Instruction Sheet
Ray Optics Kit
Included Equipment Part Number
1. Mirror 636-05100
2. Convex Lens 636-05501
3. Concave Lens 636-05502
4. Acrylic Rhombus 636-05611
5. Hollow Lens OS-8511
6. Storage Box/Water Tank
with foam insert
and white plastic sheet
Recommended Equipment
Basic Optics Light Source OS-8470
The Ray Optics Kit is a set of optics components designed for
use with a ray box such as the Basic Optics Light Source. The
storage box doubles as a tank for studying lenses under water.
About the Components
To use any of the components, place them on a flat tabletop in
the path of rays from your ray box (either a single ray or parallel rays). Place a white sheet of paper on the table to facilitate
ray tracing and to make the rays more visible. The concave
and convex lenses have one flat edge. Place the flat edge on
the table so the lens stands stably without rocking.
The hollow lens has three sections that you can fill with water
or leave empty to make lenses of different shapes. To study a
lens made of air and surrounded by water, use the storage box
as a water tank. Remove the foam insert, but leave the white
plastic sheet in the box to serve as a reflective surface. Put the
hollow lens in the box with a small weight on top to stop it
from floating. Fill the box with water to just below the top of
the hollow lens. Use an eye dropper or pipette to empty and
fill the sections of the lens. Use a pencil to trace rays on the
plastic sheet under water.
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Model No. OS-8516A Specifications
Specifications Technical Support
Sides Convex, Concave, and Plane
Radius of curvature 12.5 cm
Width of each side 6 cm
Height 1.5 cm
Convex and Concave Lenses
Shape Convex-convex and
Radius of curvature 12.7 cm
Width 5.7 cm
Height 3.8 cm
Material Acrylic
Index of refraction 1.49
Acrylic Rhombus
Angles of corners 90°, 90°, 45°, 135°
Width of sides 3.2 cm, 3.2 cm, 6.4 cm, 4.5 cm
Height 2.5 cm
Index of refraction 1.49
Hollow Lens
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Limited Warranty
For a description of the product warranty, see the PASCO catalog.
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Ray Optics Kit Instruction Sheet
Radii of curvature 5 cm and 3 cm
Width 5.1 cm
Total thickness 3.3 cm
Height 2.7 cm