Acceleration Sensor
Acceleration Quick Start
The PS-2119 Acceleration Sensor measures acceleration in three axes:
x, y, and z.
Additional Equipment Needed
LED button for
changing the sensor
response rate
Sensor Specifications:
Sensor Range:
Frequency Response:
Default Sample Rate:
Maximum Sample Rate:
• USB Link (PS-2100) with USB-compatible computer or Xplorer (PS-2000)
EZscreen or DataStudio
software (version 1.6.2 or later)
Equipment Setup
1. Connect the sensor to a USB Link or an Xplorer.
2. Connect the USB Link or Xplorer cable to a USB port on your computer
or a USB hub.
3. The software launches when it detects a PASPORT
+/- 10 g
+/- 1 % of full scale
0.010 g
6 Hz (slow), 25 Hz (fast)
10 samples/sec
500 samples/sec
800-772-8700 • 916-786-3800 • techsupp@pasco.com • www.pasco.com 012-07798A
EZscreen or DataStudio.
sensor. Select

Using the PS-2119
Acceleration Activity
Acceleration Sensor
The PASPORT™ PS-2119 Acceleration Sensor will automatically zero when
you click the Start button in DataStudio. This allows students to place the
sensor in their appropriate orientation for their experiment and measure
acceleration from their frame of reference without having to manually zero the
sensor. You can also disable this feature by deselecting the “Zero
Automatically o n Start” box, w hich is located in the PASPORT Setup window.
The zero feature will affect all axes.
Additionally, the Zero button in the Setup window can be used to
the sensor, if desired. To reverse the effect of zeroing the sensor, you
must exit the current experiment and start a new experiment. (i.e. From the
File menu, select “New Experiment.”)
To display the z-axis acceleration, select “Acceleration, Z” in the setup window.
The resultant acceleration is the magnitude of the vector sum for the x, y, and z
Note: The response rate button on the sensor is used for experiments in which
the acceleration changes quickly. Pressing the button illuminates the LED and
enables the fast response mode. Pressing the button again returns to the slow
response setting.
EZscreen Activity
1. To take basic acceleration measurements in your classroom, click
EZscreen in the PASPORTAL window.
2. In the lower right corner of the EZscreen, click the Acceleration
Sensor icon to cycle through the different measurements.
3. Click the Start button once to begin taking measurements and
again to stop.
DataStudio Activity-Acceleration on Incline
1. Using the PASPORT extension cable, plug the Acceleration Sensor into the
USB Link or an Xplorer.
2. Mount the Acceleration Sensor to a Dynamics Cart, PAScar, or GOcar,
using the included bracket.
3. Place the car on a Dynamics Track that has been inclined at some angle.
4. In EZscreen or DataStudio, click the Start button and allow the car to roll
down the track.
5. When the car approaches the end of the track, click the Stop button. Have a
lab partner at the end of the track ready to catch the car.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 two more times.
7. Looking at the acceleration-time graph, describe the acceleration of the car
as it rolls down the track.
8. Average the acceleration values from the data runs and compare to the
theoretical value for the angle you chose.
9. (Optional): Change the angle of the track and repeat the experiment to
determine the effect of angle on the acceleration of the car.
Note: To measure the track angle, place an angle indicator in the top groove of
the track. To order an angle indicator from PASCO, use part no. ME-9495.