Photon Dat asheet v011
3.2 Pin description
Pin De script ion
VIN This pin can be used as an input or output. As an input, supply 3.6 to 5.5VDC t o power t he Photon. When the
Photon is powered via the USB port, t his pin will output a voltag e of approximat ely 4.8VDC due to a
reverse polarity prot ection series schottky diode between VUSB and VIN. When used as an output, t he max
load on VIN is 1A.
RST Act ive-low reset input. On-board circuitry cont ains a 1k ohm pull-up resistor between RST and 3V3, and
0.1uF capacitor between RST and GND.
VBAT Supply to the internal RTC, backup registers and SRAM when 3V3 not present (1.65 to 3.6VDC).
3V3 T his pin is the out put of the o n-board reg ulator and is internally connected to the VDD of the WiFi module.
When powering the Photo n via VIN or the USB port, this pin will output a voltag e of 3.3VDC. This pin can
also be used to power the Phot on directly (max input 3.3VDC). When used as an output, the max load on
3V3 is 100mA. NOTE: When powering the Photon via this pin, ensure power is disconnect ed from VIN and
WKP Active-high wakeup pin, wakes the module f rom sleep/standby modes. When not used as a WAKEUP, this
pin can also be used as a digital GPIO, ADC input or PWM.
D0~D7 Digital only GPIO pins.
A0~A9 12-bit Analog -to-Digital (A/D) inputs (0-4095), and also digital GPIOs. A6 and A7 are co de convenience
mappings, which means pins are not actually labeled as such but you may use code like analogRead(A7) .
A6 maps t o the DAC pin and A7 maps to the WKP pin.
DAC 12-bit Digital-to-Analog (D/A) out put (0-4 095), and also a digital GPIO. DAC is used as DAC1 in sof tware,
and A5 is a second DAC out put used as DAC2 in sof tware.
RX Primarily used as UART RX, but can also be used as a digital GPIO or PWM.
TX Primarily used as UART TX, but can also be used as a digital GPIO or PWM.