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The Pason Pit Volume Totalizer (PVT) system is a high-quality microprocessor-based
instrumentation package, comprised of four main functions. The system measures,
calculates, and displays signals from the main mud system, the trip tank system, the
return flow system, and both main mud pumps.
Figure 1 PVT face plate
The Pason PVT system is specifically designed to withstand the harsh environmental
extremes encountered in the Canadian drilling industry. The main display unit is
equipped with a 100-watt thermostatically controlled heater. This allows for operation in
ambient temperatures down to -45°C without any degradation in performance.
The unit is water-resistant and is designed to operate reliably under the adverse
conditions found on drilling rigs. All panel switches are environmentally sealed and have
a water-tight panel seal installed to provide protection from the elements. The system is
fully protected from input noise and over-voltage.
The Pason PVT system consists of two main units: the display unit and the junction box
(J Box). The J Box is provided so that field wiring connections can be made in a safe,
convenient location. The J Box also provides an excellent location for field personnel to
troubleshoot the system.
The display unit is the heart of the system, containing all the controls, switches, and
alarms. A 1” backlit Liquid Cryst al Dis play (LCD) is provided for each main function
monitored. A variety of information can be displayed about each function by using the
panel switches on the unit. The volume and flow sections monitor either gain/loss
readings or absolute values. The pump section monitors either strokes per minute or
total strokes for both pumps. The trip tank section monitors trip tank volume, individual
fill volume, or total accumulated fill volume.
An alarm is provided for both volume and flow gain/loss deviations. The alarms are fully
independent of each other and are adjustable. If one or both of the alarms are disabled,
a red warning light (LED) will flash to remind the operator to turn the alarm back on as
soon as possible. In addition to the volume and flow alarms, the trip tank system is
provided with both a high and low alarm to assist the operator in filling or draining the trip