Getting started with the Keyblock
CC 16 CC 17 CC 18 CC 19
octave down octave up
one octave keyboard
Using the Keyblock to play MIDI notes
The Keyblock can send MIDI note messages when connected to a Patchblock. These messages can be
used to turn a Patchblock into a playable, small keyboard synthesiser. In order to do so, please connect
the Keyblock to the Patchblock as shown in the picture below:
In order to receive MIDI messages in the Patchblock you have to create a patch that uses the “MIDI Note
In” block. The following pictures show a simple monophonic and polyphonic patch.
The Keyblock will send all messages on MIDI channel 1.
Monophonic Synth Polyphonic Synth
You can also open “polysynth” from the examples menu in the software for a quick test.
Using the knobs of the Keyblock as continuous controllers
The Keyblock can also send continuous controller messages (CC), giving you addition control of parameters in your patch. In order to receive these messages in your Patchblock, use the ‘MIDI CC In” block.
Note that the output values from the “MIDI CC In” block range from 0 to 127. If you might want to multiply / divide or map those to another range.
When using one Keyblock, the CC numbers are fixed from 16 (leftmost knob) to 19 (rightmost knob).
Again, those message will be sent on MIDI channel 1.
Receiving CC messages in a patch
Daisy chaining 2 or more Keyblocks
You can connect 2 or more Keyblocks together in order to get additional octaves and more Knobs for
CC messages. When you connect another Keyblock to the left, its notes will automatically be shifted
down by one octave and the CC numbers shifted down by 4. For example, 2 Keyblocks give you a 2
octave keyboard and CC numbers from 12 to 19.
Combining a Keyblock with a Midiblock
The Keyblock can also be combined with the Midiblock. Any MIDI messages on a channel other than
channel 1 will be directly forwarded by the Keyblock. This allows you to receive messages in your Patchblock from your Keyblock and your Midiblock at the same time.
You can also use the combination of Keyblock, Midiblock and Patchblock, to create your own mini-arpeggiator etc. by receiving your Keyblock messages in your Patchblock, then creating arpeggios or
different key mappings in your patch and ending those out through a connected Midiblock to the right.
Note, you will always need to attach a Patchblock to the Keyblock, in order to power it. Just a Keyblock
and Midiblock combination will not work.