Adjustable Lens Holder
Instruction Sheet
The PASCO Adjustable Lens Ho lder all o ws unmount ed lenses
and mirrors to be used with eq uipment such as the Basic
Optics System (OS-8515C), Dynamics Track Optics Kit
(OS-8471), or 60 cm Optics Ben ch (OS- 8541). Three adjust able arms can be positioned and locked to securely hold circu-
lar optics compone nts between 20 and 75 millimeters in
diameter. The holder snaps into an optics bench or carriage,
aligning the len s or mirror with other Basic Optics components.

Adjustable Len s Holder Setup
The holder has three sliding arm s that can be adjusted for different-sized lense s. Ea ch ar m is marked with a range of diameters (in millimeters) corresponding to the diameter of the lens
to be he ld .
1. Loosen the thumbsc rews on the lower two arms. Line up
the appropriate diameter marks on the arms with the triangular marks on the ring. Tighten the thumbscrews to lock
the ar ms.
Align the marks corresponding to the
diameter (in millimeters) of the lens
2. Loosen the thumbscrew on the top arm and slide it up.
Compatible PASCO Equipment
Optics Benches OS-8515C Basic Optics System
OS-8541 60 cm Optics Bench
OS-8508 120 cm Optics Bench
Dynamics Track
Lenses SE-901 3 Ground Glass Lenses (set of 6)
OS-8471 Dynamics T rack Optics Kit
The Adjustable Lens Holder is also compatible with optics
components made by other manufacturers.
Technical Support
For assistance with an y PASCO product, conta ct PASCO at:
Address: PASCO scientific
10101 Foothills Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95747-7 100
Phone: 916-786-3800 (worldwide)
800-772-8700 (U.S. )
Fax: (916) 786-7565
Web: www.pasco.com
Email: support@pasco.com
3. Rest the edge of the lens on the lower two arms and slide
the top arm down. Tighten th e thumb scre w on the top arm
to secu re th e lens.
Limited Warranty
For a description of the product warr anty, see the PASCO catalog.
The PASCO scientific 012-09198B
is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Permission is granted to
non-profit educational institutions for reproduction of any part of this manual, providing the reproductions are used only in their laboratories and
classrooms, and are not sold for profit. Reproduction under any other circumstances, without the written consent of P ASCO scientific, is prohibited.
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or may be trademarks or service marks of, and are used to identify, products or services of, their respective owners. For more information visit
Adjustable Lens Holder Instruction
After positioning the lower arms, place the lens
in the ring and secure it with the top arm