PASCO CI-6526 User Manual

Instruction Sheet for the PASCO Model CI-6526
Type K Temperature Sensor
The PASCO Model CI-6526 Type-K Thermo­couple Temperature Sensor is designed to be used with a PASCO CI com­puter interface or a PASPORT USB interface with an Analog Adapter (PS-2158). A thermocouple works because junctions between dissimi­lar metals or alloys in an electrical circuit give rise to an electromotive force or voltage if they are at different temperatures. This type of thermo­couple is made from a chromel and alumel wire junc­tion.
The tip of the 003-05590 Type-K Thermocouple Probe can withstand temperatures between -180°C and +1260°C. However, the insulation material that covers all but the tip of the sensor has a maximum temperature of +482°C. You can use the sensor to
insulation (maximum
temperature: +482°C)
tip (maximum
temperature: +1260°C)
low zero degrees Celsius. The Type-K Thermocouple can be used in water and mild chemical solutions; but it is well suited for dry measurements.
-200°C) to +10.000 Volts (at +1,000°C).
Temperature Range of
003-05590 Type-K Thermocouple Probe
measure high temperatures such as those in a candle flame if you keep the insulated portion of the sensor out of the flame.
The thermocouple characteristics are fairly linear from zero degrees Celsius up to the maximum temperature with an error less than 3°C ± 3% of the reading over the full range. Note that the error becomes larger be-
Additional Equipment Needed
• Computer Interface such as a PASCO CI inter­face or a PASPORT USB interface with an Ana­log Adapter (PS-2158).
Optional Equipment
• The sensor box accepts any Type-K thermo­couple, such as the CI-6536 High Temperature Type-K Thermocouple Probe. The High Tem­perature Type-K Thermocouple Probe is housed in a 30.5 cm (12”) inconel metal cover (maxi­mum temperature = +1148°C). Therefore, it can be used in an open flame or for other high tem­perature measurements.
Type K Temperature Sensor 012-05563D
Connecting and Using the Sensor
Attach the probe’s two prong connector to the sensor box at the port marked TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE PROBE INPUT. The two prong connector can go into the port only one way because one of the prongs is wider than the other. Connect the 8-pin DIN plug from the sensor box to Analog Channel A, B, or C on the computer interface box.
Touch the bare wire end of the sensor to the object to be measured or place the sensor end into the solution to be measured. To prevent damage to the sensor or the insulating material, the sensor in a flame or put the insulation in contact with a heat source above +482°C.
do not put the insulated part of
put voltage can be converted directly into a tempera­ture. For example, an output voltage of 1.234 Volts equals a temperature of 123.4 °C.
However, you can calibrate the sensor using a two­point calibration process.
To calibrate the sensor you will need an accurate ther­mometer, ice water (0 °C), and boiling water (100 °C).
Calibrating the Sensor Using DataStudio
Assume for this example that the Type-K Thermo­couple Temperature Sensor is connected to Analog Channel A of the interface and that you do not have any other sensors connected to the interface.
Start the DataStudio program. Select “Setup” from the DataStudio toolbar. The interface and sensor should appear in the setup window.
Select “Calibrate Sensors…” from the Experiment Setup toolbar. Be sure that “2 point (Adjust Slope and Offset)” is selected under “Calibration Type”.
Using the Sensor in Mild Chemical Solutions
The Type-K Thermocouple is designed to be used in water and mild chemical solutions when measuring the temperature of a liquid. The bare wire end of the thermocouple has been tested for several minutes in the following chemicals without damage:
acetone sodium hydroxide (lye) household bleach ethylene glycol butyl ether isopropyl alcohol ethylene glycol (antifreeze) naphtha sulfuric acid (battery acid) vinegar glacial acetic acid paradichlorobenzene water
• Carefully rinse off any chemicals after each use.
Using the optional Teflon Sensor Cover
A package of ten Teflon Sensor Covers is available from PASCO (part number CI-6549). See the PASCO catalog for more information.
Use the optional Teflon FEP sensor cover when the thermocouple probe must be placed in strong chemi­cal solutions that may damage the probe.
Calibrating the Sensor
The sensor is designed to produce 0.003 V ± 0.005 V at 0 °C and 10 milliVolts per degree C. Therefore, the sensor does not need to be calibrated. Instead, the out-
Calibration Point #1: Place the bare wire end of the thermocouple in the ice water. Also put the thermom­eter in the ice water. The monitor screen will show the voltage value produced by the sensor. When the ther­mometer reading is almost zero, enter the reading in the “Standard Value” box for Calibration Point 1, then click the “Read From Sensor” button for Calibration Point 1.
Calibration Point #2: Place the sensor and thermom­eter in boiling water. The monitor screen will show the new voltage produced by the sensor. When the ther-
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