High Resolution pH/ORP/ISE Amplifier
with Temperature Sensor
Sensor Specifications:
Range: 0 to 14
Resolution: 0.001
Range: -35°C to +135°C
Resolution: 0.0025
Probe Specifications:
Fast Response Temperature
Range: -10°C to +70°C
Resolution: 0.0025
Construction: A 10K thermistor is
housed in a water proof PVC tip. The
thermistor is connected to a 3.5 mm
stereo connector with a 4-foot PVC
insulated wire.
ORP and ISE:
Range: -2000 mV to +2000 mV
Resolution: 0.05 mV
pH electrode (699-085):
Range: 0 to 12
Accuracy: See pH electrode calibration
on card 2A.
Resolution: 0.001
Temperature range: 0
Construction: Double junction, electrode
with three-foot cable and BNC connector.
Reference is gel-filled.
800-772-8700 • 916-786-3800 • techsupp@pasco.com • www.pasco.com
2.0 mV
C to +80°C
pH/ORP/ISE/Temp Quick Start
The PS-2147 Sensor is a multi-purpose millivolt (mV) meter that accepts standard
BNC connectors and works with both PASCO and industry standard ion selective
electrodes (ISE), including pH and ORP. The sensor is capable of measuring
temperature using PASCO’s thermistor-based temperature probes.
Additional Equipment Needed
• PASPORTTM interface (USB Link, PowerLink, Xplorer, etc.) with USB-compatible
computer or a PS-2000 Xplorer
• EZscreen or DataStudio® software (version 1.8.5 or later)
Equipment Setup
1. Connect the PASPORT interface to a USB port on your computer or to a USB hub.
2. Connect an electrode to the BNC port and a temperature probe to the 3.5 mm plug
input on the sensor box.
3. Connect the PS-2147 sensor to the PASPORT interface. (If using an Xplorer in the
classroom, connect the Xplorer cable to your computer.)
4. The software launches when it detects a PASPORT sensor. Select a point of entry.

Enthalpy of Neutralization with pH Measurement
DataStudio/DS Lite Tasks: Procedure:
Open the Setup window:
Change measurements:
Change the sample rate:
Measure the temp. change:
On the main toolbar, click the Setup button.
In the Setup window, go to the ISE Sensor box
and click to place a check in the box(es) next to
the desired measurement(s).
In the ISE Sensor box, click on the down-arro w
next to the sample rate and select a ne w unit . Use
the Plus and Minus buttons to increase/decrease
the rate.
Click on the Smart T ool and dr ag the cross hai rs
to a data point. When the delta appears, click and
drag to measure the change.
Activity: Enthalpy of Neutralization
with pH Measurement
Equipment required : PS-2147 High Resolution pH/ORP/ISE Sensor, pH electrode, Fast
Response Temperature Probe, DataStudio software (ver. 1.8.5 or later), ring stand, clamp for
pH probe, stirring machine, stir bar, calorimeter (part no. 650-02976 or two styrof oam cups
stacked together), 1 mL pipette, citric acid powder , balance to measure +/- 0.01 g, 100 mL
graduated cylinder, deioniz ed water. (Optional): vinegar solution for stable pH, 0.1 M NaOH
1. Set out chemicals a few hours bef ore the e xperiment to allows the chemicals time to
equilibrate to room temperature.
2a. Add 100 mL of deionized water to the calorimeter and stir until the temperature is stable.
(Note: Without buffer , the pH is not stab le or predictable . See the step 2b option. )
2b. Prepare 0.6 mM acetic acid by adding 0.5 mL vinegar to 1.00 L of deionized water and
adjusting to pH 7.0 with drops of 0.1 M NaOH. Add 100 mL of this 0.6 mM acetic acid to
the calorimeter and stir until the temperature is stable.
3. Place the temperature probe and pH probe into the solution. In DataStudio’s Experiment
menu, select “Monitor data.” Stir until the solution comes to a steady temperature.
4. Weigh 10 millimoles (about 1.9 g) of citric acid powder .
5. When the temperature is steady , stop the monitoring run by pressing the Stop b utton.
6. Click the St a rt b utton and w ait one minute to estab lish a baseline . Then add the citric
acid powder to the stirring solution.
7. After about two minutes , the temperature and pH should become le v el, and you can stop
the experiment.
8. (Optional): To find the amount of heat absorbed by the calorimeter, stir bar, and pH
electrode, repeat steps 1-5. I n place of step 6, add a fixed volume of w at er t hat is slightl y
cooled; follow the cooling curve after mixing the known amount of cool water . Combining
this information with the above data can allo w a description of the heat absorbed per mole
9. (Optional): Use the DataStudio calculator to convert pH to [H
show the temperature change per mole of acid dissolved.
]. Use a graph display to