Patchwork Technology
BlackBox 510 Operating Instructions
For use with software version V:10.0.344 and above.
PWdoc0010 v2.0
Creating a WebTrack Account
Logging on to WebTrack
Downloading and Installing WebSync
Using „BlackBox Setup‟ for recording jobs
Adding Details
Enhancing Details (Farm Fields)
Creating and Adding Form Items to Job
Types (BB Pro users)
Checking VRT Plans are available (VRT users)
Transferring data to and from WebTrack via
Mounting the Screen to vehicles windscreen
Mounting the Tilt Correction Unit
Transfer Kit (Optional)
Attaching the External Antenna
Connection Diagrams
Main Unit
Connecting VRT Cable
Connecting an In Cab Printer
Connecting an on/off Recording Switch
Connecting a Weather Station
Start Up menu
BlackBox menu
Setup menu
Recording Details
Recording Options
Local Setting
GPS Offset
Ports Setup
VRT Options
Product Overview
Using WebTrack with
the BlackBox
Fitting Instructions
Unit Functions
Unit Setup
Starting a Job
Using the Guidance
Start New Job
Farm/Field Auto Detect
Resuming a paused guidance job
Reloading a guidance line
Start Planned Job
Guidance Mode Overview
3D Guidance Screen Overview
Guidance Screen menu
Application Rate Options menu (Auto Shut
Off only)
Creating a Field Boundary Map
Starting a Field Boundary Map
Pausing and Closing boundary map during
Finishing and Printing a complete boundary
Future use for the maps
Using Guidance and Field Recording
Using first pass guidance (no Boundary)
Using first pass guidance (with a
Using headland guidance
Using a guidance line
VRT Guidance Screen Overview
Using Guidance and Field Recording (VRT Mode)
Setting and using a guidance line
Resetting the guidance line
Setting points, Pausing and Finishing a
Resuming a Paused Job
Product Overview
The BlackBox unit can be upgraded by unlocking various areas of the software
allowing it to perform additional tasks. The basic unit will be supplied with the
BlackBox software unlocked, please see the following for details on the different
software versions:-
BlackBox Plus
This software is used to record either basic job information against a job name
or full Farm and Field tracking of jobs. This allows for a variety of uses
depending on your needs.
Within this software is a feature to tell the operator which field he is in once the
field has been mapped and stored on the memory card. This is useful for
operators who don‟t know the names of fields but know the location and the
work to be done.
Features: 3D Guidance
Recording (Green Trace Recording)
Field Area Measurement (Field Boundary Map)
Headland Warning (see page 32)
BlackBox Pro
The Pro version adds two very useful features to the BlackBox Plus software:
Notes (WebTrack required) – This allows the farm manager to add notes (form
items) to a job type that the operator will then enter the relevant information
when that job type is completed. For instance if the operator is Fertiliser
Spreading, the system can be configured to ask for the Fertiliser Type or
Product and the Amount of Fertiliser Applied in this field. These notes are
created and added using WebTrack on the farm office PC.
Planned jobs from Farm Management Software – This allows the uploading of
Spraying Operations to be done with product information, safety details and is
customised for the Farm Management software to select the correct Notes to be
added to the end of the job. Once these jobs have been confirmed using the
software, the data is returned to the Farm Management Software for storage.
Compatibility list: Muddy Boots
Pear Technology
Farmade GateKeeper
This upgrade allows the unit to send application rate information using variable
rate application maps to the controller attached to the implement. Adding
Variable Rate to the Blackbox is simple and the compatibility list of controllers is
Amazone Amatron+ and Amados+ / Bogballe 2003w, Uniq and Icon‟, / Raven
400, 600, 4000 / LH Agro 5000, 500, 6000 / Kuhn Quantron L, M, P, E /
Kverneland Group / Passtronic / RDS Pro Series / Vaderstad / Dickey John
Auto Shut Off
With auto shut off setup on the unit, when driving into an area which has been
worked (indicated by the green trace line on guidance screen), a signal will be
sent to the controller to stop the implement working. After driving out of the
worked area the unit will send a new signal to the controller to start the
implement working again.
N.B. Function not available on Amazone spreaders.
Product Overview
Using WebTrack with the BlackBox
WebTrack is an internet based solution for the storage and viewing of data that
has been recorded using the BlackBox unit. It is recommended that the recorded
data is regularly transferred to the WebTrack account to ensure your records are
kept up to date and secure.
Creating a WebTrack account
Go to the WebTrack home page by typing in your internet
browsers address bar.
Beneath Create New Account
left mouse click on Register New
To register for an account, left
mouse click on Click Here to
Sign Up.
Enter your details in the boxes
provided and once complete left
mouse click on Create
WebTrack Account
N.B. Please ensure you use an
active email address and it is
typed correctly.
Using WebTrack with the BlackBox
A confirmation screen will then
appear. To return to the
WebTrack home page left
mouse click on Log in.
Logging on to WebTrack
Under the Existing Users
heading enter your Username
and Password, then left mouse
click on Login.
There are two options and as a
first time user left mouse click
on Click Here To Download
WebSync to download and
install the WebSync Tool (For
details see page 9). Otherwise
left mouse click on the Start
Page button.
You will be redirected to your
WebTrack user area.
Using WebTrack with the BlackBox
Downloading and Installing WebSync software
N.B. WebSync is the essential tool to transfer data to and from the
BlackBox unit via your WebTrack account.
From the Welcome to
WebTrack page, left mouse
click on Click Here To
Download WebSync.
Follow the on screen
instructions to download and
install WebSync.
Once WebSync has downloaded and
installed, when prompted insert the
BlackBox memory card.
Left Click on Retry.
The configuration screen will open for first time
users to setup WebSync.
Enter your WebTrack Username in the „User‟ box
and select the unit measurement type required.
When complete click OK.
The main WebSync screen will
open ready to transfer data,
displaying the WebTrack
username and the memory card
location and type that data will
transfer to / from.
To reopen in the future go to the
Windows Start Button, then All
Programs, locate and open the
Patchwork Technology folder,
and left mouse click on
Using WebTrack with the BlackBox
Using ‘BlackBox Setup for recording jobs
Before using the Blackbox for recording jobs, the Farm and Fields, Vehicles,
Implements (switch type and width), Operators and Job types can all be preset
in WebTrack. The Job types can be enhanced by adding form items. The form
items will be listed on the Notes screen which opens after a job is finished, this
prompts the operator to enter information about the job before completing it. For
example the information required could be the weather conditions and/or the
chemical used for the job. Setting up these details in WebTrack allows the
operator to quickly and simply setup the job details by selecting the details from
a list on the BlackBox unit (see „Unit Setup – Selection List‟ on page 22).
N.B. To get the data to the BlackBox unit a WebSync must be performed, see
„Transferring data to and from WebTrack via WebSync‟ on page 14.
Adding Details
Under BlackBox Setup on your
WebTrack account, click Edit next to
the item that you want to add the
details to.
Type in the name and any
additional information that maybe
Left click the Add button to add the
Enhancing Details (Farm Fields)
Highlight the name in the list and
click Edit.
A new set of options will appear.
In the Field Name box type in the
details and click Add.
To add another repeat the
previous step.
Once complete click Save.
Creating and adding form items to Job Types (BB Pro users)
Under BlackBox Setup on your
WebTrack account, click Edit next to
Single Notes.
There are seventeen predefined
form items, to add additional
ones click Add.
Using WebTrack with the BlackBox
...creating and adding form items to Job Types (BB Pro users)
Type in the name, select the input
type and click Save.
To add more form items follow the
two previous steps.
When complete click Job Types.
Highlight the job in the list that
Form Items are to be added to
and click Edit.
Click in check box next to „Use
Form Items on this Job Type‟
The form items options will
appear, left mouse click Add
Using WebTrack with the BlackBox
Select form item using the drop
down box and left mouse click
in the boxes to select the
required options.
Click Save to add the form
To add another form item click Add or click the Save Job Type button once
For more details about the My Unit Setup section see the ‘WebTrack
Overview’ user guide in the WebTrack help area.
Checking VRT Plans are available (VRT users)
When a precision farming contractor has completed variable rate plans of your
fields, they can upload them directly to your WebTrack account in BBA,
ShapeVRT or XML Format (please ask your precision farming contractor). Once
uploaded the plans can be viewed in WebTrack as a list to check all the plans
are on your account before transferring them to the BlackBox.
N.B. To get the data to the BlackBox unit a WebSync must be performed, see
„Transferring data to and from WebTrack via WebSync‟ on page 14.
When logged into your
WebTrack account, under the
Files section a select of file
types are listed along with the
amount of files for each type that
are held on your account.
To view a list of the files click on
View next to the relevant file
Using WebTrack with the BlackBox
...Checking VRT Plans are available (BlackBox VRT users)
From the list you can check that
the relevant VRT files are on
your WebTrack account before
downloading to your BlackBox
N.B. Any files that you do not
want on the BlackBox need to
be moved to the archive or
To archive or delete files, select the files by clicking in the box next to the file
and then left mouse click Delete Selected Files to delete the files or Archive
Selected Files to archive the files.
Transferring data to and from WebTrack via WebSync
When performing a Sync in WebSync the following data will be transferred:-
To WebTrack - Boundary Jobs, Guidance Recordings and Job Notes.
From WebTrack – Details from My Unit Setup (including Job notes ). Maps and
VRT plans that are held in the Files Section.
Remove the memory card from
the unit and insert into the PC.
Open WebSync (If not installed
please see page 9).
From the Desktop of your
Personal Computer, go to the
Windows Start Button, then All
Programs, locate and open the
Patchwork Technology folder,
and left mouse click on
Using WebTrack with the BlackBox
Please ensure the displayed
Username is correct as the data
will be transferred to / from the
account held under that
If the Username is
incorrect, left click on
Configuration and enter
the correct Username in
the „User‟ box.
If there are VRT plans no longer
required on the memory card
these can be cleared by clicking
on Clear Card.
Highlight the file types
that are to be removed
by clicking in boxes.
Click OK to remove the
When ready to begin the data
transfer, left click on the Sync
Once the transfer has completed
left mouse click on the OK button
to close the confirmation
To view the data transferred from
the BlackBox unit you need to
login to your WebTrack account
(see page 8).
To use the data transferred from WebTrack, reinsert the memory card into the
BlackBox unit and power up the unit.
Using WebTrack with the BlackBox
Mounting the Screen to vehicle windscreen
N.B. Supplied suction mount and ram arm my differ from the image below.
Ensure the area on the
windscreen where the suction
mount will be attached is clean,
and then push it on the
windscreen turning the lever
clockwise to lock it in place.
The ram ball and suction mount
are then connected together
using the supplied “Ram Arm”.
This allows for multi-positional
flexibility and is simply tightened
with the thumb screw.
Warranty Void if suction mount fails !! - Its is advised that the suction
mount is removed from the windscreen when the unit is not in operation
and reattached on a day to day basis.
For a more permanent fixing please detach the ram ball from the suction mount
and secure down in the vehicle.
Mounting the Tilt
Correction Unit
Mount the unit securely on
to a flat surface within the
vehicle with the arrow on
the label pointing to the
front of the cab.
Fitting Instructions
Tighten Screw
Turn Lever
To Front
Transfer Kit (optional)
If using a Transfer Kit
(optional), firstly mount
the bottom plate on a flat
Secure the unit to the
top plate using the
supplied screws.
Line up the top plate
with the unit attached
and tighten the fixtures
by hand.
Attaching the External Antenna
The BlackBox unit is supplied with either
a Patch or Helix antenna, both types are
magnetised ready to attach to a metal
Attach the antenna to the highest point of
the vehicle and as close as possible width
ways to the centre.
A round metal plate has been supplied for
vehicle roofs that are not made of metal.
To fit, first clean a small area and ensure
it is dry, then remove the plastic covers
from the self adhesive strips on the metal
plate and stick to the vehicle roof.
The antenna will now stick to this plate and be held safely on the roof.
N.B. In many cases running the cable in through a window or door is acceptable,
please make sure that there is enough of a gap in the rubber to allow this,
otherwise the cable could be damaged and with no signal from the antenna the
BlackBox will not function correctly.
Fitting Instructions
Line up
Patch Antenna
Helix Antenna
Metal mount plate
Fitting Instructions
Connection Diagrams
Main Unit
Warning - Please disconnect the unit from the power supply, if
you need to jump start your vehicle.
SD Card
For recording job data.
Must be inserted for the
unit to operate.
Guidance Screen
Screen Connector
Magnetic Antenna
Tilt Correction
12v DC Plug
To cigarette lighter
socket on vehicle.