Instruction Sheet
PASCO Structures System
Load Cell, 100 N
For example, the PASCO Structures System includes the
ME-6990 Truss Set, ME-6991 Bridge Set, and the ME-6992
Advanced Structures Set.
About the Load Cell
The PS-2200 Load Cell measures forces ranging from -100 N to
100 N and is wired with a male 6-pin min-DIN connector for
plugging into the PS-2198 Load Cell Amplifier.
Recommended Equipment
• Load Cell Amplifier (PS-2198)
• PASPORT Interface
Related Equipment
• Complete Structures Set (ME-6989)
• Truss Set (ME-6990)
• Bridge Set (ME-6991)
• Advanced Structures Set (ME-6992)
• Load Cell & Amplifier Set (PS-2199)
See www.pasco.com for details about PASPORT Interfaces and PASCO
Structures System parts and sets.
The Load Cell, 100 N is designed to work with the PASCO Structures System. When connected to a PASCO interface through the
PS-2198 Load Cell Amplifier, the Load Cell can measure compression and tension forces in any component of the PASCO
Structures System.
Figure 1: The Load Cell has a semi-transparent case
The PS-2198 Load Cell Amplifier supports up to six PS-2200
Load Cells. The PS-2199 Load Cell and Amplifier Set includes
one Load Cell Amplifier and four Load Cells.
Adding Load Cells
To measure the compression and tension forces in individual
members, add load cells (PS-2200) to any PASCO Structure.
Replace a beam with two shorter beams and a load cell.
#5 beam = load cell + two #3 beams
#4 beam = load cell + two #2 beams
#3 beam = load cell + two #1 beams
800-772-8700 www.pasco.com
Load Cell, 100 N PS-2200
Calibration of Load Cells
Load cells are factory calibrated; however, you can recalibrate
them in software or on the datalogger. See the documentation for
your software or datalogger for instructions.
When calibrating a load cell, it is necessary to apply a known
load. Assemble the fixture shown in Figure 4 to support the load
cell. Hold or clamp the fixture at the edge of a table and hang a
mass from it as shown.
Figure 2: A load cell combined with two #2 beams is the same length
as a #4 beam
Use thumbscrews to attach two beams to a load cell as shown in
Figure 2.
When using load cells, assemble your structure with the screws
loose. This will simplify the analysis by ensuring that the mem-
bers experience only tension and compression without moments.
Plug the mini-DIN connector at the end of the load cell cable into
a port on the Load Cell Amplifier (PS-2198). See the instructions
that came with the load cell amplifier for details about how to
connect the load cell amplifier to an interface or datalogger and
collect data.
Note that the hanging mass applies tension to the load cell; therefore the known force that you enter into the software or datalogger should be a negative value. For example, if the mass is 1.0 kg,
the applied force is -9.8 N.
Example: Bridge with Load Cells
Figure 3: Bridge with load cells
The bridge shown in Figure 3 incorporates six load cells to measure the tension or compression in various members. A hanging
mass is used to apply load. The mass is adjusted so that the compression in one of the legs is 1.0 N. Compression is registered as
a positive value and tension as a negative value.
If the screws are loose, the theoretical analysis of the bridge can
be carried out by assuming that the net force at each node is zero.
Thus, the vertical component of compression in the left-most
diagonal member must be 1 N (to oppose the force applied by the
leg). The horizontal component must also be 1 N since the member is at a 45° angle. The predicted resultant force is:
Figure 4: Calibration fixture
Range -100 N to +100 N
Dimensions 5.3 cm by 5.8 cm by 2.0 cm
Length of cable 120 cm
Mass approximately 100 g
1.0 N()21.0 N()
+ 1.4 N=
The actual measured force confirms the theory.