4807, 4808
4809, 4810
An essential component of any DMX512
distribution system, the use of eDIN Installation
Repeaters permits star wiring while isolating and
protecting connected equipment from harmful
electrical faults. Pathway eDIN Installation
Repeaters feature self-resetting protection
devices on all ports to prevent internal damage
when severe faults of up to 250V are accidentally
applied to the connected DMX cabling.
Installation Repeater Installer’s Guide
To ensure trouble-free operation, DMX512 standards require that DMX devices be installed in a daisy chain, with
no tees, wyes or stars in the DMX wiring. However, site
conditions may make star wiring desirable or even mandatory.
A Pathway eDIN Installation Repeater provides up to 4
eDIN opto-splitter cards, for a total possible 16 output
branches. Each branch acts electrically as its own entity,
unaffected by faults on other branches of the star.
Opto-isolation circuitry prevents ground loops or damage
to control consoles by fault voltages on DMX lines.
Pathway eDIN Installation Repeaters are designed for
indoor use in a dry location. Mount the Installation Repeater to the wall with appropriate fasteners. Run conduit
into the box through the knockouts provided, ensuring
that line voltage wiring is kept inside the barriered power
supply section.
Model 4808
Pathway eDIN Installation Repeaters are delivered with
the power supply pre-wired to the first opto card, and with
all required wiring daisy-chained to any additional cards.
The following connections must be done on-site.
All DMX input/output ports must be
connected to low-voltage data lines only. Do
not connect high voltage sources to these
DMX IN is wired to the control console output or DMX
DMX OUTs are connected to the remote DMX devices or
the receptacles for the equipment receiving the console
signal. These may be dimmers, scrollers, or moving
lights, for example.
Power. With the power off, make the appropriate connections to Ground, Neutral and Line of the power supply
in the barriered section at the top of the cabinet.

4807, 4808
4809, 4810
Installation Repeater Installer’s Guide
• All cabling must be in one continuous run, daisychained: no “Tees” allowed
• “Stars” are permitted only in conjunction with a repeater or opto-splitter
• Cable shield may be earth-grounded at one end only,
preferably at the control console
• Maximum length of one cable segment is 1,800 ft
• Receiving devices have male connectors; transmitters
have female
• The last DMX device on the line must be terminated
with a termination switch or resistor with a value of
100 to 120 ohms between pin 2 and 3
• 5 pin XLR connectors are standard:
Pin 1: Common
Pin 2: Data (-)
Pin 3: Data (+)
Pin 4: Optional Data (-)
Pin 5: Optional Data (+)
• Cable must be Belden 9842 (120 Ω) 9829, 9729
(100 Ω) ISO/IEC 11801 (Cat5) or equivalent
• A maximum of 32 DMX receiving devices can be present on a single DMX line
Keep all DMX cabling away from high voltage/power cables to maintain data integrity.
Use the appropriate wire for all connections.
• DMX Connections: Belden 9829, 9842, Cat5 or
• Power Connections: Insulated #18-16 AWG, stranded
or solid core
eDIN Installation Repeaters may hold up to two optosplitter cards (model 4807 and 4808) or four cards
(models 4809 and 4810). If the original enclosure holds
less than its limit, it is possible to add cards. It’s also possible to pass through data and low voltage power to a
second enclosure.
DMX THRU passes the console signal to the additional
eDIN opto-splitter card, where the wires are connected to
the DMX IN terminals. While not isolated, DMX THRU
can also be used to pass signal to other devices.
Power can also be daisy-chained using the second pair of
V+ and V- terminals. Polarity should be followed at the
receiving device.
Always disconnect main power before removing
the enclosure’s cover. eDIN Installation Repeaters
are designed to operate on a mains voltage of 90-
250 volts AC.
If nothing is connected to the DMX THRU terminal block
of the final opto-splitter card, then the termination switch
on this card must be set to the ON position. All the other
cards are not terminated (switch in the OFF position).
If another card is added, or the signal is passed through
to another device, the switch on the final card will need to
be moved to the OFF position and the termination applied
at the new final device. Always make sure the final receiving device connected to any output or branch line is
properly terminated using its internal switch or jumper or if
necessary a resistor of 120 Ω between pins 2 and 3.
The face of each card inside the Installation Repeater has
the following LEDs:
• The Power LED will illuminate when power is connected to the card. There is no on/off switch.
• The DMX IN LED will illuminate and flicker rapidly
when DMX data is being received.
• Each DMX output has a DMX OUT LED that will illuminate and flicker when DMX is being output by that
This product complies with the DMX512-A standard, under the non-compatible connector (NCC) provision. All
ports are protected to 250V.
4807 4-way eDIN Installation Repeater
4808 8-way eDIN Installation Repeater
4809 12-way eDIN Installation Repeater
4810 16-way eDIN Installation Repeater
POWER SUPPLY: Universal input (90-250V, 50/60 Hz)
PSU CONNECTIONS Screw-down terminals; 12 –18 AWG
ISOLATION: 2500V opto-isolation input to output
PROTECTION: Up to 250V AC/DC on all port pins
Models 4807/4808 260mm x 509mm x 115mm (10.25” x 13.25” x 4.5”)
Models 4809/4810 260mm x 509mm x 115mm (10.25” x 23.25” x 4.5”)
USITT DMX512/1990 and E1.11 (DMX512-A) or
any EIA422/485-based protocol
Two piece compression screw terminals,
16 - 24 AWG
rev.1, ver.3
Pathway Connectivity Inc.,
#103 - 1439 17 Avenue SE Calgary AB Canada T2G 1J9
(403) 243-8110 fax (403) 287-1281
Printed in Canada