Lights do not turn ON with motion (LED does flash)
1. Pressand release eachbutton to make surethat the correctlights come
ON foreach relay. Ifthe lights doNOT turn ON, checkwire connections,
especiallythe Load connection.If the lightsturn ON, verify thatthe
correctOn Mode is selectedin DIP switches8 and 9.
2. Check tosee if light levelcontrol is enabled:cover the sensorlens with
your hand.If the lights comeON, adjust the lightlevel setting.
3. If lightsstill do not turnON, call 800.223.4185for technical support.
Lights do not turn ON with motion (LED does not flash)
1. Pressand release eachbutton. Make surethat the correctlights come ON
for eachrelay. If thelights turn ON, setPIR and ultrasonicSensitivity to
2. Check thewire connections,in particular, the Neutraland Line
connections.Verify that connections aretightly secured.
3. If lightsstill do not turnON, call 800.223.4185for technical support.
Sensor Adjustment
Removethe wall plate. Removethe button cap byfirmly squeezing togetherthe
top sidesof the button assembly.Gently pull it awayfrom the unit.
When theadjustments are completed, replace the buttoncap by insertingits
hinges intothe tabs on themain unit and thensqueeze the top of thebutton
whilepressing it intothe unit. Reinstall thecover plate.
Light Level Adjustment
The lightlevel can be setwith loads ON orOFF. Toenable light levelcontrol and
set thethreshold: 1) Makesure the roomis lit appropriately. 2) Putthe sensor
into TESTmode. You have5 minutes to complete the procedure.3) Press and
hold theON/OFF button (Relay1 button onthe WDT-200) for 3seconds, until
you heara beep. 4) Step awayfrom the sensor. After25 seconds a beepsounds,
indicatingthat the thresholdlevel is set. Thisthreshold is retained, evenif power
is lost,until it is re-setor disabled. Inthe WDT-200, lightlevel control only
affectsRelay 2.
Todisable light levelcontrol, pressand hold the Relay1 button for7 seconds,
until adouble beep tone sounds.
Reset to Default
Toreset the WDT tofactory settings,press and hold theRelay 1 button for
10 seconds,until a triplebeep sounds. This resetsthe sensor occupancyhistory
and disableslight levelcontrol (the brightestambient light willnot hold the light
Warranty Information
Pass &Seymour /Legrand warrantiesits productsto be free ofdefects in
materialsand workmanship fora period of five years.There areno obligations
or liabilitieson the part ofPass & Seymour /Legrandfor consequential
damages arisingout of or inconnection with theuse or performance ofthis
productor other indirectdamages with respectto loss of property,revenue, or
profit,or cost of removal,installation orreinstallation.
Units comein White(-W), Light Almond(-LA), Ivory(-I), Gray (-Gry),Black (-BK).
Add colordesignator to catalog numberwhen ordering.
* OneTP26 CoverPlate for singlegang box is includedwith eachswitch.
Syracuse,NY 13221-4822
Installation Instructions
WDT-100& WDT-200 . .. . . . .. . . .120/230/277VAC, 50/60Hz
Load Limitsfor each relay:
@120VAC .. . . . .. . . .. . .0-800W tungstenor ballast, 1/6HP
@230 or277VAC .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ..0-1200W ballast
Load TypeCompatibility:
Incandescent,fluorescent,magnetic or electronicballast
HorsepowerRating (each relay) . . . . .. . . ..1/6 HP @120VAC
Time DelayAdjustment .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .5 to 30 minutes
Walk-Through Mode. . . .3 minutesif no activity after30 sec.
TestMode . .. . 5 sec. at initialpower up or DIPswitch reset
PIR Adjustment .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ..High or Low (DIP switch)
UltrasonicAdjustment .. . .Minimumto Maximum (trimpot),Off
Frequency. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .40kHz
Light LevelAdjustment . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .8fc to 180+fc
Alerts .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ..Selectable Audible
P.O.Box 4822, Syracuse,NY 13221-4822
TechnicalSupport: 800.223.4185•
340892 11934
Catalog # Description
WDT-100 Dual technology wall switchsensor; 120/230/277VAC, 50/60Hz
WDT-200 Dual technology dual relaywall switch sensor;
120/230/277VAC, 50/60Hz
TP126 Toggleswitch and decorator opening wall plate *
US Patents:5189393, 5640113,
Lights do not turn OFF
1. Therecan be up to a 30minute time delay afterthe last motionis
detected.To verify properoperation, setDIP switch 1 to ON,then reset
switches1 and 2 to OFF tostart TestMode. Move out of viewof the sensor.
The lightsshould turn OFF inapproximately 5seconds.
2. Verifythat the sensor is mountedat least sixfeet (2 meters)away from
any heating/ventilating/airconditioning devicethat may cause false
detection.Verify that thereis no significantheat source (e.g.,high wattage
light bulb)mounted near thesensor.
3. Verifythat the trimpot isnot pointing at “override”(red LED on).If so,
rotatethe trimpot to it’smiddle setting(pointing up). The overridesetting
allowsusers to operate thesensor as a serviceswitch in the unlikely
event ofa failure.
4. If the lightsstill do not turnOFF, call 800.223.4185for technicalsupport.
Sensing motion outside desired areas
1. SelectPIR Sensitivity – Low(DIP switch 4 = ON)if necessary.
2. Mask thePIR sensor’s lensto eliminate unwantedcoverage area.
3. Adjust theUltrasonic Sensitivity.Rotate trimpotcounterclockwiseto