PASCO OS-8501 User Manual

Instruction Manual and Experiment Guide for the PASCO scientific Model OS-8501
Revision B
Copyright © February 1986 $10.00
Interferometer 012-02675B
Table of Contents
Section Page
Copyright, Warranty, and Equipment Return........................................ ii
Equipment .................................................................................................1
Equipment included: Additional Equipment Needed: Additional Equipment Recommended:
Theory of Operation .................................................................................2
Interference Theory The Michelson Interferometer
The Interferometer.........................................................................................4
The Movable Mirror .......................................................................................4
Aligning the Interferometer ..........................................................................5
Exp 1: Measuring the Wavelength of Light .......................................... 7
Exp 2: Measuring the Index of Refraction for Air ................................ 8
Replacement Parts ......................................................................................11
Inteferometry with a Spectral Light Source ..............................................12
012-02675B Interferometer
Copyright, Warranty and Equipment Return
Please—Feel free to duplicate this manual subject to the copyright restrictions below.
Equipment Return
Copyright Notice
The PASCO scientific Model OS-8501 Interferometer manual is copyrighted and all rights reserved. How­ever, permission is granted to non-profit educational institutions for reproduction of any part of this manual providing the reproductions are used only for their laboratories and are not sold for profit. Reproduction under any other circumstances, without the written consent of PASCO scientific, is prohibited.
Should the product have to be returned to PASCO scientific for any reason, notify PASCO scientific by letter, phone, or fax BEFORE returning the product. Upon notification, the return authorization and shipping instructions will be promptly issued.
Limited Warranty
PASCO scientific warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment to the customer. PASCO will repair or replace, at its option, any part of the product which is deemed to be defective in mate­rial or workmanship. This warranty does not cover damage to the product caused by abuse or improper use. Determination of whether a product failure is the result of a manufacturing defect or improper use by the customer shall be made solely by PASCO scientific. Responsibility for the return of equipment for warranty repair belongs to the customer. Equipment must be properly packed to prevent damage and shipped postage or freight prepaid. (Damage caused by improper packing of the equipment for return shipment will not be covered by the warranty.) Shipping costs for returning the equipment, after repair, will be paid by PASCO scientific.
When returning equipment for repair, the units must be packed properly. Carriers will not accept responsibility for damage caused by improper packing. To be certain the unit will not be damaged in shipment, observe the following rules:
The packing carton must be strong enough for the
item shipped.
Make certain there are at least two inches of
packing material between any point on the apparatus and the inside walls of the carton.
Make certain that the packing material cannot shift
in the box or become compressed, allowing the instrument come in contact with the packing carton.
Address: PASCO scientific
10101 Foothills Blvd. Roseville, CA 95747-7100
Phone: (916) 786-3800 FAX: (916) 786-3292 email: web:
012-02675B Interferometer
The PASCO scientific Model OS-8501 Michelson Interferometer is a precision instru­ment capable of measuring the wavelength of visible, monochromatic light with an accuracy of better than 5%. With the included vacuum chamber, it can also be used for precise measurements of the index of air refraction.
CAUTION: Avoid touching all optical surfaces on the interferometer, because minute scratches can impair the clarity of the interference image. For instructions on cleaning the optical surfaces, see the Maintenance section at the end of this manual.
Equipment included:
• Interferometer base with built-in micrometer and leveling feet
• Movable mirror
• Beam splitter
• Three point adjustable fixed mirror
• Vacuum cell for measuring the index of air refraction
• Beam expanding lens with component holder
• Fitted case
Additional Equipment Needed: Light source: To operate the Michelson Interferom-
eter you will also need a monochromatic light source, preferably a laser. We recommend the PASCO 0.5 mW He-Ne Laser (Model OS-9171), but any low power laser that operates in the visible range will work. For optimum ease of alignment, the level of the beam should be 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) above the bench top. Leveling screws on the interferometer allow the height to be adjusted.
Vacuum pump: To measure the index of refraction of air, you will also need a vacuum pump. The PASCO Hand Vacuum Pump (Model OS-8502) is an accurate yet relatively inexpensive pump with a built-in gauge. It allows precise control of the vacuum level when counting fringes. However, the vacuum chamber can be used with any pump that can be connected by a 1/4 inch (0.64 cm) I.D. (inner diameter) tube.
CAUTION: Do not use the vacuum chamber with a compressor; it is not built to withstand positive pressures.
Additional Equipment Recommended:
The PASCO Optics Bench can function as an aid in aligning the interferometer. It simplifies the alignment procedure and the magnetic pads on the bench top hold the laser and interferometer firmly in position once the system is aligned. A 1.0 m Optics Bench can be pur­chased separately (Model OS-9103). A 70 cm optics bench is included as an integral part of the PASCO scientific Introductory Optics System (Model OS-
Interferometer 012-02675B
Theory of Operation
Interference Theory
A beam of light can be modeled as a wave of oscillat­ing electric and magnetic fields. When two beams of light meet in space, these fields add according to the principle of superposition. At each point in space, the electric and magnetic fields are determined as the vector sum of the fields of the separate beams.
If the two beams of light originate from separate sources, there is generally no fixed relationship between the electromagnetic oscillations in the beams. If two such light beams meet, at any instant in time there will be points in space where the fields add to produce a maximum field strength. However, the oscillations of visible light are much faster than the human eye can apprehend. Since there is no fixed relationship between the oscillations, a point at which there is a maximum at one instant may have a mini­mum at the next instant. The human eye averages these results and perceives a uniform intensity of light.
However, if the two beams of light originate from the same source, there is generally some degree of correla­tion between the frequency and phase of the oscilla­tions of the two beams. At one point in space the light from the beams may be continually in phase. In this case, the combined field will always be a maximum and a bright spot will be seen. At another point the light from the two beams may be continually out of phase and a minima, or dark spot, will be seen.
The Michelson Interferometer
In 1881, some 78 years after Young introduced his two-slit experiment, A.A. Michelson designed and built an interferometer using a similar principle. Originally Michelson designed his interferometer as a method to test for the existence of the ether, a hypoth­esized medium in which light could propagate. Due in part to his efforts, the ether is no longer considered a viable hypothesis. Michelson’s interferometer has become a widely used instrument for measuring the wavelength of light, and for using the wavelength of a known light source to measure extremely small distances.
Figure 1 shows a diagram of a Michelson interferom­eter. A beam of light from the laser source strikes the beam-splitter. The beam-splitter is designed to reflect 50% of the incident light and transmit the other 50%. The incident beam therefore splits into two beams; one beam is reflected toward mirror M transmitted toward mirror M beams back toward the beam-splitter. Half the light from M1 is transmitted through the beam-splitter to the viewing screen and half the light from M
by the beam-splitter to the viewing screen.
, the other is
. M1 and M2 reflect the
is reflected
Thomas Young was one of the first to design a method for producing such an interference pattern. He allowed a single, narrow beam of light to fall on two narrow, closely spaced slits. Opposite the slits he placed a viewing screen. Where the light from the two slits struck the screen, a regular pattern of dark and bright bands became visible. When first performed, Young’s experiment offered important evidence for the wave nature of light.
Young’s slits function as a simple interferometer. If the spacing between the slits is known, the spacing of the maxima and minima can be used to determine the wavelength of the light. Conversely, if the wavelength of the light is known, the spacing of the slits could be determined from the interference patterns.
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