704 North Clark Street
MI 49224 USA
Phone +1 517 629 5990
Fax +1 517 629 5990
Patriot Antenna Systems
Assembly Manual for the
1.0m Back Pack Antenna
1.0 meter Back Pack Antenna
Revision 002

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 2
MECHANICAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................. 3
BACK PACK ............................................................................................................................................. 3
AZ-EL ANTENNA BASE ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.0M REFLECTOR.................................................................................................................................... 3
.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
REFLECTOR ASSEMBLY........................................................................................................................ 6
FEED ASSEMBLY .................................................................................................................................... 11
This is a deployable antenna system that comes carefully packed in a portable back
pack case
assembled and handled with proper care.
Become familiar with these instructions before attempting to work with this antenna system.
Completely unpack all the components and identify each one to know it’s function and
. It is a precision instrument that will provide many years of reliable service if

The antenna is provided in a carrying case measuring approximately 15 x 25 x 12”,
and weighs approximately 65 pounds. The back pack case has the added features of
having roller wheels and an extendable handle for easy handling where applicable.
Back Pack shoulder straps are also provided for carrying the case on one’s back.
The Antenna Base is comprised of three detachable legs that have adjustable feet for
rough leveling of the assembly, and an Azimuth bearing assembly that the reflector
assembles to using a simple “insert and turn” design. The elevation adjustment is
accomplished using a turnbuckle that can be rough adjusted in slotted ribs on the
back of the reflector, then fine adjusted by turning the body of the threaded
turnbuckle. Azimuth adjustment is accomplished by using a turn knob that moves
the antenna in a controlled means in the azimuth plane until the RF signal is peaked.
A locking handle mechanism then locks it to the desired location.
The Reflector is in six pieces that interlock using dowels, and latches to secure the
pieces together into an accurate assembly. Be sure to follow the assembly procedure
to properly interlock the pieces. The Feed system is precisely held in place using
side struts with ball snaps to the main feed tube. The Feed assembly detaches easily
using one ¼ turn knob.