Pathway 4802 User Manual

Cable Test Feature cont.
D - ON Data present on D + ON
D - OFF D- signa l missing D + ON
D - ON D+ signal missing D + OFF D - OFF No data present on incoming D + OFF
via the input connection, as per the previ­ous instructions. Once that is verified, dis­connect the cable to the suspect output channel and depress the corresponding ISO OUT TEST button. If both the corre­sponding D- and D+ LEDs illuminate, this shows that the isolated output circuitry inside the repeater is working properly and is transmitting both DMX512 signals. If not, there is likely a problem with the out­put circuitry for that channel. Try using the spare transceiver chip to remedy the prob­lem. Now reconnect the cable to the sus­pect output and perform the same test. If both of the D- and D+ LEDs illuminate, this shows that there are no shorts in the out­put cabling or connected receiving de­vices. If one or both of the LEDs is off or dim, a cable or device problem is indi­cated. NOTE: if an output TEST button is pushed when a proper input signal is not being received by the Installation Re­peater, th e outputs will be in their norm al “idle” state (i.e. D- low level, D+ high lev el) , t her efo re t he D + LE D wil l illum i nat e and the D- LED will not.
incoming DMX line
or shorted to common
or shorted to common
DMX line
4802 Installati on Repeat er
6-way opto-isolated DMX splitter
DMX512-A Co mpliance
The Pathway Installation repeater is com­pliant with DMX512-A under the non­compatible connector (NCC) provision.
All ports are DMX512-A protected to 250V with self-healing circuitry.
The two PWR LEDs on the Installation Repeater will ill uminate when AC power is connected to the unit. There is no on/off switch.
The two DATA LEDs will illuminate and flicker rapidly to indicate that DMX data is being received.
Two T EST i ndic ator s are a ssoc iat ed wit h the D MX i np ut and ea c h of th e si x ou t put s. Refer to the Cable Test Feature instruc­tions.
Power Supply:
Isolation: 2500V O pto- isola tion on DMX line s
Protection: Up to 250VAC/DC on all
Protocols: DMX512 , DMX512 -A, or any EIA422
Size: 19 x 10 x 3in. (4 83 x 25 4 x 76 mm)
Univers al input (90- 25 0V , 50/60Hz), 0.2A
4000V Mains isolation
port pins
or 485 based simplex protocol
An essential component of any DMX512 distribution system, the Installation Repeater permits star wiring installations while isolating and protecting connected equipment from harmful electrical faults. Pathway Installation Repeaters feature self-healing protection devices on all ports to prevent internal damage when severe faults of up to 250V are accidentally applied to the connected DMX cabling. To help you resolve any cable, signal or component issues fast, there are useful test functions built right into the product.
Operational Philos ophy
To ensure trouble free operation, DMX512 standards require that DMX devices be installed in a daisy chain, with no tees, wyes or stars in the DMX wiring. However, site conditions may make star wiring desirable or even mandatory. A Pathway DMX Repeater permits star wiring by making each branch of the star function elec tr ic all y as its own en t ity , u naff ect ed b y the other branches of the star. Additionally, opto-isolation circuitry isolates each branch to prevent ground loops or accidental damage from fault voltages on DMX lines.
4802 Installati on Repeat er
6-way opto-isolated DMX splitter
DMX Wiring
All cabling must be in a continuous run, daisy- chai ned, no “Tees ” all owed
“S tars” are p ermit ted only i n conj uncti on with a repeater
Cable shield may be earth-grounded at one end only, preferably at the control console
Maxim um leng th of one cable segm ent is 1,800 ft. (550m)
Receiving devices have male connectors, transmitters have female
The last DMX device on the line must be terminated with a termination switch or resistor with a value of 100 to 120 ohms between pins 2 and 3.
5 pin XLR type DMX connectors are standard:
Pin 2: Data (-) Pin 3: Data (+) Pin 4: Opti onal Data (- )
Cable must be Belden 9842 (120Ω),
A maximum of 32 DMX receiving
Installation Repeaters are designed for indoor use, in a dry location. Mount the Installation Repeater with appropriate fas­teners to the wall. Run conduit into the box through the knockouts provided, en­suring that line voltage wiring is kept inside the barriered power supply section.
Pin 1: Common
Pin 5: Opti onal Data (+)
9829, 9729 (100Ω), ISO/IEC 11801 (Cat5) or equivalent
devi c es ca n b e pr es ent o n a si n gl e DM X line
Printed in Canada R8
Subject to change without notice 103 Inglewo od Plaza 1439 17Ave nue SE Calga ry AB, Canada T 2G 1J9 • +1 403 243-8110 Fax +1 403 287-128 1
4802 Installati on Repeat er
6-way opto-isolated DMX splitter
Line volt ag e
Input Test
DMX Input
All DMX input/output ports must only be connected to low-voltage data lines. Do not connect high voltage sources to these connectors.
Typically, Pathway Installation Repeaters are w ired in the followi ng configuration:
DMX Input is connected to the control
console DMX output
DMX Outputs (ISO Out A,B,C,D,E, &
F) are connected to the remote DMX devices or receptacles for the equipment receiving the console signal. These may be dimmers, scrollers or m oving lights, for exam ple.
DMX T hru passes the console signal
to additional DMX Repeaters or other similar devices, and would in turn be connected to DMX Input on the next unit in line.
Power. With the p ower off, m ake th e
appropriate connections to Line, Neu­tral and Ground.
DMX Thru
DMX Terminate Button
DMX Output (6)
Test LEDs
Output Test Buttons (6)
Recommended Wiring Practice
Keep all DMX cabling away from high voltage/power cables to maintain data integrity. Cable must be Belden 9842 (120
Ω), 9829, 9729 (100Ω), ISO/IEC 11801 (Cat5) or equivalent
Screw Terminal Connections
2-piece screw terminal connectors are provided. The pin arrangement of these connectors is the same as that of 5 pin XLR connectors.
Always disconnect power before re­moving the cover. Installation Repeaters are designed to work on voltages from 90-250 volts AC. They will automatically sense the incoming voltage and adjust accordingly.
Typical Application
DMX Termination
If only one Installation Repeater is used, and nothing is connected to the DMX THRU terminal block, the red termination switch must be set to the ‘in’ position (ON) to terminate the incoming DMX signal from the console. If several Installation Repeaters are connected together using the DMX THRU connector on each unit, only the last Installation Repeater in the cha in is term inated , all the ot hers ar e not termin ated ( switch in the ‘out’ positi on).
Cable Test Feature
Pathway 4802 Installation Repeaters provide installers with the unique ability to test the integrity of the incoming and out­going DMX signal and cabling. This fea­ture makes troubleshooting most DMX communication problems easy and can be accomplished right at the repeater, without any additional test gear. “TEST” pushbut­tons are provided for the DMX input and each of the six outputs.
The DMX signal runs on two separate data lines: D- (XLR pin 2) and D+ (XLR pin
3). Both are referenced to signal common (XLR pin 1). For DMX512 to work reliably, the D- and D+ signals and common must be present and properly connected at both ends of the cable. Often, a system will seem to work fine most of the time with one of the three connections missing or with two wires shorted – this simply shows how fault tolerant DMX can be! But inter­mittent problems will usually appear at random, often at the worst possible time.
Normally when troubleshooting a com-
Cable Test Feature cont.
munications problem it is common practice to start with the DMX512 source (console signal). The am ber DATA indicators may or may not be illuminated at this point. If they are not, first make sure that the con­sole is on and sending a DMX signal. Then, depress the DMX INPUT test button on the repeater; this will disconnect the inc oming signal from t he recei ver c ircui try and apply it to the red D- and green D+ LEDs. Both of them should illuminate (the DATA indicators will go out). This shows that the console’s DMX transmitter is ca­pable of sending a strong enough signal to drive the two test LEDs, and that all three pins are connected. If the DATA indicators are always off and both of the D- and D+ LEDs work with the TEST button de­pressed, the Installation Repeater’s re­ceiver may be defective (a spare trans­ceiver chip is located on the main circuit board, inside the unit). If either or both of the D- and D+ LEDs stay off when the TEST button is pushed, there is a problem with the console’s output or the DMX ca­ble.
NOTE: the TEST LEDs can also detect whether the D-/D+ wires are swapped. With a DMX signal present, set all console channel levels to zero and depress the Input TEST button. The D- LED should be brighter than D+. When all channels are set to full, D+ should be the brightest.
Installation Repeater outputs should be tested in stages to determine if a problem exists in the repeater output circuitry or in a cable or device connected to that re­peater channel. First, ensure that the re­peater is correctly receiving DMX512 data