, X and later.
150 Word Description
The Patriot Xporter XT Boost USB Flash Drive is many things in one: Fast.
Spacious. Durable. Compatible!
Fast: Each Xporter XT Boost drive provides read speeds exceeding 200x
(30MB/s) providing blistering fast access to your data. This makes Xporter
XT Boost perfect for taking presentations, pictures. music and movie media
on the go to share with others.
Spacious: Available in a range of capacities from 2GB* up to 32GB*, there is
enough room to bring your media library with you!
Durable: The rubberized housing offers protection from shock (drops) and
water damage. We’ve heard of users who have made the mistake of leaving
the drive in their jeans pocket and it’s gone through the laundry – and
survived (data intact) to live another day!
Compatible with Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, Windows XP®, Windows
2000®, Windows® ME, Linux 2.4 and later, Mac® OS9, X and later.
Product Name
Xporter Boost
Patriot Part #
Certifications / Safety
Product Warranty
Packaging Dimensions
Patriot Extreme Performance
Xporter XT Boost
Lifetime Warranty
1.1” (D) x 4.6” (W) x 7” (H)
2.91cm (D) x 11.7cm (W ) x 17.8cm (H)
0879699005586 (2GB)*
0879699005593 (4GB)*
Unit UPC
0879699005609 (8GB)*
0879699005616 (16GB)*
0879699005845 (32GB)*
Packaging Type
Unit Dimensions
Net Weight
Gross Weight
Units per Master Carton
Blister Pack
.43” (D) x 2.9“ (W) x .75” (H)
1.1cm (D) x 7.3cm (W ) x 1.9cm (H)
.03 lb / 14.9 gm
.14 lb / 64.8 gm
• Hi Speed USB 2.0 Compati ble (ba ckwards compatible to USB 1.1)
• Up to 200X performance spee d
• Easy plug and play functionality
• Durable water and shock resistant housing
• Com patible with Windows® 7, Windows Vista® , Windows XP®,
Windows 2000®, Wind ows® ME, Linux 2 .4 and later, Mac® OS9, X
and later
• Cer tifi ed for Microsoft V ista® R eadyboos t™
• Lifetime Warran ty
* Advertised capacity is unformatted.
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www. pa tr io tm em or y. co m
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informatio n direc tly at
suppor t@patiotmem.com or vis it our
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