Pason WITS User Manual

Revision 25 of DOCU225
Revised May 1, 2019
Overview 6
Understanding Pason WITS 7
Pason WITS User Guide
Connecting Hardware for WITS Communication 9
Setting Up WITS in the EDR 14
Using the WITS Monitor 39
About WITS Port Pin-Outs 42
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Table of Contents

1 Overview ............................................................................................ 6
2 Understanding Pason WITS .............................................................. 7
2.1 Setting Up ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Duplex Communication .................................................................................. 7
2.3 Handshaking .................................................................................................. 7
2.4 About WITS Levels and Packets .................................................................... 7
2.5 What is the 1984PASON/EDR Header .......................................................... 7
3 Connecting Hardware for WITS Communication ............................ 9
3.1 Connection Instructions for Third-Party Users ............................................... 9
Connecting a WITS Device via a Pason Workstation ............................................... 9
Connecting a WITS Device via the Toolpush Connection Box or Network Panel
using a COMM022 ..................................................................................................10
Connecting a WITS Device via a Pason DHC, SideKick, or UJB ............................12
3.2 Testing WITS Connections .......................................................................... 13
4 Setting Up WITS in the EDR ............................................................ 14
4.1 Set up on UJB .............................................................................................. 14
4.2 About Handshaking ...................................................................................... 14
Establishing and Maintaining WITS Communication ...............................................14
4.3 Setting up the EDR Comm Port ................................................................... 15
Setting up an EDR Comm Port for WITS Connections via a DHC, Workstation,
SideKick, or UJB.....................................................................................................15
Setting up the EDR Comm Port for WITS Connections via Toolpush Connection
Box or Network Panel .............................................................................................15
Determining the Assigned Comm Port for WITS Connections via Toolpush
Connection Box or Network Panel ..........................................................................16
Setting the Assigned Comm Port’s Transmission Speed for WITS Connections
via Toolpush Connection Box or Network Panel .....................................................16
4.4 Setting the Send/Receive Mode ................................................................... 17
Send/Receive Options for WITS Connections to a DHC, Workstation, SideKick,
or UJB ....................................................................................................................17
Send/Receive Options for WITS Connections via Toolpush Connection Box or
Network Panel ........................................................................................................17
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4.5 Selecting WITS Codes ................................................................................. 19
Selecting Pason Traces for the EDR to Send .........................................................23
4.6 Configuring Custom WITS in the EDR ......................................................... 24
Setting up Custom WITS Codes .............................................................................24
Selecting Custom WITS Codes to Send .................................................................27
Receiving a Custom WITS Code and Sending it as a Different Custom Code ........27
4.7 Setting Up WITS Codes for Custom Sensors .............................................. 29
4.8 Sending WITS 01 Codes to the EDR ........................................................... 30
4.9 Sending Gamma and Gamma Lag Calc ...................................................... 30
4.10 Importing and Exporting Your WITS Settings ............................................... 31
4.11 Default Pason WITS Codes ......................................................................... 32
4.12 Typical WITS Packets sent to Pason ........................................................... 36
4.13 Sample Half WITS Data Sent by Pason ....................................................... 37
4.14 Sample Full WITS Data Sent by Pason ....................................................... 37
4.15 Using the WITS Monitor ............................................................................... 39
5 About WITS Port Pin-Outs .............................................................. 42
5.1 RS232 Port Pin-Outs .................................................................................... 42
COMM022 RS232 Pin-Outs ...................................................................................42
COMM018 RS232 Pin-Outs ...................................................................................43
5.2 RS422 Port Pin-Outs .................................................................................... 43
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Table of Figures

Figure 1: Connecting a WITS device to a Pason Workstation .................................................................... 10
Figure 2: Connecting a WITS device to a toolpush connection box ........................................................... 10
Figure 3: Connecting a WITS device to a network panel ............................................................................ 11
Figure 4: COMM022 comm box and components ...................................................................................... 11
Figure 5: COMM087 comm box and components ...................................................................................... 12
Figure 6: Connecting a WITS device to a DHC, SideKick, or UJB ............................................................. 13
Figure 7: Recommended WITS handshaking packet ................................................................................. 15
Figure 8: Comm port with a WITS connection ............................................................................................ 16
Figure 9: Comm Port Setup screen ............................................................................................................ 18
Figure 10: WITS Comm Options screen ..................................................................................................... 19
Figure 11: WITS setup screen .................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 12: Highlighted custom WITS row ................................................................................................... 25
Figure 13: Changing a custom WITS code used for sending ..................................................................... 28
Figure 14: WITS in All tab ........................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 15: WITS Monitor screen ................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 16: WITS monitor raw data (left) versus interpreted data (right) ..................................................... 41
Figure 17: COMM022 RS232 pin-outs ........................................................................................................ 42
Figure 18: COMM018 RS232 pin-outs ........................................................................................................ 43
Figure 19: RS422 ports pin-outs ................................................................................................................. 44
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1 Overview

This document describes how to set up and use WITS communication with EDR version
3.12.0 or later.
The Wellsite Information Transfer Specification (WITS) is a communication protocol
used to transfer wellsite data between computer systems. The WITS specification is an
industry-wide standard used by companies involved in petroleum exploration and
The Pason Electronic Drilling Recorder (EDR) can use WITS to communicate with
another service company’s equipment. Service companies, referred to as a third parties
in this document, may only need to receive specific data, or send specific data to the
EDR, but in most cases, they want to both send and receive data. Using WITS is a
proven and reliable way to accomplish these goals.
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2 Understanding Pason WITS

2.1 Setting Up

Setting up and using WITS with a Pason EDR involves these general steps:
1. Physically connecting third-party hardware to the Pason system
2. Establishing WITS communication between the third-party device and the EDR,
often called handshaking
3. Setting up the EDR for WITS communication
4. Setting up the third-party device for WITS communication
The second step, establishing WITS communication, is typically where most problems
occur. To avoid WITS-related problems, consider the information below about WITS in a
Pason system.

2.2 Duplex Communication

Pason recommends full duplex communication when using WITS. With full duplex
communication, data can travel in two directions simultaneously. This is different than
half duplex communication, which allows data to travel in one direction at a time, like
voices on walkie-talkie radios.

2.3 Handshaking

Establishing and maintaining WITS communication between connected WITS devices
and the EDR requires a handshaking procedure. For details about how to complete the
handshaking process, see About Handshaking on page 14.

2.4 About WITS Levels and Packets

The Pason system uses WITS Level 0 for serial communications. In Send and Receive
mode, the EDR transmits a number of WITS Level 0 packets (1 packet in Half WITS
mode, approximately 8 packets in Full WITS mode) each time it receives a valid WITS
Level 0 packet.

2.5 What is the 1984PASON/EDR Header

Every WITS record the Pason EDR sends includes a 1984PASON/EDR header. This
does not exactly meet the WITS specification, which specifies that items from different
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records should be in different packets. However, this item is required due to the half
duplex nature of our communication cables. The EDR uses this header to distinguish
between sent data and received data.
If a WITS device requires the removal of the 1984PASON/EDR header, ensure that the
device is connected to the EDR via a COMM022, and that its EDR comm port is set to
Send Only. Refer to Setting the Send/Receive Mode on page 17 for step-by-step
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3 Connecting Hardware for WITS Communication

WITS communication requires a physical connection between Pason and third-party
systems. This section includes information about how to complete the required hardware

3.1 Connection Instructions for Third-Party Users

Third parties can connect their systems to Pason’s using one of these three methods:
Connect to a Pason Workstation computer (TPC and VSP systems).
Connect to the toolpush connection box (TPC systems) or network panel
(VSP systems).
Connect to a Pason Doghouse Computer (DHC), SideKick, or Universal
Junction Box (UJB) (TPC and VSP systems).
Pason only supports the three above methods to connect WITS devices to our system. Specifically, note that the RS-232 ports on trailer access points (TAPs) do not support WITS connections. WITS connections to TAPs haven’t been fully tested and their reliability is unknown.
Connecting a WITS device to a DHC or SideKick can in some cases adversely affect wireless communications between the DHC and the network.
All of the parts and cables described in the following connection procedures are
available for purchase from your Pason representative.
Once third parties connect their hardware, Pason recommends that a Pason field
technician inspect the connections and complete the initial WITS set up in the EDR.

Connecting a WITS Device via a Pason Workstation

Connecting a WITS device via a Pason Workstation is the most common connection
method. Follow these steps to connect a WITS device to the EDR via a Pason
1. Ensure that the Pason Workstation is powered on.
2. Use a Pason Send to Hub cable (CBLASS155), or a generic DB9 9-pin serial null
modem cable, to connect the WITS device to comm port 1 on the Pason
Workstation as shown in Figure 1.
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Figure 1: Connecting a WITS device to a Pason Workstation

Connecting a WITS Device via the Toolpush Connection Box or Network Panel using a COMM022

This method involves using an RS-232 to RS-422 communication box (COMM022) to
connect the WITS device. Toolpush connection boxes and network panels are typically
located on an outside wall of the rig manager’s trailer. Look over the illustrations below
to see the connections to the different types of panels. Figure 4 on page 11 shows a
COMM022 in more detail.
Pason COMM022 communication (comm) boxes ship with full duplex communication enabled. COMM022 comm boxes have a jumper that enables you to choose half or full duplex, but Pason recommends using the default full duplex setting.
Figure 2: Connecting a WITS device to a toolpush connection box
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Figure 3: Connecting a WITS device to a network panel
AC plug
Military 10 pin connector RS-422
Figure 4: COMM022 comm box and components
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Connecting a WITS Device via a Pason DHC, SideKick, or UJB

WITS Device port
When connecting a WITS device in potentially hazardous areas, use the Hazardous
Area WITS Interface Assembly (COMM087) instead of COMM022. COMM087 is
certified for Class 1 Division 2 areas. Follow these steps to connect COMM087 to the
EDR via a Pason DHC, SideKick, or UJB:
1. Ensure that the DHC, SideKick, or UJB is powered on.
2. Secure the WITS to RS232, 6 ft. cable (CBLASS390) to the WITS Device port on
the Hazardous Area WITS Interface Assembly (COMM087). Secure the female
DB-9 end to the WITS device.
RigComm port (to DHC, Sidekick, UJB)
Figure 5: COMM087 comm box and components
3. Connect a RigComm RS-422 cable to the RigComm port on COMM087. Connect
the other end to any available powered RS-422 port on the DHC, SideKick, or
UJB, as shown in Figure 6. If connecting to a SideKick, use the 2.5ft Power
Rignet Y-Adapter cable (CBLASS360) to create the powered port.
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If connecting to a SideKick, ensure that the port you’re using is set to Auto (Port Info > Port Setup from the SideKick’s main screen). If connecting to a UJB, ensure the port is
set to WITS (Setup Ports > Change to WITS from the UJB local interface). This requires UJB firware version 11 or higher.
Figure 6: Connecting a WITS device to a DHC, SideKick, or UJB

3.2 Testing WITS Connections

If you are having problems with WITS communication, a Pason field technician can test
WITS connections using the proprietary Pason WITS RSVP application. For help testing
your WITS connections, contact Pason Technical Support at 1-877-255-3158.
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4 Setting Up WITS in the EDR

After connecting the hardware, you need to use the EDR to set up WITS communication.
Set up procedures vary depending on whether you connected the WITS device to the
EDR via a comm box or via a Workstation, DHC, or SideKick. The following sections
describe the required procedures.

4.1 Set up on UJB

If connecting to a UJB, ensure the port is set to WITS. This requires UJB firmware
version 11 or higher. Select Setup Ports > Change to WITS from the UJB local
interface. Then select either WITS 9600 or WITS 19200.

4.2 About Handshaking

Setting up and maintaining WITS communication between a WITS device and the EDR
requires the use of a handshake. The handshake is important because it prompts the
EDR to recognize that a WITS device has been connected to the system, and is
necessary for the EDR to keep WITS communication active. If you connected the WITS
device via a toolpush connection box or a network panel, handshaking also prompts the
EDR to display a WITS protocol in the Comm Port Setup screen, so handshaking is
useful for determining which ports are connected to WITS devices.
Failure to continuously send at least one packet to the EDR every 30 seconds causes the EDR’s communication engine to time out, stopping WITS communication. This is a major cause of WITS communication problems.

Establishing and Maintaining WITS Communication

To establish and maintain WITS communication with the EDR, the third-party WITS
device must send at least one WITS packet to the EDR continuously every 30 seconds,
even if the third-party has no other need to send WITS packets. The only exception to
this requirement is when the WITS device is connected via a toolpush connection box or
a network panel, and the EDR comm port is set to Send Only. This requirement can be
met in one of the following two ways:
The third-party WITS device continuously sends at least one WITS packet to the
EDR every 30 seconds as part of the desired operation, or
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