pass & seymour rt12 Installation Instructions Manual

Setting the initial time
1. Pressthe Menu/Raisebutton ONCEto see the current Delay setting. The factory setting forthe Delayis 5minutes, theminimum setting.
2. Tochange thesetting, press the Select/Save (middle) button.
3. Pressthe Menu/Raisebutton. Thetime increases 5 minutes eachtime youpress the Raise button, until the timereaches 1 hour (100 ). After 1hour, thetime increases 15 minutes eachtime youpress the button, until it reaches12 hours (1200), then it goes back to5 minutes (5:00). Youcan gobackwards at any point to reduce thetime, usingthe Lower button.
4. When thedesired timeshows inthe display, press theSelect/Save buttonto save the setting and exitthe programming mode.
Setting the
1. Pressthe Menu/Raisebutton TWICEto see the current Sound setting.
2. Tochange thesetting, press the Select/Save (middle)button.
3. Pressthe Menu/Raisebutton to turn ON the warning andkeypress sounds. Press the Lower buttonto turnOFF the warning and keypress sounds.
4. When thedesired settingshows inthe display, press the Select/Save button to save the setting andexit theprogramming mode.
Setting the
1. Pressthe Menu/Raisebutton THREEtimes to see the current Flash setting. If a fan isconnected tothe switch,Flash should be Off.
2. Tochange thesetting, press the Select/Save (middle)button.
3. Pressthe Menu/Raisebutton to turn ON the warning flash.Press the Lower button to turn OFFthe warningflash.
4. When thedesired settingshows inthe display, press the Select/Save button to save the setting andexit theprogramming mode.
5:00 10:00 15:00
... to
100 115 130 145 200 215
... to
in 5-minute increments
hours & minutes
in 15-minute increments
To test the time switch:
The pilot light behind theON/OFF buttonshould beON whenthe switch is OFF and OFF should appear in thedisplay. Press the ON/OFF button.The connected light or fan comesON. Thedisplay showsthe amountof time that the switch will remain ON.
The connected light or fanshould turnOFF inthe numberof minutes indicated by the display.You can turn it OFF sooner by pressingthe ON/OFFbutton again.
Light or fan will not turn ON (pilot light is visible):
Press ON/OFF button.The connectedlight orfan should turn ON. If not:
• Press andhold the button a second longer.
• Check thelight bulband/or motorswitch on the fan mechanism.
• Turn OFFpower to the circuit then check wireconnections.
Light or fan will not turn ON (no pilot light or display is visible):
• Shade theswitch fromexternal light to make sure thatthe pilotlight and display are not ON.
• Make certainthat thecircuit breaker is ON and functioning.
• Turn OFFpower to the circuit then check wireconnections.
• Call 800.223.4185for technicalsupport.
Light or fan will not turn OFF:
• Press theON/OFF button. If the connected light or fan doesnot turnOFF, press the buttonand holdit asecond longer.
• Turn OFFpower to the circuit then check wireconnections.
Time Switch
Programmable Countdown
Installation Instructions
Voltage . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. .120VAC, 60Hz
Single Pole Circuit . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .0–600 Watt
Incandescent or fluorescentlamp or1/6HP fanmotor
Time Delay . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. .5 minutes to 12 hours
Operating Temperature . .. .. . . .32° to 104°F (0° to40°C)
Humidity . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. ..95% RH, non-condensing
Tools Needed:
Insulated Screwdriver Wire Strippers
Please read all instructions beforeinstalling
Alpha-numeric LCD display
ON/OFF button with pilot light
Call 800.223.4185 for Technical Support
P.O.Box 4822, Syracuse,NY 13221-4822
TechnicalSupport: 800.223.4185•
340804 Rev.B 08105
Limited FIVE YEAR Warranty
Pass& Seymour/Legrandwill remedyany defectin workmanshipor materialin Pass& Seymour/Legrand productswhich maydevelop underproper andnormal usewithin fiveyears fromthe dateof purchaseby a consumer:
(1) byrepair orreplacement, or,at Pass& Seymour/Legrand’soption, (2)by returnof anamount equalto the consumer’spurchase price.Such remedyis INLIEU OFANY ANDALL EXPRESSEDOR IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYOR FITNESSFOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE.Such remedy byPass &Seymour/Legrand does not includeor covercost oflabor forremoval orreinstallation ofthe product.ALL OTHERFURTHER ELEMENTS OF DAMAGE(INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES)FOR BREACHOF ANYAND ALLEXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIESINCLUDING WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITYOR FITNESSFOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE AREEXCLUDED HEREBY. (Somestates donot allowdisclaimer orexclusion orlimitation ofincidental or consequentialdamages, sothe abovedisclaimers andlimitation orexclusion maynot applyto you.)ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIESINCLUDING WHEREREQUIRED WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITYOR FITNESSFOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE SHALLBE LIMITEDTO THEFIVE YEARPERIOD SETFORTH ABOVE.(Some states do not allowlimitation onhow longan impliedwarranty lasts,so theabove limitationmay notapply toyou.)
Toensure safety,all repairsto Pass &Seymour/Legrand productsmust bemade byPass &Seymour/Legrand or under itsspecific direction.Procedure toobtain performanceof anywarranty obligationis asfollows: (1)Contact Pass& Seymour/Legrand,P.O. Box4822, Syracuse,NY 13221for instructionsconcerning return orrepair;
2) returnthe productto Pass& Seymour/Legrand,postage paid,with yourname andaddress anda written description ofthe installationor useof thePass &Seymour/Legrand product,and theobserved defects orfailure to operate,or otherclaimed basisfor dissatisfaction.
This warrantygives youspecific legalrights andyou mayalso haveother rightswhich varyfrom stateto state.
To programthe timeswitch, you must access the programmingbuttons thatare located under the ON/OFFbutton. Thewall switchcover plate must be removed to gain accessto theprogramming buttons.
1. Firmlygrasp theside edgesof theLock Bar and gently pull it awayfrom theswitch face until it clicks. Do NOTattempt topull the Lock Bar off of the switch!
2. Push theON/OFF buttondownward so that it slides down approximately1/2 inchto expose the multi-function programming buttons. The buttons arelabeled fromright to left:
Menu/Raise: provides access tothe
program items andshows theircurrent settings. With the first pressit shows Delay time, second shows Sound setting, third shows Flashsetting. After an item is Selected,the Raisebutton can increase the settingor changeit from Off to On. Forthe Delaysetting, whenyou reach 1200 (12 hours), pressing Raise bringsthe displayaround to5:00 (5 minutes).
Select/Save: press this whilea programitem is displaying to change the
setting for the item. Whenthe correctsetting is in the display, press this again to Save the settingfor thatitem.
Lower: After an item isSelected, theLower button can reduce the setting
or change it fromOn to Off.For the Delay setting, when you reach 5:00 (5 minutes), pressingLower bringsthe displayto 1200(12 hours).
4. Wire the time switch.
Twist the existing wires together with the wire leadson the time switch as indicated in the drawing. Cap them securely using the wire nuts provided. See Fig 4.
• Connect thegreen or non-insulated (copper) GROUND wire fromthe circuit to the GROUND terminal on the RT12.
• Connect thepower wire fromthe circuit (HOT) to the black wire on the RT12.
• Connect thewire to the lamp or fan (LOAD) to thered wire on the RT12.
• Connect theNEUTRAL wiresfrom the circuit to the white wireon theRT12.
5. Put the RT12 in the wall box with the display positioned above the ON/OFF button.
Secure it to thewall boxwith thescrews provided.
6. Restore power to the circuit.
Turn ON thebreaker orreplace the fuse.
7. Make any necessary programming changes.
See the Programming sectionfor information.
8. Attach the new cover plate.
Fig 4: Switchorientation,wire connections
and wallbox assembly
Disconnect power to the wall switch box by turning OFF the circuit
breaker or removing the fuse forthe circuit before installing the
RT12, replacing lamps, or doing any electrical work.
1. Prepare the switch box.
After the power is turnedoff atthe circuitbreaker box, removethe existingwall plateand mounting screws. Pull the oldswitch outfrom thewall box.
2. Identify the type of circuit.
In a Single PoleCircuit (seeFig. 2), two single wires connect totwo screwson theexisting switch. A ground wiremay alsobe present and connected to a groundterminal onthe old switch. A neutral wireshould alsobe present in the wall box.
For yoursafety: Connecting aproper ground to the time switch provides
protection against electricalshock inthe event of certain faultconditions.
If a proper groundis notavailable, consult with a qualified
electrician beforecontinuing installation.
Only connectthe RT12 to a Single Pole Circuit.The RT12is notsuitable for 3-way switching. If the existingwiring doesnot matchthe descriptionfor a Single Pole Circuit,you shouldconsult with a qualified electrician.
3. Prepare the wires.
Tag thewires currently connected to theexisting switch so that they can beidentified later. Disconnect thewires. Make sure theinsulation isstripped offthe wires to expose their copper coresto thelength indicated by the “Strip Gage” in Fig. 3(approximately 1/2 inch).
Fig 2: Typical SinglePole
Fig 3: Wire
The RT12 is a time switchthat turnsOFF theconnected light or fan (load) when the selected time expires.While theswitch is OFF the pilot light behind the ON/OFF button illuminates and “OFF”appears inthe display. When the switch is ON, the display shows theamount oftime theload will remain ON.
For times up to59 minutesand 59seconds, the display shows a blinking colon between the minutes and secondswhile theseconds count down continuously. For times between 1hour and12 hours,the displayshows a blinking colon between the hours and minutesand theminutes portionof thedisplay changes only once a minute.See Fig.1 forexamples.
The RT12’s lightedalpha-numeric displayis alsoused for programming functions. With the programmingfunctions, youcan decide:
Delay – theamount oftime theswitch remains ON with the initial pressof
the ON/OFF button
Sound – whetherthe switchbeeps for each button press and every
5 seconds beginning one minutebefore itturns OFF
Flash – ifthe lightsflash to warn
you that they aregoing toturn OFF in one minute
Manual ON
When you pressthe ON/OFF button, it activates theDelay timer.If youwant to keep the switchON for a timedifferent from whatis programmed, simplypress and hold theON/OFF button until the display showsthe desired time. Whenyou let go ofthe button the switchturns ON.
Manual OFF
While the switch isON andthe timeris running, press theON/OFF buttonto turn OFF the connected loadwithout delay.
Changing the amount of time
At any time, you canpress andhold the ON/OFF button for 1 secondto restart the timer.It goesimmediately to the programmed Delay time; ifyou needa different amount of time, keepholding the button for at least2 seconds.Hold thebutton until the display shows the desired time. Releasing the buttonstarts thetimer countdown.
Call 800.223.4185 for Technical Support
Minute Countdow n
Countdo wn
Fig. 1:Timer Countdown
The time-out periodcan beset for5 minutes to 12hours. Thetime isd isplayedin two different ways.For acountdown ofless than an hour,the display showsminutes:se conds. The secondscount downcont inuously.If the countdown ismore thanan hour,t hedisplay shows hours:minutes, thecolon flashesevery second andthe display changesevery minute.
Seconds Elapse d
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