Instruction Sheet
for the PASCO
Model ES-9077
• Fixed 1000, 2000, 3000 VDC ±10%, unregulated
(maximum short circuit current less than 0.01
• 30 VDC ±5%, 1mA max.
• 110-130 VDC, 60 Hz, ES-9077
The ES-9077 is a high voltage, low current power
supply designed exclusively for experiments in
electrostatics. It has outputs at 30 volts DC for
capacitor plate experiments, and fixed 1 kV, 2 kV, and
3 kV outputs for Faraday ice pail and conducting
sphere experiments. With the exception of the 30 volt
output, all of the voltage outputs have a series
resistance associated with them which limit the
available short-circuit output current to about 8.3
microamps. The 30 volt output is regulated but is
capable of delivering only about 1 milliamp before
falling out of regulation.
Equipment Included:
• Voltage Source
• Red/black, banana plug to spade lug cable
• 9 VDC power supply
• 220/240 VDC, 50 Hz, ES-9077-220
• 5 1/2” X 5” X 1”, plus AC adapter and red/black
cable set
IMPORTANT: To prevent the risk of
electric shock, do not remove the cover
on the unit. There are no user
serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing
to qualified service personnel.
When using the Electrostatics Voltage Source to power
other electric circuits, (like RC networks), use only the
30V output (Remember that the maximum drain is 1
Use the special high-voltage leads that are supplied with
the ES-9077 to make connections. Use of other leads
may allow significant leakage from the leads to ground
and negatively affect output voltage accuracy.

Electrostatics Voltage Source 012-07038A
The high voltage outputs of the ES-9077 are designed
to charge objects in various electrostatics experiments.
These objects will typically present an essentially
infinite input resistance. Trying to drive other type of
loads may significantly load the high voltage outputs
and cause the output voltage to drop.
There are no user serviceable parts inside the Voltage
If the ES-9077 Electrostatics Voltage Source requires
repair, it is strongly recommended that the unit be
returned to PASCO scientific. Because PASCO is
thoroughly familiar with the instrument and maintains a
complete stock of replacement parts, repairs can be
made quickly and at low cost.
There is no routine maintenance required for the
ES-9077. The outputs are factory adjusted to be
accurate within ±10%. The outputs cannot be checked
accurately using a standard multimeter or digital
multimeter because the input resistance of these
meters is low compared with that of the ES-9077 highvoltage outputs. The outputs may be checked if a high
voltage probe (such as a Fluke 80K-40 HV Probe) is
available to connect to a digital multimeter; however
they will still measure slightly low. The actual voltage
may be calculated by knowing that the ES-9077 output
resistance is 120K ohms per volt (For example, the
1000 volt output has a series resistance of 120 Meg
ohms.) and the resistance of the high-voltage probe is
1000 Meg ohms.
Copyright Notice
The PASCO scientific 012-07038 instruction sheet is
copyrighted and all rights reserved. However,
permission is granted to non-profit educational
institutions for reproduction of any part of the
Electrostatics Voltage Source instruction sheet
providing the reproductions are used only for their
laboratories and are not sold for profit. Reproduction
under any other circumstances, without the written
consent of PASCO scientific, is prohibited.
Limited Warranty
PASCO scientific warrants the product to be free
from defects in materials and workmanship for a
period of one year from the date of shipment to the
customer. PASCO will repair or replace, at its option,
any part of the product which is deemed to be
defective in material or workmanship. The warranty
does not cover damage to the product caused by
abuse or improper use. Determination of whether a
product failure is the result of a manufacturing defect
or improper use by the customer shall be made solely
by PASCO scientific. Responsibility for the return of
equipment for warranty repair belongs to the
customer. Equipment must be properly packed to
prevent damage and shipped postage or freight
prepaid. (Damage caused by improper packing of the
equipment for return shipment will not be covered by
the warranty.) Shipping costs for returning the
equipment after repair will be paid by PASCO
Address: PASCO scientific
10101 Foothills Blvd.
P.O. Box 619011
Roseville, CA 95678-9011
Phone: (916) 786-3800
FAX: (916) 786-3292
Email: techsupp@pasco.com
Web: www.pasco.com