Instruction Sheet
Concave/convex Mirror Accessory
Included Equipment
Concave/convex Mounted Mirror
The Concave/convex Mirror Accessory is designed for use
with a PASCO optics system such as OS-8515C, or an optics
bench such as OS-8541 or OS-8508. It consists of a double-sided curved mirror and a semicircular half-screen.
The mirror is concave on one side and convex on the other
side. Both sides have the same radius of curvature.
The half-screen is designed for showing an image formed by
the concave side of the mirror. The screen can be rotated in its
mount so that its edge is vertical or horizontal.
Position the mirror and half-screen as
illustrated (right) with the concave
side toward the screen. You can
mount the components on an optics
bench, place them on a tabletop, or
simply hold them. Adjust the distance between the mirror and screen
to form the image of a bright object
such as a light source, lamp, or window.
Diameter 50 mm
Focal Lengths +100 mm and -100 mm
Radius of Curvature 200 mm
800-772-8700 www.pasco.com

Model No. OS-8457 Technical Support
Technical Support
For assistance with any PASCO product, contact PASCO at:
Address: PASCO scientific
10101 Foothills Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95747-7100
Phone: 916-786-3800 (worldwide)
800-772-8700 (U.S.)
Fax: (916) 786-7565
Web: www.pasco.com
Email: support@pasco.com
Limited Warranty For a description of the product warranty, see the
PASCO catalog.
Copyright The PASCO scientific 012-09885A
Accessory Instruction Sheet
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Concave/convex Mirror