Illustrated Parts List 2000-05 CD
108 30 00-55
K850 Mark II
K1200 Mark II
503 22 00-01
503 20 00-45
503 20 00-08
506 05 71-03
506 07 18-02
503 23 01-04
506 07 01-03
506 07 08-01
506 03 62-01
506 02 84-01
506 03 62-02
506 03 62-04
506 03 45-01
503 20 00-03
503 20 00-01
505 26 21-72
505 26 78-79
506 07 06-01
506 01 31-01
506 14 32-02
Ø 20 506 03 95-20
7/8” Ø 22.2 506 03 95-22
1” Ø 25.4506 03 95-25
Ø 30.5506 02 88-30
506 02 85-72
506 07 07-01
12” 506 02 87-01
14”, 16” 506 07 09-01
506 13 95-11
506 13 96-01
506 26 75-01
503 25 22-01
503 25 22-01
503 20 00-08
506 05 69-01
505 30 24-15
505 27 57-00
505 26 72-90
506 07 05-02 (Belt)
505 29 41-12
505 26 59-03
505 26 58-15
Clutch compl.
505 30 32-50
Clutch shoe
505 30 32-12
503 20 00-05
506 09 65-01
Cylinder compl.
505 34 12-65
506 09 62-01 0,5 mm
Piston Complete
505 34 12-67
503 28 90-24
737 43 12-00
Note: All parts interchange with the model K850 Mark II except:
Piston Complete K850 (52 mm bore) 505 34 08-12
Piston Ring K850 503 28 90-19
See Page 3 for clutch
drum part #’s
506 07 40-02
Oiled Filter
503 20 00-12
506 07 63-01
505 31 04-39
506 22 88-01
503 49 08-01
505 27 91-89
505 39 75-77
505 39 75-73
506 14 40-01
505 34 12-23
505 31 55-70
505 31 55-30
Paper Filter
506 21 23-01
506 07 61-01
506 09 77-01
506 09 76-01
506 09 78-01
506 07 64-01
503 20 00-12
505 26 92-76
506 09 64-01
725 53 33-55
735 11 46-50
506 09 63-01
505 31 66-21
506 14 02-01
505 27 08-20
721 42 58-20
505 26 94-43
503 40 18-01
503 21 28-10
503 20 00-21
505 35 02-50
505 27 95-17
735 58 18-00
505 26 94-21
503 20 00-03
505 27 95-07
503 17 99-01
503 40 17-01
506 14 01-01
503 15 59-02
503 20 00-03
503 20 00-01
503 23 00-11
505 26 76-73
505 27 91-03
505 29 56-14
503 20 00-01
505 34 07-54
505 27 91-04
503 20 00-08
505 27 95-11
503 20 00-01
506 07 45-01
506 07 46-01
735 88 06-00
505 30 23-31
503 25 00-02
503 20 00-17
505 35 04-15
503 20 00-03
503 22 65-04
503 20 00-10
506 14 72-04
503 20 00-03
505 31 55-67
506 07 65-02
503 40 13-02
”Old” seal
505 27 20-87
506 05 68-02
Crankshaft compl.
506 14 12-01
(does not include bearings)
Note: When installing, place the
tapered side of the inside bearing
race towards the counter weight.
For assembly instructions see
”TechTips” number 4-4