Parts Express Stadium PA Installation Instructions Manual

Stadium PA
Installation Instructions
Installing a Stadium / Paging / Announcement PA Package
Providing effective sound reinforcement for your venue is easier than you might think. This guide will help you do it, step by step, BUT if you are unsure about anything, please give us a call at 1-800-338-0531 to speak with a Technical Advisor.
Please read ALL the instructions BEFORE you begin working on the installation, and refer to them as you work through each step. The steps are basically the same for all our various packages, although the amp(s) and speakers (number and/or type) may vary depending on which package you’re using.
First, you’ll want to determine where your components will be installed. Most times, if you’re working in an estab-
lished setting, these choices will be fairly obvious or straightforward. Your amplier and microphone must be housed
in a substantial weatherproof structure, with an electrical outlet, and protected from the elements at all times. If your grandstand, press box, or what have you already exists, this goes without saying. If there is no permanent structure on your site, you may want to consider using a portable PA system.
Speaker placement may (or may not) require a bit more consideration or planning. Depending on your particular situ­ation, mounting the speakers to the top of the grandstand itself may be the best choice, or your only option. You may also have existing poles for lighting, which can typically be used for speakers as well. Of course, if you’re replacing
an existing system, the present mounting locations are often sufcient. The goal is to provide clear audio in the ar­eas where listeners will be present, without “blowing them away,” so to speak. In gure 1, we see a basic 2-speaker
setup, using the grandstand as the mounting location for the two speakers. This strategy (perhaps with minor modi-
cations) will be sufcient for many applications, with the advantage of very short runs for your speaker wire. If your
speakers will be mounted to poles or some other structure, the steps for connecting to the amp remain the same.
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