Reference: nanoFix/QSG/NFRF
Date: 23 April 2018
Issue: Draft 3.18
Confidential Information 5
16. The software will check if there are any new data on the basestation and if so these will be
downloaded to the PC. At the end of the download process, or if there is no new data to
download, the software will then ask if you wish to update the schedule (configuration) of the
basestation. Select “Yes” to make a change or “No” to leave the basestation in its current
17. Note that, if you have multiple basestations, steps 15 and 16 are carried out for all units before
commencing any tag configuration.
Wirelessly configuring a tag
18. If the supplied tag has no external connectors then it must be configured wirelessly, using the
basestation, the supplied software and a strong magnet, as will now be detailed. If the tag
does have four external connectors, then it can be configured either wirelessly, as described
here, or via the PC programmer, as detailed in the section labelled: “Programming tag via the
programmer board”.
19. First, it should be noted that tag configuration involves the use of PC time to timestamp the
GPS data on the device. To minimise time errors, it is essential that the PC has recently been
synchronised to internet time. Hence, the PC’s version of UTC must be correct. It is not
necessary to change the time-zone of the PC, as the software automatically converts from
local time to GPS time when configuring the devices. Therefore, all scheduled times should be
set in the local time zone to which the PC is set.
20. If not already connected to the PC, connect the basestation using the supplied cable and wait
for the red LED to light and remain lit.
21. Connect the basestation to the software by choosing the “Connect” option from the “Device”
22. Note that, if not already known, the ID of the basestation that has been connected to will be
shown in the Activity log window at the top of the software.
23. A dialog box will appear asking if you wish to update the device schedule. Select “Yes”. The
following window will then appear:
In order to enter wireless configuration mode, select both the “Enable” and the “Wireless
configuration” options and then press “OK”.