Instruction Sheet
TARE button
Input ports
Six pin mini-
DIN connector
Dual Load Cell Amplifier
Included Equipment Part Number
Dual Load Cell Amplifier PS-2205
Compatible Sensor
Load Cell, 100 N PS-2200
Load Cell, 5 N PS-2201
Recommended Items
PASPORT Extension Cable PS-2500
Truss Set ME-6990
Bridge Set ME-6991
Advanced Structures Set ME-6992
See the PASCO catalog or web site at www.pasco.com for compatible PASPORT interfaces.
The PASPORT Dual Load Cell Amplifier works with one or two Load Cells and a PASPORT interface to collect
multiple streams of tension or compression force data. Individual Load Cells (available separately) can be connected to the two input ports.
The Dual Load Cell Amplifier can be connected to any PASPORT interface. One amplifier can be connected to a
single USB Link or Xplorer. Up to three amplifiers can be connected to a PowerLink, and up to four amplifiers
can be connected to the Xplorer GLX datalogger.
Dual Load Cell Amplifier Setup
The Dual Load Cell Amplifier and the Load Cells that connect to it are designed to
measure the tension or compression in beams from the PASCO Structures System.
(See the PASCO catalog online at www.pasco.com for information.)
Typical usage is to replace an element in a truss or bridge or other structure with two
smaller elements joined to a Load Cell that is connected to a Dual Load Cell Amplifier that is connected to a PASPORT interface. The PS-2200 Load Cell’s range is from
-100 N to +100 N. The PS-2201 Load Cell’s range is from -5 N to +5 N.
About the Load Cell Amplifier
The Dual Load Cell Amplifier has a 16-bit analog-to-digital converter for a theoretical maximum resolution of 0.003 N when a PS-2200 Load Cell, 100 N is connected or
0.001 N when a PS-2201 Load Cell, 5 N is connected. The amplifier is lightweight
and travels easily when connected to a hand-held datalogger such as the Xplorer or
Xplorer GLX.
Load Cells can be connected to the Dual Load Cell Amplifier in any order. The maximum sampling rate is the same whether one or two Load Cell are connected.
Hardware Setup
The following three steps can be performed in any order.
1. Connect one or two separate Load Cells (PS-2200) to the individual input ports
of the sensor box.
Load Cells can be connected to either port in any order. The connector on the Load Cell cable fits
into the sensor box in only one way.
2. Connect the Dual Load Cell Amplifier to a PASPORT interface.
3. If you will be using a computer, connect the PASPORT interface to the com-
puter’s USB port.
DataStudio Setup
If you will be using the Dual Load Cell Amplifier with a computer, install the latest version of
DataStudio first. Check the PASCO web site at www.pasco.com for information.
1. When you connect the Dual Load Cell Amplifier to the computer through a
PASPORT interface, the PASPortal window will launch automatically (if DataStudio is not already running).
2. Select Launch DataStudio in the PASPortal window.
A Digits display for force will open automatically.
3. Click to begin data collection.
To view and change the sample rate and other sensor properties, click .