Instruction Sheet
for the PASCO
Model EM-6712
double plug
with resistor
The PASCO EM-6712 400-Turn Detector Coil is useful
in demonstrations of electromagnetic induction. It can be
used in combination with the PASCO EM-6711 Field
Coil to verify Faraday’s Law, as well as to measure the
relationship between the magnitude of the induced electromotive force and the angle of the magnetic field of a
field coil and a pickup coil.
The 400-Turn Detector Coil is a wire coil on one end of
a wand that has two terminals at the other end. The terminals accomodate banana plug contacts, permitting easy
connection of an electric circuit. A standard double plug
with a 10 kΩ resistor is included.
For details of the experiment, see Christopher C. Jones.
Faradays Law apparatus for the freshman laboratory.
Am. J. Phys. 1987; 55(12):11481150.
400 turns, #28 copper wire, approx. .32 mm diameter
Coil Dimensions: inner diameter: 1.9 cm
outer diameter: 3.8 cm
Body material: molded ABS plastic
Total wand length: 35.7 cm
Handle dimensions:width: 1.9 cm; height: 1.25 cm
length: 31.5 cm
Caution: Do not operate at currents
exceeding 625 mA.
© 1996 PASCO scientific

400-Turn Dectector Coil 012-06241B
Limited Warranty
PASCO scientific warrants the product to be free from
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one
year from the date of shipment to the customer. PASCO
will repair or replace, at its option, any part of the product
which is deemed to be defective in material or workmanship. The warranty does not cover damage to the product
caused by abuse or improper use. Determination of
whether a product failure is the result of a manufacturing
defect or improper use by the customer shall be made
solely by PASCO scientific. Responsibility for the return
of equipment for warranty repair belongs to the customer.
Equipment must be properly packed to prevent damage
and shipped postage or freight prepaid. (Damage caused
by improper packing of the equipment for return shipment will not be covered by the warranty.) Shipping
costs for returning the equipment, after repair, will be
paid by PASCO scientific.
Equipment Return
Should the product have to be returned to PASCO scientific, for whatever reason, notify PASCO scientific by
letter or phone BEFORE returning the product. Upon
notification, the return authorization and shipping instructions will be promptly issued.
To Reach PASCO
For technical support, call us at 1-800-772-8700 (toll-free
within the U.S.) or (916) 786-3800.
fax: (916) 786-3292
e-mail: techsupp@pasco.com
web: www.pasco.com