Multi Fan Bracket
Included Equipment Part Number
Instruction Sheet
2. Place the Multi Fan Bracket on the cart as illustrated
(figure 1).
Bracket ME-6616
Mounting Screws, M5 × 8 mm
(2 pieces)
Additional Equipment Required
PASCO dynamics cart ME-6950, ME-9430,
Fan Accessories (2–3 pieces) ME-9491
Additional Equipment Recommended
Compact Cart Masses
(1–2 pieces)
The Multi Fan Bracket fastens to any PASCO cart and holds up to
three Fan Accessories. Each fan can be attached to the bracket
facing forward or backward.
Compatible PASCO cars include the Plunger Cart (ME-9430),
Collision Cart (ME-9454), PAScar (ME-6950), and GOcar
Figure 1: Multi Fan Bracket on cart
3. Fasten the bracket to the cart with the two thumbscrews
(figure 2).
Figure 2: Mounting screws
4. Press the Fan Accessories down onto the bracket as illustrated (figures 3 and 4).
With the Multi Fan Bracket attached, a PASCO cart can also hold
one or two Compact Cart Masses (ME-6755).
1. Unscrew both mounting screws from the storage holes.
800-772-8700 www.pasco.com
Figure 3: Three Fan Accessories facing the same direction

Multi Fan Bracket ME-6616
Technical Support
For assistance with any PASCO product, contact PASCO at:
Address: PASCO scientific
10101 Foothills Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95747-7100
Phone: 916-786-3800 (worldwide)
800-772-8700 (U.S.)
Fax: (916) 786-7565
Web: www.pasco.com
Figure 4: Fan accessories facing forward and backward
Email: support@pasco.com
Extra Mass
Add extra mass to the cart by placing compact cart masses on the
cart under the bracket as illustrated (figure 5).
Figure 5: Placing extra mass on cart
Screw Storage
When the bracket is not attached to the cart, screw the thumb
screws in the threaded storage holes (figure 6).
Limited Warranty For a description of the product warranty, see the
PASCO catalog.
Copyright The PASCO scientific 012-10207A
tion Sheet
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Multi Fan Bracket Instruc-
Figure 6: Screw storage