PASCO PS-2114 User Manual

Relative Pressure Quic k Start
Relative Pressure Sensor
Sensor Specifications:
Sensor Range: Accuracy: Resolution: Maximum Sample Rate: Default Sample Rate: Operating Temperature: Relative Humidity Range:
10 kPa
±0.5 kPa
0.001 kPa 20 samples per second 10 samples per second 0
to 40°
5–95%, non-condensing
800-772-8700 • 916-786-3800 • •
Additional Equipment Needed
• EZscreen or DataStudio
interface (USB Link, Xplorer, etc.)
software (version 1.5 or later)
Equipment Setup
1. Connect the PASPORT interface to a USB port on your computer or to a USB hub.
2. Connect the sensor to a PASPORT interface.
3. The softw a re laun c hes when it detec t s a PASP ORT sensor. From the PASPOR TAL screen, select a point of entry:
An activity in the Workbook window,
EZscreen, or
DataStudio. 1
Pressure vs. Temperature inside an Glass Air Chamber Alternately Dipped in Cups of Hot and Cold Water
DataStudio Task: Procedure:
Create a graph of pressure vs. temperature:
Change the measurement unit:
Change the sample rate:
From the Data list, use your mouse to drag the Pressure icon over the y-axis. Drag the Temperature icon over the x-axis and release the mouse.
Click the Setup button to open the Experiment Setup window. Click on the Maximize button and scroll to the Relative Pressure Sensor box. Next to the sensor box, click the down arrow to select a different measurement unit.
In the Experiment Setup window, scroll to the Relative Pressure Sensor box. Click on the Plus button to increase the sample rate or the Minus button to decrease the sample rate.
DataStudio Acti vity: Pressure vs. Temperature
Equipment required: Relative Pressure Sensor (PS-2114), Fast Response Temperature Sensor (PS-2135, 3-pack), cup of hot water, cup of ice cold water, glass test tube and rubber stopper (with two holes), wax paper
1. Plug the Pressure Sensor and Fast Response Temperature each into a PASPORT interface (connect ed to a USB-comp at ib le compu te r).
2. Plug a c onnecto r to the end of the Relative Pressure Sensor.
3. Place the two-holed stopper into the glass tube (to create an air chamber).
4. Slide the probe of the Fast Response Temperature Sensor through one of the holes in the stopper. Wrap a piece of wax paper around the stopper hole to ensure a tight seal, such that air does not leak out.
5. Plug a plastic valve into the other hole in the stopper. Attach a piece of plastic tubing from the connector on the Pressure Sensor to valve in the air chamber.
6. In DataStudio software, open a Graph display and click the Start button. Alternate placing the air chamber in the cups of cold and hot water.
Other Suggested Activities
• EZscreen activity: With your hands (or a halogen lamp) as a heat source, measure the pressure inside the glass tube as you alternate doing the following: a) use your hands or the lamp to heat the outside of the glass tube and b) remove the heat source from the outside of the glass tube.
• DataStudio activity: Use the Relative Pressure Sensor with the Heat Engine Apparatus (TD-8572 or TD-8592) to study Boyle’s law, the Carnot cycle, or another activity described in the Heat Engine Manual.