Every day, thousands of billions of tons of water evaporate
from the earth's surface.
As the heat of the sun evaporates the water and draws it from the
earth's surface into the atmosphere, many impurities are left
behind. The water vapor eventually cools to form clouds and
then falls back to earth as precipitation.
On its way from the clouds to your faucet, soft rain water
dissolves and absorbs a part of almost everything it touches.
Falling rain cleans the air as it falls. Unfortunately the impurities that
were removed from the air have not left; they have just been relocated
through the water onto the ground.
These gases and other airborne contaminants can cause
undesirable tastes, colors and odors in water.
Rain falls onto the ground, collecting sediments like rust, sand and even algae. The water eventually finds its way
to a surface water supply or percolates downward and collects in an aquifer. As it percolates through the earth, the
water can absorb hardness minerals, iron, heavy metals, radioactivity, organic contaminants, and many other
complex elements and compounds.
Water can also collect numerous harmful man-made chemical impurities during this cycle. These synthetic
chemicals are generally odorless, colorless, and tasteless; and can sometimes be life-threatening. The statement,
"my parents drank this water for 75 years and it never hurt them", is no longer a valid excuse to not be concerned
with water quality. There has been a massive global increase in harmful chemical waste over the last 50 years.
The scientific and medical community has not had the time or budget to study the long-term health effects of the
more than 70,000 harmful chemicals that can be found in use today.
Approximately 1,000 new synthetic chemical compounds are entering the industrial marketplace each and every
year. Precipitation falls upon commercial and municipal dumpsites, toxic waste sites, industrial refuse depots,
military test sites, leach fields, mining operations, farmer’s fields etc... Where it dissolves minute amounts of the
toxic chemicals present and carries them along.
The United States Government estimated in 1986 that close to two percent of the nation's ground water supplies
were moderately polluted by sources such as hazardous waste dumps and leaking landfills.
Industrial wastewater is also a major source of water contamination. When certain chemicals come in contact with
others, they create new compounds. Chemicals that are considered generally acceptable in controlled amounts may
react with other elements and/or chemicals to form new compounds that could be highly carcinogenic.
Chlorine is one of the best-publicized examples; it reacts with organic matter in water and forms deadly
Hard water is probably the single largest threat facing the American home in the 21st century. Hard water can coat
your family, your home and your appliances with thousands of pounds of inorganic mineral rock-scale each and
every year; hard water slowly destroys everything it touches. Left untreated, hard water costs you money, ruins your
lifestyle and can even lower the value of your home.
No one needs to tell you that you're living with Hard Water though. Soap doesn't lather easily, glasses are cloudy
after washing, a ring forms around the bathtub, faucets and shower heads are crusty, laundering results are poor and
there are many other easily recognized signs.
There are several degrees of water hardness. Even moderately hard, can seriously damage the plumbing system in
your home and, in time, cause inconvenient and expensive problems.
Hard water is a poor cleaner because it is loaded with a variety of impurities. These dissolved impurities react with
certain chemicals found in soap to form a gummy, insoluble curd.
This soap curd clings stubbornly to everything it touches. The ring around your bathtub is curd. That same curd
causes your hair to become dull and hard to manage.
Soap curd clogs skin pores and prevents your natural oils from moisturizing your skin. This dryness causes itching
and also aggravates skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and acne.
Soap curd is especially noticeable by the scummy film it forms on dishes, glassware, walls and floors. Hardness
and other dissolved solids combine to form the residue you see as spots on glasses, crockery, cutlery and shower
Hard water harms fabrics
Laundry washed in hard water takes on a gray color and wears out faster than expected. With hard water in your
washing machine, it's almost impossible to wash clothes white - even when you use large amounts of detergent and
bleach Minerals and insoluble particles in hard water trap dirt and soap curd in the fabric of your clothes and linens.
These deposits give fabric a dull gray "washed-out" look and cause the clothing fibers to be brittle. Your clothes
and linens then feel harsh and rough - they deteriorate faster.
Hard water harms foods
Some vegetables such as peas and beans become tough and unpalatable when cooked in hard water. Baking with
hard water imparts an undesirable taste from the hardness minerals into your food. Tea, Coffee and other beverages
prepared with hard water taste awful and often contain flakes of hardness.
Hard water affects your house plumbing
Soft Water
0 - 0.5 gpg
Slightly Hard Water
.5 - 3.5 gpg
Moderately Hard Water
3.5 - 7 gpg
Very Hard Water
7 - 10.5 gpg
Extremely Hard Water
10.5 gpg and greater
Perhaps the greatest damage done by hard water is the damage that you can't easily see. Water heaters, humidifiers,
boilers and household pipes become lined with an increasingly thick layer of calcium and magnesium scale.
As this scale builds up, the water flow in your pipes diminishes to such a point that new piping is usually the only
realistic option to remedy the situation.
Hard water scale inside a water heater forms an insulating layer that prevents the burners or heating elements from
heating the water efficiently. Just 1/8" of scale inside the tank can require up to 30% more fuel to heat the water to
the desired temperature.
How water hardness is measured
Water hardness is measured in imperial Grains per Gallon (gpg). A grain, in this case, is the weight of an average
dry grain of wheat, approximately 1/7000th of a pound. The water treatment industry generally uses the following
standards to classify water hardness.
Increased Water Heating Costs
Damaged Clothing
Excessive Soap Consumption
Pipe Scaling
Faucet and Fixture Damage
Skin Problems
Unpalatable Food
Undesirable Tastes and Odors
Premature Appliance Failure
Unsatisfactory Laundry Results
Unpleasant Tastes & Odors in Water
Staining on Faucets, Fixtures & Appliances
System Features & Benefits
By purchasing a Patriot Pro, you can now enjoy a clean, clear, softened water in your home while
minimizing salt, water and electrical consumption.
Your Patriot Pro learns your lifestyle and adapts itself to meet your needs, delivering exceptional water quality
while saving you salt, water and electricity. The multimedia filtration bed not only softens your water and
removes metals, but also address chlorine tastes and odors.
Designed for the future, your Patriot Pro is capable of being modularly upgraded, as new technologies are
developed to accommodate for rapidly degrading water conditions. The Evertech control center can be updated
with the latest software updates & upgrades as they become available.
The mechanical subsystem in the Patriot Pro is revolutionary in its own right. The Patriot Pro is built around
materials to ensure reliable and dependable performance.
technology, building on a 40-year legacy of reliable design and using 21st century composite
Every Patriot Pro is handcrafted in the USA by skilled artisans in a world-class facility to provide you with a
water treatment system that exceeds industry safety, manufacturing & quality control standards to give you peace
of mind.
Advanced manufacturing methods and skillfully crafted computer hardware & software makes the Patriot Pro
one of the easiest water softening systems to own and operate.
Fractional Brining
During normal regeneration cycles, your Patriot Pro only uses the exact amount of salt needed to match your
water usage history.
Built Tough
Your Patriot Pro is built tough to ensure a long service life.
Your responsibilities as an equipment owner
Your Patriot Pro is manufactured to be efficient and reliable. To ensure continued performance while keeping your
system operating within manufacturer’s specifications, the following operating conditions must be ensured by you, the
equipment owner/operator:
Water Pressure Regulator
The influent water pressure into this water system m ust be regulated by a code-compliant pressure-regulating device
not to exceed 75psi.
Power Protection
Power to this system must be supplied by an unswitched 110VAC supply. Surge protection is mandatory and is to be
supplied by you, the equipment owner. The use of a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is encouraged.
This water system uses either sodium or potassium salt to clean itself. The brine tank must be filled with a high quality
pellet or cubed salt to ensure system operation. Rock salt is usually not suitable for this system, as it can contain higher
levels of impurities that can require more frequent disinfection and can possibly even compromise system
functionality. Consult with your local water professional to decide on the best salt for your application.
The Pur-Gard injection feeder should be kept full to ensure proper system operation and maximum efficiency. Check
the level of your Pur-Gard feeder each time you fill your brine tank with salt.
Annual Cleaning and Disinfection
Bacteria can colonize water softeners through safe city water, salt, or even ambient air. While weekly antibacterial
rinses and supplementation with Pur-Gard help to minimize bacterial growth, your system should be cleaned and
disinfected on a regular schedule to ensure peak performance and protect the safety of you family. We can perform the
cleaning and disinfection service for you or you can purchase a comprehensive cleaning and disinfection kit to perform
this task yourself.
Periodic replacement of media
While built to the highest standards, certain media in your Patriot Pro will need to be replaced periodically.
Replacement intervals vary depending on your water chemistry and water consumption habits. Consult with your water
specialist during your annual inspection/tune-up service to ensure that you enjoy the very best water quality.
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