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(model :PT400TWR)
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Table of Contents
1. Understanding PT400TWR Locker Lock ................................... 3
1.1 What is PT400TWR Locker Locks? .................................................... 3
1.2 Operating cards .................................................................................. 3
2. Types of Lock Operating Scenario ......................................... 4
2.1 Free Selection (Shared Use) ................................................................. 4
2.2 Assigned Mode (Permanent Use) ......................................................... 4
3. Lock Operation .......................................................................... 5
3.1 Pin Code & RF tag uses ........................................................................ 5
3.2 Assigned Mode ................................................................................... 5
3.3 Free Selection Mode .......................................................................... 9
3.4 Open in Emergency .......................................................................... 10
3.5 Low Battery warning and battery change ......................................... 10
4. Card Operation ........................................................................ 12
4.1 Owner Card ...................................................................................... 12
4.2 Master Card ................................ ................................ ...................... 12
4.2.1 Functions of the Master Card I & II ........................................................ 13
4.2.2 Replacing old Master cards with New Master cards .............................. 13
4.3 User Card ......................................................................................... 14
4.3.1 Free Selection (Shared Use) ................................................................... 14
4.3.2 Assigned Mode (Permanent Use) ............................................................ 15
4.3.3 Replacing old User card with New User card ........................................ 15
4.4 Maintenance card ............................................................................. 16
4.5 Audit Trail card ................................................................................. 16
4.6 Lock Info card ................................................................................... 16
5. Indication Instruction .............................................................. 17
ANNEX A Beep & LED Table ........................................................ 18
ANNEX B Trouble Shooting ......................................................... 20
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1. Understanding PT400TWR Locker Lock
1.1 What is PT400TWR Locker Locks?
- PT400TWR locker locks are the locker lock operated by either13,56 MHz RF keys or Digital touch keypads.
- PT400TWR can work as both offline (stand alone) or online mode.
- To set PT400TWR as online system, additional peripherals such as Access
point, Server and client software are necessary.
Refer Esmart Ultra client user manual for online lock system setup.
1.2 Operating cards
• Security Key value to be loaded to locks at scanning.
• Then, the locks will accept only the RFID cards which have the same security key
• Lock will be programmed with various options at scanning.
• Setup card can be set from Lock Installation Software (LIS).
Master I
• All locks will be open at scanning.
• User card registration in the lock will be deleted and the lock will be ready to
accept new user card.
Master II
• Locks will be open or close without User card registration deletion.
• Useful when user needs to open lock temporarily.
• Master cards registration to be deleted at scanning this card on locks.
• After Owner card scanning on lock, scan new master cards to register to the lock.
• Lock to be programmed with various options at scanning as you set.
• Time, Master cards registration, Master code, etc can be updated without
changing lock ID.
• Latest 18 event history to be collected at scanning.
• Card number, event type (open & close), time of event, user name, etc to be
Lock info
• Various information of lock can be collected into this card.
• One Lock info card can collect information from up to 100 locks.
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• Lock ID, Operation mode, Battery status, software version, time, auto opening and more to be collected.
2. Types of Lock Operating Scenario
PT400TWR locker locks are designed to work for the various operation requirements by simple set up process. Following operation modes can be programmed before or after lock installation.
2.1 Free Selection (Shared Use)
- User can select any empty locker.
- LED lamp is blinked to represent locker is in use.
- Programmable to use multiple locks with one User card (max. 8 users in a locker)..
- Programmable for Time based operation
2.2 Assigned Mode (Permanent Use)
- Locker assigned to each User card in advance.
- Programmable to use multiple assigned lockers with one card (max. 5 lockers in current program).
- Programmable for multiple user mode per a locker (max. 8 users in a locker).
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3. Lock Operation
3.1 Pin Code & RF tag uses
PT400TWR can be set with three different credential acceptance modes. Pin Code & RF tag mode accepts both Pin Code and RF tag RF tag only mode accepts only RF tag ( no Pin Code available ) Pin Code only mode accepts only Pin Code and does not read any RF tag. These modes can be set from Maintenance card ( or setup card )
[Pin Code & RF tag] [RF tag only] [Pin Code only]
3.2 Assigned Mode
3.2.1 Open & Close by Pin Code
Default Pin Code :1234 Open Touch Screen + “4 digit Pin Code”+ Close Automatic close after several seconds Change Pin Code
Touch Screen + old Pin Code + + new Pin Code +
+ new Pin Code +
Pin Code can be changed only when the lock is under
unlocked situation.
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3.2.2 Open & Close by RF card key
RF card key can be used together with Digital Pin Code anytime.
Touch Screen + Put User Card on the Lock.
When user uses the RF card key, default Pin Code 1234 will be erased from
the lock. However, User Pin Code except default Pin Code is not deleted.
When user wants to set new Pin Code, the process is same as in Change
Pin Code while lock is in unlock position. Default Pin Code 1234 cannot be used as User Pin Code.
3.2.3 Open & Close by smartphone
(1) How it works
- Visitor receives RFID user card at the front desk and goes to the locker assigned to this card.
- Then he downloads Passtech Mobile App from Google play store and install it into his smartphone and then wakes up the lock with the user card and registers himself directly into the mobile App.
- From that time on, the lock can be operated through a smartphone.
- Mobile access key expires as soon as the user card is no more valid.
- Thus, the smartphone is fully synchronized with RF user card.
(2) Setting up the lock and user card issue
Since BLE mobile access key is fully synchronized with RF user card, the first step is to set up the locker lock with set up card in Assigned mode and issue the user card and assign it to the locker. To do so, please refer to the Lock Management System User Guide Ver. 5.0.
(3) Registration via Mobile App
Run the mobile App. If you are not registered yet, the registration page will show up right after you start the mobile application. Otherwise, go to Menu and press
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the “Registration” button for a new registration.
To register via the Mobile App, follow the instructions that will appear on your mobile device screen. The instructions are like following:
- Scan your user card on the lock.
- To enter registration mode, scan you user card again (the registration
mode’s on when the lock’s LED is blinking)
- Touch the “Register” button below. Now, when registration is done, your mobile key is fully synchronised with the user card and ready to operate the lock. It means that the information form the user card corresponds with that of the mobile key, including the validity period. Thus, the information about the valid date will automatically appear on the mobile device screen. The registration is a one-time process, so you don’t need to do it more than once for one locker. To open the locker, press the “Touch to Open” button on your mobile device monitor.
(4) Multi-user and multi-locker
There are four operation scenarios for BLE mobile access locking solution. An
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